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Empaty map and Experience map

Enrico Bonfante

Our customers need a better way to:

The objective is to enroll new students (mainly children) to the music school.
To do that we believe that parents should understand how relevant is music (playing musical instrument)
for the education of their children but also for the wellbeing of the adults. Besides the children should be
convinced that playing a musical instrument is fun and joy

It is demonstrated that music (playing an instrument) is important for the development of children:
their social skills, brainpower, and to give them confidence. There is also a clear link between music
and their emotional development, the overall literacy.
Also mental benefit for the adults are demonstrated.
Unfortunately there is no awareness about it among the population. Only 7-10% of the population
plays an instrument at amateur level.

Take some notes here about how you plan to collect the information you’ll
need for your empathy map:

• Interview colleagues and friends

• read forums
• explore social networks
• listen to other parents
• ask children who play an instrument

Iniziamo creando un profilo del nostro pubblico, 3 personas che

rappresentano segmenti diversi

Matteo, 7 y.o. looking for some
hobby. Lives in a busy city. His
parents have a good and stable job,
one of them is a professional. He
• Alice, female 35 y.o, music lover. likes music but has no specific • Marco, male 40 y.o, music lover,
She’s independent, interested in preference for genres or played an instrument in his youth.
music, travels, design and new He’s a professional, working long
instrument, even if some friends
trends. Can use tecnology every day. Interested in
started taking music lessons and technology, travels, wellbeing.
(internet, socials) to get informed he’s getting interested.
about specific topics. Abitily to Interested in music culture and
deep dive and understand new trends. Has university degree
complex concept. Trust in science. and good discretionary spending.
Higher education and higher He has 2 children and is involved
discretionary spending. Not in their education even if his wife
oriented in mainstream music is the one who takes the initiative.
(cheap commercial music). She He cares about the future of her
has 2 children and is involved in children and consider how to help
their education. She cares about them in being successful. He
the future of her children and might start playing an instrument
consider how to help them in and consider
Thinking Seeing Confidential

- It's- I am interested in my children future and wellbeing

- I'd like to play an instrument but have no free time - Streaming concerts on the social network
- I am too old to start playing a musical instrument but it - adv of online music lessons
the right time for my children - brochure of the local music school
- I do not have any music school close to my house should I - live concerts during summer time
consider online lessons? - lots of musician trying to make ends meet
- Music is just a nice hobby, there are other activities I can - some friend's daughter/ son taking lessons of music
do for my mental health - few friends playing an instrument
- I'd like my child to play an instrument but it is too - Sales of musical instrument, visible during Christmas time
expensive - my child already has other hobbies - Rarely, TV programs with live music
(sport ,friends etc)
- music in hardly a job, you get not much money with it - YouTube is plenty of music videos
- it takes longtime to learn playing dIt's ex

Doing Feeling

-Talk to friends who have children that play an instrument

-Meet with friends that play a musical instrument
-Talk to the music teacher at the public school Overwhelmed by work, daily routine
-Getting interested in how to make your children happy and Frustrated by lack of time
more successful as an adult Excited by the idea of starting a new hobby
-Check on the Internet why children or adults should play Excited by the idea of meeting new people
an instrument , what are the mental benefit Proud of having a son/daughter that plays an instrument
- Read interviews of inspiring artists Bored by the longtime needed to learn playing the guitar
- Search for hobbies and activities in the nearby Disappointed because I prefer doing sport than staying
- Search for online lessons indoor to study music
-Watch/ listen to music on youtube Concerned about the education of their children
-flook for live concerts in the nearby
-Watch streaming concerts

How Does the prospect find you? Does she initiate you or do you?

Digital Touchpoints
• - Social network (Facebook , Instagram)
• - Website.
• - Blog
• - Google ads

Physical touch points

• - Word of mouth
• - Leaflet
• - Info in the music store

What does the sales process look like today? Anything you know should be fixed?

