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1. Identify the pinned area and determine the side
2. Name the structures present in the pinned area in ORDER
1. Hilum of left kidney
2. Structure present in hilum in order(from
anterior to posterior)
Renal vein
Renal artery
Renal pelvis
1. Identify the pinned structure.
2. Give its content.
1. Renal sinus
2. Contents
Branch of renal artery
Tributaries of renal vein
Major and minor calyxes indented by 1to3
renal papilla
1. Identify the pinned structure
2. Give its blood supply.
1. Right and left suprarenal glands
2. Blood supply
Arterial supply
● Superior suprarenal artery (branch of inferior
phrenic artery )
● Middle suprarenal artery (branch of abdominal
● Inferior suprarenal artery (branch of renal
Venous drainage
● Right suprarenal vein-drain into IVC
1. Identify the structure.
2. Where does it open ?
1. Ureter proximal part is retroperitonel
2. Open into lateral angle of trigone of urinary
1. Identify the pinned structure and it's
retroperitonel parts
2. Give its development
1. Pancreas
Retroperitoneal parts
Head, neck ,body but tail in lineorenal
2. Development: from the dorsal bud and
ventral bud .
1. Identify the pinned structure
2. In which part of duodenum it opens.
3. Give its position
1. Major duodenal papilla
2. 2nd part of duodenum
3. 8-10cm distal to pylorus
1. Identify the structure
2. Explain its relations.
1. Neck of the pancreas
2. Relations
Anterior surface: related to pylorus
Posterior surface: related to formation of
portal vein
Upper border: related to 1st part of
Lower border:root of transverse mesocolon
1. Identify the structure
2. Explain its peritoneal relations
1. Rectum
2. Peritoneal relations
Upperone-third: covered by peritoneum on front
and sides
Middleone-third: peritoneum only on the front
Lowerone-third:not covered by peritoneum at all
1. Identify the structure
2. Write its relations.
1. 2nd part of duodenum
2. Relations
Anterior:gall bladder,rt lobe of liver, transversecolon
and mesocolon,coils of SI
Posterior:Rt kidney,Rt renal vessels,rt edge of
IVC,Rt psoas major muscle
Medially:head of the pancreas
Laterally:from below upward ascending colon,Rt
colic flexure,Rt lobe of liver
1. Identify the structure.
2. Give its formation, termination and
1. Inferior vena cava
2. Formation:by union of RtandLt common iliac veins
Termination:lower posterior part of Rt atrium
Tributaries:3thand4th lumbar veins
Rt testicular/ovarian vein
Hepatic veins
Renal veins(rt and lt)
RT suprarenal vein
Rt inferior phrenic vein
1. Identify the structure.
2. Gives its branches .
1. Abdominal aorta
2. Branches:
Ventral br: coeliac trunk
Superior mesenteric artery
Inferior mesenteric artery
Dorsal branches:Lumbar artery
Median sacral artery
Lateral br: Inferior phrenic artery
Middle suprarenal artery
Renal artery
Testicular/ovarian artery
Terminal br:Rtand Lt common iliac arteries
1. Identify the tied structure
2. Write its embryological significance.
1. Median umbilical ligament
2. Embryological remnant of Urachus
1. Identify the tied structure.
2. Give its branches.
1. Internal iliac has ant and post division
2. Branches :ant division
Male and female:sup vesical , obturator,middle
rectal artery,inf vesical artery(female:vaginal
artery),inf gluteal artery,internal pudendal.
In addition female have Uterine artery
Posterior division:
Iliolumbar artery
Lateral sacral artery
Superior gluteal artery
1. Identify the pinned structure.
2. Give its normal anatomical position
3. Mention its supports.
1. Utreus
2. Position:Antiversion(90°),Antiflexion(170°)
3. Supports:
Primary supports:
muscular: Pelvic diaphragm, perineal body, urogenital
Visceral:UB,vagina, Uterine axis
Fibromuscular: Transverse
ligament,pubocervical,uterosacral,round ligament
Secondary supports: Broad ligament,uterovesical
fold,rectovaginal fold of peritoneum.
1. Identify the tied structure.
2. Give its appiled anatomy.
1. Uterine tune(fallopian tube)
2. Applied anatomy
Ectopic pregnancy
1. Identify the pinned structure.
2. Give its contents.
1. Broad ligament of uterus
2. Contents:
Uterine tube
Round ligament of uterus
Ligament of ovary
Uterine vessels
Ovarian vessels
Uterovaginal and ovarian plexus
Epooporon and it's duct
Lymphatics ,fibroaerolar conn tissue
1. Identify the probed space .
2. Give its boundaries and applied anatomy
1. Pouch of Douglas
2. Boundaries:
Anterior:post surface of uterus and post fornix
of vagina
Inferior:rectovaginal fold of peritoneum
3. Applied anatomy:most dependent part of
peritoneal cavity
1. Identify the pinned structure
2. Give its position and blood supply
1. Ovary
2. Location: Ovarian fossa in lateral pelvic wall
Anteriorly: Obliterated umblical artery
Posteriorly:Internal iliac artery andureter
Blood supply: Arterial supply: Ovarian and
uterine artery
Venous supply:Pampiniform plexus of veins
1. Identify the probed space.
2. Give its contents.
1. Retropubic space
2. Contents:Fat,vesical plexus of veins
1. Identify the pinned structure.
2. Give it lobes and applied anatomy
1. Prostate gland
2. It has 5 lobes
Anterior, posterior,two lateral lobes and median
Applied anatomy: carcinoma of prostate
Benign prostate hypertrophy
1. Identify the pinned structure
2. Give its development.
3. Name the openings present in it.
1. Trigone of Urinary bladder.
2. Development: Absorption of mesonephric
3. Openings in it:
2 uretertic orifices
Internal urethral orifice

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