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Hawassa University Daye Campus


Software Engineering

Compiled by Talegeta G.
Chapter One

Overview of Software Engineering

Now a day the use of computers is growing very rapidly. They are used in
areas such as
Business applications,
Scientific work,
Video games,
Air traffic control,
Missile control,
Hospital management,
Airline reservations,
Medical diagnostic equipment etc.
Probably no discipline that does not use computer systems now.
With this increased use of computer, the need for software is increasing.
What is Software?
Computer programs and associated documentation

 A Program:- an executable code, which serves some computational purpose.

Software is a set of instructions to acquire inputs and to manipulate them to

produce the desired output.

The set of computer programs, procedures, and associated documents

(flowcharts, manuals, etc.) that describe the programs and how they are to be

A collection of programs whose objective is to enhance the capabilities of the

What is Software engineering ?
Software engineering is an engineering branch associated with
development of software product using well-defined scientific:
It is an engineering discipline that is

concerned with all aspects of software


Outcome of SE: software product which is:

What is Software engineering ?

Software engineering is the establishment and use of sound

engineering principles in order to obtain economically
software that is reliable and efficiently run on real machines.
Software engineering is a modeling activity.
Software engineering is a problem-solving activity.
Software engineering is a knowledge acquisition activity.
Software engineering is a rationale-driven activity.
What are the attributes of good software?

The software should deliver the required functionality and

performance to the user and should be maintainable, dependable and
 Maintainability
Software must evolve to meet changing needs
 Dependability
 Efficiency
Software should not make wasteful use of system resources
 Usability
Software must be usable by the users for which it was designed
What are the key challenges facing software engineering?

 Legacy systems
majority of software systems that use today developed many years yet,
so there is challenge of maintaining and updating this software .
 Heterogeneity
Systems are required to operate as distributed techniques that include a
mix of hardware and software.
 Delivery
Many traditional software engineering techniques are time-consuming,
so there is challenge of shortening delivery times for large and complex
systems without compromising system quality.
 Risk challenge
Dealing with the increased complexity of software needed for new
 Security, Trust and Scale
Two Orthogonal Views of the Software

Two software development methodologies/Approaches, that are

used to analyze, design and develop software systems. Both have
some similarities as well as differ in a number of ways.

 Object-oriented Systems Development methods differ from

traditional development techniques in that

The traditional development techniques view software as a

collection of programs (or functions) and isolated data.
- Focuses on data and functions.
Here Algorithms + Data structures = Programs
“A software system is a set of mechanisms for performing certain
Object-Oriented Approach

 OO system development approach instead of separating systems into

data and functionality, Focuses on objects that combines data and

Object oriented systems development develop software by building

objects that can be:
 Easier to adapt changes/ modify
 Easier to maintain
 Promote greater design and code reuse
 Simplifies the problem of integrating components to configure large
Object-Oriented Approach…..

1. Focus on objects: by modeling them as instances of classes that

encapsulate both data and behavior.
2. Bottom-up approach: using bottom-up approach builds complex
systems from smaller one.

3. Object-centered: OOAD focuses on the objects that make up a

software system, modeling their relationships and interactions.

4. Emphasis on object-oriented design patterns: OOAD emphasizes

the reuse of objects and object-oriented design patterns, reducing
the amount of code that needs to be written and improving the
quality and consistency of the software
Software development process models
Software processes

A process is an organized set of activities, which transforms inputs to


A software process is a sequence of activities that leads to the production of

a software product.

The systematic approach that is used in software engineering is sometimes

called a software process.

We can use synonyms of process such as: procedure, method, course of
action, etc.. Software engineering, as a discipline, has many processes.
Software process: organizing a structured set of activities to develop software

♥ These processes help in performing different software engineering activities

in an organized manner.

♥ There are many different software processes but all must include four
activities that are fundamental to software engineering:-

1.Software specification: - Customers and engineers define the software that

is to be produced the functionality of the software and constraints on its
operation must be defined.

2. Software design and implementation: - designed and programmed; the

software to meet the specification must be produced.

3. Software validation: - where the software is checked to ensure that it is


4. Software evolution: - where the software is modified to reflect

changing customer and market requirements.