• the real competitors of music education are sports, e-sports, gaming and social network that look more
entertaining, engaging and tend to capture the attention of kids and adults.
• Music Education has, at first glance,a weak impact on those who are not aware of the benefit of music
and of how entertaining can be. Need more inspiring and engaging communication that brings people
to experience the the benefit of music.

What kinds of web-findable content (blog, YouTube channel, podcast, etc.)

are available to the prospect so she can begin to educate herself about your
product or service? What questions are answered? How will that content be
crafted to be both interesting and useful/relevant to the prospect’s problems?

• The website explain the service (music lessons) the history of the company, the uniqueness of the
education system and the different courses available. There is also a short explanation of the benefit
(wellbeing) of playing an instrument. A school locater shows the closest school. Prices are not displayed
• The blog , targets adults and parents 25 - 50 y.o. The blog include interviews to pedagogues that explain
the benefit of music for children.Music therapyst explaing how music can positively affect youngs and
adults, and also be used as a treatment in specific diseases. We have interviews to artist that can inspire
people to start playing. We have also some educational content for children (videos that want to be also a
"give a break - saviour" for parents). Currently working on a series of podcast for children. Also started a
partnership with university to develop new scientific researches that demonstrate the positive effect of
music on the capacity of children to express themselves (verbal and written communication)

What motivates the prospect to raise her hand for permission-based

content, like an opt-in email list? What makes taking that action irresistible
for her?

• The motivation come from the possibility to access to special contents as:
• - free trial lesson voucher
• - discount voucher
• - exclusive educational content.

What does the prospect need to know in order to make an informed

decision to buy?

• - what the uniqueness of the educational program of our school

• - what are the benefit (mental , social ) of learning music
• - how long will it take to learn an instrument
• - price of the course
• - the cost of the musical instrument
• - possibility to customize the lesson and the calendar of the lessons

What does she need to believe and experience in order to be delighted to

become a client or customer?

• - The experience should be unique-

• - touch-points with clear information about the service
• - customization of the service
• - Customer service available and warm
• - Visible results
• - Reasonable price

What does the actual purchasing experience look like? What are the steps?
How could that process be made simpler and more enjoyable?

• - Interested people and parents look for information on the internet about which hobby could be
beneficial for them and their children
• -They find information about how music is important for adults and children and all the psychological,
social and mental benefit of playing an instrument
• - They start consider which musical instrument they/their child may want to learn
• - Reach one of the touchpoints (website, social network) and find, in the school locator, the closest
• - Join one of the open days where information about the courses are provided by the teachers
• - Call/write an email to the school to fix a trial lesson
• - After the trial lesson subscribe to the annual course

What happens immediately after the purchase is made?

• The school provide the calendar of the lessons and the program inviting the parents to attend
(especially with toddlers)
• The school provide a voucher/discount to purchase the instrument
• The student must purchase the instrument
• Start lessons

How is the product or service delivered today? How could you make that
experience more satisfying for this avatar?

• There are group lessons where children learn singing and playing music with others and followed by
experienced teachers. All in a warm and safe environment. Parents receive continuous feedback from
the teachers about their children progress.
• A more satisfying experience could come for example:
• - online lessons for children that occasionally cannot attend
• - online support to support the children homeworks.
• - online review meeting with the parents (do not need to move from their home).
• - educational video on YouTube (kids) to support the development of students and to generate
awareness on non studends (potential future students)
• - summer/winter camp to build good relationships among students and parents improving they music
• - create a forum online where parents can exchange opinions and advices about their children
• - organize through the year seminars (live and online) for parents with expertise like doctors,
psychologists and pedagogues

What is the plan for staying in touch with this new customer? For ensuring
that she’s having an excellent experience with your product or service?

• - Newsletter for with educational tips, advises from pedagogues and music-therapysts on hot to
improve their / their children's education and mental health
• - Survey to understand their satisfaction and suggestion for improvement

How does a delighted customer find out how to refer you to others? What
are the steps of that experience?

• - Word of mouth
• - Can invite others to the open days
• - Can share information on social network

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