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1st SEMESTER AY 2023-2024
Carmela M. Ventura
Ariane D. Villadarez
Sandi May J. Ventura
Raquel P. Mefania
Jinky A. Tencio
Alyssa A. Almonia
Joed S. Valdez
Romarc Pascual
Elmer U. Zonio
Background of the Study ( Research Gap )
Quality control of onions is vital,
if there no existing quality control.
There are negative conditions that arise
resulting to rejection, sales will decrease.
Investigate the effectiveness of quality control
this determine the sales of onions.
Objectives of the Study
1. Aims to investigate quality control effectiveness,
determining the extent of quality challenges.
2. Measure the extent quality control practices,
of onion producer in San Jose.
3. Quality challenges and control practices relationship,
in producing quality standard of onions.
Significance of the Study
This study could provide efficient information
and practices that will benefit the onion
farmers and consumers, to enhance student
knowledge, community awareness, future
researchers and concerned government
Conceptual Framework
The quality control practices will be
the pre-sales inspection, regular quality check,
gentle handling and storage condition. The
challenges will be the sales performance,
improve quality standard and post-harvest
Statement of Hypothesis
There is no significant relationship between
quality challenges and quality control
practices of onion producers in San Jose,
Occidental Mindoro.
Study Design
This research uses a quantitative case
study design.

Study Setting
This study takes place in four
specific Barangay’s within San Jose,
Occidental Mindoro (Murtha, La Curva,
Bayotbot and Magbay).
Respondents of the Study
The respondents are selected onion farmers in San
Jose, Occidental Mindoro.
Unit of Analysis and Sampling
This study focuses on individual onion
farmers to provide detailed insights into
the effectiveness of quality control measures.

Research Instrument
The researchers used Likert’s format for
the questionnaire to gather data.
Data Processing and Analysis
1. Weighted Mean demonstrates a unique location
in an object or system.
2. Standard Deviation helps to calculate the
quality attribute data and assess the variability.
3. Kendall's Tau is to analyze the relationships
between quality attributes.
Scope and Limitation
This study will focus farmers of
onion in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
the respondents shall be farmers of
onion who have quality control management.

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