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Negative Effects of Divorce

Family conflicts arise as a result

of divorce. Adolescents suffer.
Economic problem is associated as
one of its negative effects. The
family experienced a low standard of
living. Adolescents from divorced
families experience peer problems.
Properties of a
Read the following text:

My favorite painting is “The Weeping Woman”

by Pablo Picasso, which is an intriguing
painting that symbolizes suffering. As a result, I
love bright primary colors, so I wear a lot of
shocking yellows, blues, and reds. Also, as an
outgoing person, I enjoy performing for large
crowds. In the end, people should not judge an
artist’s talent based on one standard.
Connecting words in the text suggest a sequence
of ideas that the writer wants to convey. “As a result”
implies an effect of the previous statement while “in
the end” indicates the conclusion. However, the writer
jumps from one topic to another resulting in a lack of
cohesion. For instance, the writer talks about his or
her favourite colors “as a result” of Picasso’s painting
even though they are not connected in any way. It can
be inferred that the choice of favourite colors was
inspired by the colors of the painting, but the writer
does not make this clear.
Text organization makes a text easy
to read. It prevents the reader from
becoming confused by a jumble of
words, sentences, and paragraphs
that are in no particular order.
For a text to be well-written, one must keep
in mind one of its properties.

1. Coherence and cohesion

Coherence – by coherence we mean that
every part of a composition must
contribute to one main unifying thought,
which means that the various parts of a
text must follow one another in an order
which makes their relationship clear.

Cohesion- means that the overall text has

Cohesion (text-internal links)
Words and phrases used in a
statement stick together or
lead to the flow of ideas in the
succeeding statements.
Coherence (text-external relevance)
-Is the over all understanding of what you say or
write. It refers to the logic of ideas and how such
ideas are presented, rather than the language used
to explain or express them.

-It makes sure that each phrase, sentence and

paragraph contributes to the overall meaning of an
entire piece.
Common transitional words and expressions to help you connect
words and sentences smoothly and produce a coherent and
cohesive text.
Addition Cause-Effect
And, also, furthermore, moreover, As a result, then, therefore, thus,
besides, in addition, first, second, etc. consequently, for this reason, hence, so

Comparison Place
Likewise, similarly, in the same way In back of, above, alongside, beneath,
beyond, under
Contrast Emphasis
But, on the contrary, on the other hand, Definitely, indeed, in fact, no, yes
however, nevertheless, still, yet
Example Restatement
To illustrate, as an example, In short, in other words, in simpler
For instance, particularly, specifically terms, that is
Time Conclusion and Summary
Recently, meanwhile, at the same time, Thus, in conclusion, finally, to
currently summarize, and so
Tips on Happiness
There are a lot of suggestions on how to attain
happiness. One is to have a positive disposition.
Always count your blessings and find contentment in
your possession. Put God first and make him the
center of your life. Never compare yourself with
others. Socialize with cheerful people. Spend quality
time with your loved ones. If you follow these
suggestions you will experience happiness and won’t
regret adhering to these tips throughout the rest of
your life.
Coherence in paragraph
Directions: Read each of the following
paragraphs. Identify which sentence
that does not belong in each
paragraph, to make it more coherent
and cohesive.
1. Oceans and lakes have much in common, but
they are also quite different. Both are bodies of
water, but oceans are very large bodies of salt
water, while lakes are much smaller bodies of
fresh water. Lakes are usually surrounded by land,
while oceans are what surround continents. Both
have plants and animals living in them. The ocean
is home to the largest animals on the planet,
whereas lakes support much smaller forms of life.
When it is time for a vacation, both will make a
great place to visit and enjoy. I want to swim in
the lake.
2. Sunset is the time of day when our sky meets the
outer space solar winds. There are blue, pink, and
purple swirls, spinning and twisting, like clouds of
balloons caught in a blender. Sunset is the opposite
of sunrise. The sun moves slowly to hide behind the
line of horizon, while the moon races to take its
place in prominence atop the night sky. People slow
to a crawl, entranced, fully forgetting the deeds that
still must be done. There is a coolness, a calmness,
when the sun does set.
3. Here is the perfect system for cleaning your room.
First, move all of the items that do not have a
proper place to the center of the room. Get rid of at
least five things that you have not used within the
last year. Take out all of the trash, and place all of
the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink. Now find a
location for each of the items you had placed in the
center of the room, for any remaining items, see if
you can squeeze them in under your bed or stuff
them into the back of your closet. 5s is a Japanese
cleaning system.
Direction: Come up with a coherent paragraph by arranging the following
jumbled sentences.
• In these areas, 70 % of the agricultural land suffers from dryness and
lack of irrigation.
• As a result, the crops are usually marginal with hardly enough
production to feed the farmer’s family.
• The first fact to consider is that over 60% of the population lives in
rural communities.
• In my country, one of the most urgent problems facing the
government today relates to agriculture.
• And without irrigation, agricultural production is wholly dependent on
the uncertain rainfall.
• To understand the nature of this problem, one has to look at some
• To solve the problem of
overpopulation, he devised a great
war, which would sweep like a
conflagration over Greece.
• This was the Trojan war.
• Zeus, the ruler of the gods, seemed
to have realized that the earth was
getting terribly overcrowded.
 We brought freshly made ham sandwiches,
apple pie and ice cold lemonade.
We couldn’t believe this hungry squirrel
had invited himself to our family picnic!
Last summer, my family went on an
amazing picnic in a park.
Suddenly this small squirrel grabbed my
delicious piece of pie off my plate.
While we enjoyed our picnic lunch under
the tree, a small gray squirrel crawled to us.
First, children should be active, so playing
outside is better than playing video games.
Children should not play video games.
Secondly, many video games are violent.
In conclusion, many activities are better for
children than playing video games.
Finally, time spent playing video games
could be spent reading or spending time
with friends and family.

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