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START Teacher :Isa P.

Business English

do close the
drink does Ricardo comes
don't use
do you do
live it
takes takes
does this word means
doesn't do

She does not sit in a chair

Do you read a book?
Mary like apples.
My dog does not play with a ball.
What is a business management?
A business management degree prepares you for a career in business, which can apply to
any sector or industry. Try to decide on the area you want to work in and aim to get relevant
work experience.

You can gain experience at university through extracurricular activities, such as club
membership or taking a role on a society that will develop your team-building, business or
finance skills. You could also try to get a part-time job in an area related to your chosen
career. Something that provides commercial skills or gives you knowledge in business
functions and how organisations operate will be helpful.
About myself
• I am a single, successful businesswoman. My day starts off with me waking to the
sound of my alarm at 5:30 in the morning. Then I go downstairs (I live in a two-story
apartment to start my coffee maker. Then I go back upstairs to brush my teeth and wash
my face. Then I would run on the treadmill for twenty minutes, making sure that I sweat
as I think about the tasks of the day. After running on the treadmill, I go to take a shower
and come downstairs to drink a dark cup of black coffee while I read the headlines of
the newspaper. I am a woman who is up-to-date with what is happening in my
community and in the rest of the world. After coffee, I go back upstairs to put on the suit
that I had ironed the night before. Then I go to my car precisely at 6:45. It takes me
around ten minutes to get to work, leaving me five minutes to reach my office. The
previous description of my life seems like an excerpt from the life of a person who is
OCD but in my mind, a successful businesswoman is a person of order and
preciseness. She should have control of her life and surroundings… similar to the
master of the universe… but the difference between Sherman from “The Bonfire of the
Vanities” and me is that I know my boundaries while Sherman went after whatever he
wanted. I know this “awareness of boundaries characteristic” doesn’t make me the ideal
candidate for being the “Master of the Universe” but I am able to take positive aspects
of that concept and apply them in my life.
sailed cried dropped invited
shouted skated
danced danced
climbed closed

wasn’t The car was not red.

Maria was not French.
I was not surprised.
were They were not in the club
was You were not an actress.


Catalina Estévez Ricardo Salinas Greta Jones

Hello, my name is Catalina Estevez, and I’m Hello my name is Ricardo Salinas, and I My name is Greta Jones, and I'm a
an accountant. I work in accounting at represent a clothing company called Free Air passionate social media manager. “'ve been
Salinas S.A Designs as a marketing coordinator. a professional social media manager for the
I have worked in this field for over five past five years after graduating with my
years and can contribute significantly to the I came across your Instagram profile while I bachelor’s degree in communications from
company’s growth. was searching through my Top Posts page. I New York University. I’ve led teams that
I know you’re reading this because you think you have a keen eye for social media handled high-profile clients and improved
need help with your finances and are development, and I enjoy your style. I was their sales margins by upwards of 4%.
looking for someone who can help you with wondering if you’d be interested in
your needs. If this sounds like something collaborating on a few targeted posts “I’ve always admired your organization’s
that interests you, don’t hesitate to contact involving Free Air Designs. Let me know if mission, and I’d love to be able to use my
me at SE@gmail.com you’d be interested in talking more. leadership skills and industry knowledge to
further it.”
http://saberingles.com.ar › exercises


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