Consumer Organization Movement

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• The consumer movement is an effort to promote consumer protection
through an organized social movement, which is in many places led by
consumer organization.
• They consist of individuals and organizations that advocate for the rigths
and welfare of consumers, especially when those rights are violated by
corporations and governments.
The important objectives of the consumer
movements as are follows:
1. To restore the balance in the buyer seller relations in
the market place.
2. To protect and promote the consumer interest.
3. To safeguard consumer rights.
4. To prevent consumer exploitation by unscrupulous
5. Topresent consumer interest before the government and
pressurise the government to provide a meaningful consumer
protection through proper legislation.
6. To organize consumer resistance against unfair trade
practice and create a strong public opinion in favour of fair
trade practices.
7. To collaborate with government and business centres for
consumer protection.
8. To undertake programmes of consumer education.
9.To ensure consumer oriented practices of marketing
programme by business enterprises.
10. To redress the affected consumer through
government and non government organizations.
Hindrances to growth of the
• Lack of leadership and management
• Illiteracy
• Multi- lingual, multi- cultured nature on the citizens
• Dearth of adequate resources(financial)to organize the
movement at the national level.
• Attitude of people non-cooperation (no solidarity).
Eborda, Mylyn Q.

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