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Romania and his Street food:

Made by:
Florian ili
• Romania is a country of the eastern europe, with a population of around 19 million of people
and an area of 238,397 km2, Romania was formed in 1859 through a personal union of
the Danubian Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. There you have an ethnic distribution
of the number of Romanians around the world:
Then, if you are visiting romania and suddenly you get very hungry, get chilled, because you
have a lot of street foods in Romania to eat if that is gonna happening to you, There you have the
top 3 Romanian street foods you can find around your visit:

• 3.Frigărui: Romanian kebab, or frigărui in Romanian, is typically made with chicken

breasts that are marinated overnight and then grilled on their own or along with vegetables.
This dish can also be prepared with other kinds of meat, such as pork, beef, ham, or bacon. The
meat of choice is usually cut into cubes and assembled on skewers on its own or with cubed
vegetables, typically peppers, tomatoes, or mushrooms, and it is usually accompanied by a
traditional garlic sauce called mușdei de usturoi.
• 2.Cașcaval pane: Kashkaval pane is the name for Bulgarian fried cheese. It's made by breading
and frying yellow kashkaval cheese. This cheese is semi-hard in texture, and it's especially
well-suited for cooking, grating, and melting. Kashkaval pane is often served as an appetizer in
pubs or a street food item that's beloved for its portability. In Romania, the dish is known
as Cașcaval pane and it's traditionally accompanied by fried/mashed potatoes, or mamaliga.
• 1.Covrigi: Often dubbed as Romanian pretzels, covrigi are prepared with leavened dough that
is twisted into the shape of a pretzel. Before they are baked, covrigi are usually sprinkled with
salt, sesame, or poppy seeds, while modern variations also include various fillings such as
cheese, jams, fruit, chocolate, or walnuts.
The End :D

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