The team listens to customer feedback and changing the system

in response to changing customer needs for better functionality.
Characteristics process

Produces intermediate and final products

Each process activity has entry and exit criteria

Activities are organized in sequence, so timing is clear

Each process guiding principles, including goals of each activity

Uses resources, subject to set of constraints (such as schedule, no.

of people working )

May be composed of sub-processes with hierarchy or links

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The software development lifecycle begins with the identification of a

requirement for software and ends with the formal verification of the
developed software against that requirement.

So SDLC goes through a series of phases. It consists of a detailed plan

describing how to develop, maintain, replace and alter or enhance specific

The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of software
and the overall development process.

The SDLC aims to produce a high quality software that meets or exceeds
client/customer expectations, reaches completion within times and cost
The SDLC is a framework defining tasks performed at each step in the
software development process.
There are many SDLC used during software development process. SDLC is
used to
Helps to understand the entire process
Enables planning of resources in advance
Enforces a structured approach to development
Helps to track progress of the system

♥ The software development life-cycle can be divided into 5-9 phases:

Generally The SDLC is a structured approach, it uses data-oriented
1. Planning/ Requirements Analysis

Planning usually happens after there is an innovation and initiation that

come up from group of business and-users or sponsor whom identify a
need or an opportunity.

Planning is the most important and fundamental stage in SDLC.

This information is then used to plan the basic project approach and to
conduct product feasibility study in the economical, operational and
technical areas.

Planning for the quality assurance requirements and identification of

the risks associated with the project is also done in the planning stage.

During this activity the developer attempts to understand the problem and
delimit its scope. Feasibility study focused on:

Economic feasibility
Operational feasibility
Technical feasibility
Political feasibility
Schedule feasibility
2. Design

Once the requirement analysis is done the next step is to clearly define and
document the product requirements and get them approved from the
customer or the market analysts.

This is done through Software Requirement Specification (SRS).SRS

document which consists of all the product requirements to be designed and
developed during the project life cycle.

SRS is the reference for product architects to come out with the best
architecture for the product to be developed.

Based on the requirements specified in SRS, usually more than one design
approach for the product architecture is proposed and documented in a
Design Document Specification (DDS).
3. Development (coding)

In this stage of SDLC the actual development starts and the product is built.

The programming code is generated as per DDS. If the design is performed in

a detailed and organized manner, code generation can be accomplished
without much hassle.

Developers have to follow the coding guidelines defined by their organization

and programming tools like compilers, interpreters, debuggers etc. are used to
generate the code.

Different high level programming languages such as C, C++, Pascal, Java and
PHP are used for coding.
4. Testing
This stage is usually a subset of all the stages as in the modern SDLC models, the
testing activities are mostly involved in all the stages of SDLC.

However this stage refers to the testing only stage of the product where products
defects are reported, tracked, fixed and retested, until the product reaches the quality
standards defined in the SRS.

Testing is the major quality-control measure used during software

development.Testing is done by the programmers, end-users and quality assurance

Programmers know the best of how the program works and therefor they can identify
the most vulnerable areas of the software.

End-users would pay more attentions to their routine tasks which helps to ensure the
5. maintenance

Once the product is tested and ready to be deployed it is released

formally in the appropriate market.

The product may first be released in a limited segment and tested in the
real business environment user acceptance testing (UAT).

This is the final life cycle phase (deploy and maintenance) the software
is put into use.

Maintenance involves correcting errors which were not discovered in

earlier stages of the life cycle, improving the implementation of system
units and enhancing the system’s services as new requirements are
Software Development Life cycle Models

Software Development Life Cycle is a well-defined, structured sequence of

stages in software engineering to develop the intended software product.

A process model (also called software life cycle model ) is a descriptive and
diagrammatic representation of the software life cycle.

There are various software development life cycle models defined and
designed which are followed during software development process.

These models are also referred as Software Development Process Models


♥ Each process model follows a series of steps unique to its type, in order to
ensure success in process of software development.

♥ There are a number of different models for software development lifecycles.

