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Resolution vs.
What’s the Difference?

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Conflict Management vs.

Conflict Resolution
C o n fl i c t i s s u r e t o b e c o m e a p p a r e n t a t s o m e p o i n t o r
another in any organization. It is important to recognize
a n d p u r p o s e f u l l y o r c h e s t r a t e c o n fl i c t r e s o l u t i o n a n d / o r
c o n fl i c t m a n a g e m e n t w h i l e k e e p i n g i n m i n d t h e d i ff e r e n c e s
between the two.

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Click to Management
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• Conflict management is the ongoing process of addressing and
handling chronic issues in a relationship. It aims to minimize
the negative impact of the conflict and maintain a functional
• Conflict management does not resolve conflicts, terminate, or
reduce them – at least it isn’t directly meant to. Conflict
management is about the designing of strategies that aim to
minimize dysfunctional conflict and maximize functional or
constructive conflict.
• Usually, the end goal of conflict management is better
learning, updated systems or processes, and a more open-
minded culture within your organization. All of which are
inherently positive and useful factors to organizational life.

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Click to Resolution
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• Conflict resolution, on the other hand, specifically focuses
on finding a final solution for a solvable conflict. It aims to
address the root causes of the issue, find a mutually
satisfactory solution to the problem, eliminate conflict, and
restore harmony in the relationship.
• In the Change Manager’s Handbook, conflict resolution is
defined as the reduction, termination, or elimination of
conflict. Sounds simple enough. It is valuable where
conflict may have an entirely negative impact, but that is
the key consideration.
• Conflict does not always have an entirely negative impact.
• In many ways, conflict can be good for the progress of an
organization. Learning how and why this occurs is critical.

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Conflict Management vs. Conflict Resolution

Applicable to solvable problems
chronic issues
a definitive solution
ongoing management
Aims to eliminate
minimize the
the conflict
effects of the conflict
theharmony to thefunctional
relationship relationship

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Click Resolve
style To Manage

Conflict Resolution Key Points Benefits of Conflict Management

1. Get both sides of the story without bias, listen 1. Increased Understanding
carefully. 2. Improved Self-Awareness
2. Focus on events and behavior, NOT personalities. 3. Improved Trust (through mutual consideration)
3. Identify the main points of disagreement. Where 4. Improved Creativity (togetherness; more minds and
are the values set? ideas)
4. Focus on one area of conflict at a time. 5. Improved Group Cohesion
5. Create a plan to resolve conflict.
6. Stick to the plan.

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Conflict Management vs. Conflict Resolution: What's the Difference? (verywellmi
Conflict: Resolution vs. Management. What's the Difference? – Denison Digital M
arketing (

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