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Bicycle lane

Bicycle stand
Bus lane
Bus station
Bus stop
Parking garage
Green space
Parking space
Recycling system
Subway stop
Subway station
Taxi lane
Taxi stand
Traffic light
Traffic jam
Train station
Train stop
Compound Nouns

Noun+ Noun= Compound Noun

First noun= What kind of object it is

Second Noun= Tells us what it is

Bus + station= Bus station

Expressions of quantity
Count Nouns vs. Noncount Nouns

Count Nouns
• What are Count Nouns?

-They are nouns you can count.

-Separate and distinct units.

Ex. Table, apple, finger, teacher

Count Nouns generally end with a “S”

Count Nouns vs. Noncount Nouns

Noncount Nouns
• They are nouns you can’t count.

Examples: furniture, pollution, weather, anger.

Noncount nouns do not end with a “s”.

Adverbs of Quantity

Count Nouns
• Too many: There are too many cars.

• Fewer: There should be fewer cars.

• More: we need more streetlights.

• Enough: There aren’t enough police officers.

Adverbs of Quantity

Noncount Nouns

• Too much: There is too much pollution.

• Less: There should be less pollution.

• More: we need more public transportation.

• Enough: There isn’t enough parking.

Indirect Questions- “Wh” questions

Indirect= Polite
Word order is the same as answering.

Direct= Where is the bank?
Indirect= Could you tell me where the bank is?
Direct= Where are the rest rooms?

Indirect= Do you know where the rest rooms are?

Direct=How often do the busses leave?

Indirect= Can you tell me how often the buses leave?

Direct= Where does Sally live?

Indirect= Do you know where Sally lives?

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