Waterfall model
prototype model
incremental model
V-shaped model
Spiral model
The (Rational) Unified Process
Waterfall Model

The Waterfall Model was first process model to be introduced. It is also

referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model.

It is very simple to understand and use. The waterfall model is consistent
with other engineering process models and documentation is produced at
each phase.

The waterfall model is an example of a plan-driven process—in principle,

you must plan and schedule all of the process activities before starting
work on them.

In a waterfall model, each phase must be completed before the next phase

The common software development phases are as follows:

1. Requirements Specification

 The aim of the requirements analysis and specification phase is to

understand the exact requirements of the customer and to document them

In this phase consists of two distinct activities, namely

Requirements gathering and analysis

Requirements specification
Requirements gathering activity is to collect all relevant information
from the customer regarding the product to be developed.
This is done to clearly understand the customer requirements so that
incompleteness and inconsistencies are removed.
The requirements analysis activity is begun by collecting all relevant
data regarding the product to be developed from the users of the product
and from the customer through interviews and discussions.

During this activity, the user requirements are systematically organized into a
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document.

The customer requirements identified during the requirements gathering and

analysis activity are organized into a SRS document.

The important components of this document are functional requirements, the

nonfunctional requirements, and the goals of implementation.
2. Design

The goal of the design phase is to transform the requirements specified

in the SRS document into a structure that is suitable for

implementation in some programming language.

In technical terms, during the design phase the software architecture is

derived from the SRS document.

Assigning responsibilities to objects and specifying detailed dynamics

of their interactions under different usage scenarios.

Two distinctly different approaches are available: the traditional

Implementation /Coding

The purpose of the coding phase (sometimes called the implementation

phase) of software development is to translate the software design into source

Each component of the design is implemented as a program module.

During this phase, each module is unit tested to determine the correct
working of all the individual modules.

It involves testing each module in isolation as this is the most efficient way
to debug the errors identified at this stage.
Deployment and Maintenance

Deployment: is providing directions for installing the delivered software

into the local computing environment, configuring operating systems
parameters and user access privileges, and running diagnostic test cases to
assure the viability of basic system operation.

Maintenance: of a typical software product requires much more than the

effort necessary to develop the product itself.

Maintenance involves performing any one or more of the following three

kinds of activities:

Corrective maintenance is correcting errors that were not

discovered during the product development phase.

Perfective maintenance is improving the implementation of the

system, and enhancing the functionalities of the System.

Porting the software to work in a new environment. For example,

porting may be required to get the software to work on a new
computer platform or with a new operating system. This is called
adaptive maintenance.
Prototype Model

A prototype is a toy implementation of the system. A prototype

usually exhibits limited functional capabilities, low reliability,
and inefficient performance compared to the actual software.

A prototype is usually built using several shortcuts. The shortcuts

might involve using inefficient, inaccurate, or dummy functions.

Need for a prototype in software development

There are several uses of a prototype. An important purpose is to

illustrate the input data formats, messages, reports, and the
interactive dialogues to the customer.

This is a valuable mechanism for gaining better understanding of the

customer’s needs:
How the screens might look like
How the user interface would behave
How the system would produce outputs

Another reason for developing a prototype is that it is impossible to

get the perfect product in the first attempt.

Many researchers and engineers advocate that if you want to

develop a good product you must plan to throw away the first

The experience gained in developing the prototype can be used to develop

the final product. A prototype of the actual product is preferred in
situations such as:
User requirements are not complete
Technical issues are not clear

Incremental Model

The incremental model may be viewed as a modification to the waterfall


As software projects increased in size, it was recognized that it is much

easier, and sometimes necessary.

To develop the software if the large projects are subdivided into smaller
components, which may thus be developed incrementally and iteratively.

In the incremental model the components were developed in an overlapping


The components all had integrated and then tested as a whole in a final
system test.

The incremental model provided a certain amount of risk containment.

If any one component ran into trouble, the other component were able to still
continue to be developed independently.
V-shaped Model

The V - model is SDLC model where execution of processes

happens in a sequential manner in V-shape.

It is also known as Verification and Validation model.

