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Needs Assessment
Learning Objectives
Learning Styles
Delivery Mode
Delivery Style OVERVIEW
Audience Consideration
Content Development
Communication of Training

Measuring Effectiveness n

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The first step in the training process is to assess what the organization need in terms of training the employees.

The need for training could be identified through a diagnosis of present and future challenges and through a

gap between the employee’s actual performance and the standard performance. There are three levels of

training needs assessment:

a. Organizational assessment

In this sort of needs assessment, we are able to determine the talents, knowledge, and abilities a corporation

has to meet its strategic objectives. This sort of assessment considers things like changing demographics and

technological trends. Overall, this sort of assessment looks at how the organization as an entire can handle its
weaknesses while promoting strengths.

b. Occupational (task)

assessment This type of assessment looks at the precise tasks, skills knowledge, and skills required to try and

do jobs within the organization.

c. Individual assessment

An individual assessment looks at the performance of a personal employee and determines what training

should be accomplished for that individual.

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After determined what type of training should occur, learning objectives for
the training should be set. A learning objective is what you want the learner
to be able to do, explain, or demonstrate at the end of the training period.
Good learning objectives are performance based and clear, and the end
result of the learning objective can be observable or measured in some way.
Examples of learning objectives might include the following:

1. Be able to explain the company policy on sexual

harassment and give examples of sexual harassment.
2. Be able to show the proper way to take a customer’s
3. Perform a variety of customer needs analyses using
company software. LEARNING
4. Understand and utilize the new expense-tracking
software. OBJECTIVES
5. Explain the safety procedure in handling chemicals.
6. Be able to explain the types of communication styles
and strategies to effectively deal with each style.
7. Demonstrate ethics when handling customer
complaints. 8.
8. Be able to effectively delegate to employees. Once we
have set our learning objectives, we can utilize
information on learning styles to then determine the Contoso
best delivery mode for our training. 4
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Understanding learning styles is an important component to any training program. For our purposes, we will utilize a widely accepted
learning style model. Recent research has shown that classifying people into learning styles may not be the best way to determine a
style, and most people have a different style depending on the information being taught. An effective trainer tries to develop training to
meet the three different learning styles:

Visual learner. Auditory learner. Kinesthetic learner.

A visual learner usually has a clear An auditory learner learns by sound. A kinesthetic learner learns by
“picture” of an experience. A visual An auditory learner might say, “If I developing feelings toward an
learner often says things such as “I can hear you right”. The auditory learner experience. These types of learners
see what you are saying.” A visual will learn by listening to a lecture or to tend to learn by doing rather than
learner is best reached using graphics, someone explaining how to do listening or seeing someone else do it.
pictures, and figures. something. This type of learner will often say
things such as “This feels right.”

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On-the-Job Coaching Training Delivery

On-the-job coaching is one way to facilitate employee skills training. On-the-job coaching refers to an
approved person training an employee on the skills necessary to complete tasks. A manager or someone with
experience shows the employee how to perform the actual job. The selection of an on-the-job coach can be
done in a variety of ways, but usually the coach is selected based on personality, skills, and knowledge. This
type of skills training is normally facilitated in-house.

Mentoring Training Delivery

Mentoring is also a type of training delivery. A mentor is a trusted, experienced advisor who has direct
investment in the development of an employee. Mentoring is a process by which an employee can be trained
and developed by an experienced person. Normally, mentoring is used as a continuing method to train and
develop an employee.

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Transport Per Day 80 4 Days RM320

Training Materials Per Person 5 40 Person RM200

Accomondation Cost Per day and Room 150 20 Days / 10 Rooms RM3,000

Eat And Drink Per Person 150 4 Days / 4 Person RM2,400

Total RM5,920

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Taking into consideration the delivery method, what is the best style to deliver this training?
It’s also important to keep in mind that most people don’t learn through “death by
PowerPoint”; they learn in a variety of ways, such as auditory, kinesthetic, or visual.
Considering this, what kinds of ice breakers, breakout discussions, and activities can you
incorporate to make the training as interactive as possible? Role plays and other games can
make the training fun for employees. Many trainers implement online videos, podcasts, and
other interactive media in their training sessions. This ensures different learning styles are
met and also makes the training more interesting

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Taking into consideration the delivery method, what is the best style to
deliver this training? It’s also important to keep in mind that most people
don’t learn through “death by PowerPoint”; they learn in a variety of ways,
such as auditory, kinesthetic, or visual. Considering this, what kinds of ice
breakers, breakout discussions , and activities can you incorporate to make
the training as looks more interactive as possible? Role plays and other games
can make the training fun for employees and not bored for them to undergo
training . Thats why many trainers implement online videos, podcasts, and
other interactive media in their training sessions. For example, make an
interesting video so that they are comfortable in the exercise. This ensures
different learning styles are met and also makes the training more interesting
for them .

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Content development
I. The content you would like to deliver I maybe one amongst the foremost important
parts in raining and one in every of the foremost time-consuming to develop.
Development of learning objectives or those belongings you want your learners to
understand after the training makes for a more focused training. Think about learning
objectives as goals.II.
II. Be able to utilize the team decision process model.III.
III. Understand the definition of sexual harassment and be able to recognize sexual
harassment within the workplace.iv. Be able to define and explain the handling of
hazardous materials within the workplace. Iv)
IV. Understand and be ready to explain the corporate politicies and structure. After you've
got developed the objectives and goals, you'll be able to begin to develop the content of
the training. Consideration of the training methods you may use, like discussion and role
playing are outlined in your content area. Development of content usually requires a
development of learning objectives so a short outline of the foremost topics you want to
hide. Thereupon outline, you'll be able to 'fill in' main topics with information.
Supported this information, you'll develop modules or PowerPoint slides, activities,
discussion questions and other learning techniques.

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Large Image Slide TIMELINES

- For some varieties of training , timelines also needed to make

sure the coaching has been done .Typically , this can be often the
case for safety coaching and the training ought to be done before
the worker starts . Another thought relating to time lines is what
proportion time you're thinking that you wish to relinquish the
coaching , once you have got developed your training content ,
you may probably have an honest plan on however long it'll want
deliver it . Developing a dependable coaching schedule permits for
higher communication to your employees , ends up in fewer
communication problems encompassing training , and permits all
workers to set up ahead to attend training
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Developing strong communication skills is essential

when it comes to building a successful career . But
your communication skills play a key role in your
private life too . Learn about the most in-demand
communication skills and how to improve them. -
Successful communication helps us better
understand people and situations . It helps us
overcome diversities , build trust and respect , and
create conditions for sharing creative ideas and
solving problems Contoso 12
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- After we have completed the training , we want to make sure our training
objectives were met . One model to measure effectiveness of training is
the Kirkpatrick model , Donald Kirkpartrick , Evaluating Training
Programs , 3rd ed .( San Francisco: Berrett - Koehler , 2006). Developed
in the 1950s . His model has four levels :
- REACTION - Employees will pay attention during training - Employees
do not easily feel drowsy while listening to training briefings .-
Employees do not feel bored and want to play their mobile phones while
training .
- LEARNING- Can increase employee knowledge and skills .- Be able to
answer the questions asked Accurately .-The answer by the employees
also be correct and accurate - Can improve existing skills to be better .-
Raised to do work immedietly .
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