V - Model is an extension of the waterfall model and is based on

association of a testing phase for each corresponding development

Verification is a process of determining if the software is designed

and developed as per the specified requirements.
Validation is the process of checking if the software (end product)
has met the client's true needs and expectations.

This means that for every single phase in the development cycle
there is a directly associated testing phase.

This is a highly disciplined model and next phase starts only after
completion of the previous phase.

Under V-Model, the corresponding testing phase of the

development phase is planned in parallel.
V-Shaped SDLC Model
 So there are Verification phases on one side of and Validation phases on the
other side. Coding phase joins the two sides of the V-Model
Verification Phases

Requirement analysis:

This is the first phase in the development cycle where the product
requirements are understood from the customer perspective.

This is a very important activity and need to be managed well, as

most of the customers are not sure about what exactly they need.

The acceptance test design planning is done at this stage as

business requirements can be used as an input for acceptance

Product requirement and specification analysis:

Once you have the clear and detailed product requirements, it’s
time to design the complete system.

System design would comprise of understanding and detailing the

complete hardware and communication setup for the product under

System test plan is developed based on the system design.


Architectural high level design:

Architectural specifications are understood and designed in this

Usually more than one technical approach is proposed and based on

the technical and financial feasibility the final decision is taken.

System design is broken down further into modules taking up

different functionality. This is also referred to as High Level Design

Integration tests can be designed and documented during this stage.

Detail design:

 In this phase the detailed internal design for all the system
modules is specified, referred to as Low Level Design LLD.

It is important that the design is compatible with the other

modules in the system architecture and the other external systems.

Unit tests are an essential part of any development process and

helps eliminate the maximum faults and errors at a very early

Unit tests can be designed at this stage based on the internal

module designs.
Coding Phase

The actual coding of the system modules designed in the design

phase is taken up in the Coding phase.

The best suitable programming language is decided based on the

system and architectural requirements.

The coding is performed based on the coding guidelines and


The code goes through numerous code reviews and is optimized

for best performance before the final build is checked into the
Validation Phases
Unit testing:

♥ Unit testing is the testing at code level and helps eliminate bugs at an early
stage, though all defects cannot be uncovered by unit testing.

Integration testing:

♥ Integration testing is associated with the architectural design phase.

System testing:

♥ System testing is directly associated with the System design phase.

Acceptance testing:

♥ Acceptance testing is associated with the business requirement analysis

phase and involves testing the product in user environment.
Reading Assignment!!!

Spiral model
The (Rational) Unified Process
Agile Model
Software Process assessment model

A software process assessment is a disciplined examination of the

software processes used by an organization, based on a process

Process assessment examines whether the software process is

effective and efficient in accomplishing the goals

The assessment includes the identification and characterization of

current practices, identifying areas of strengths and weaknesses,
and the ability of current practices to control or avoid significant
causes of poor (software) quality, cost, and schedule.

A software assessment (or audit) can be of three types:

A self-assessment (first-party assessment): - is performed internally by an
organization's own personnel.
A second-party assessment: - is performed by an external assessment team or the
organization is assessed by a customer.
A third-party assessment: - is performed by an external party or (e.g., a supplier
being assessed by a third party to verify its ability to enter contracts with a
One of the key organizations that has contributed, advanced, and advocated the
software development processes is the software engineering institute (SEI), and
another organization that has contributed to software engineering is the
Software Metrics

Software metrics is a standard of measure that contains many

activities which involve some degree of measurement.

Metrics is a quantitative measure of the degree to which a system,

component or process possesses a given attribute. It relates
measure in some way.

 Example: defects found in component testing/line of code/ of

code tested.

SW Metrics refers to a range of measurements for computer software that enable
software people to gain insight into the project:
 To improve the Process and the Product
 Assist in Estimation
 Productivity Assessment
 Quality Control
 Project Control
 Human effort used
 Number of errors found before the software release

Software metrics can be classified into three categories: product metrics,


♥ Product metrics: - describe the characteristics of the product such as size,

complexity, design features, performance, and quality level.

Examples: code, design docs, test plan, user manual LOC (line of code), # of
objects, # of pages, # of files.

♥ Process metrics: - can be used to improve software development and


Examples include the effectiveness of defect removal during development, the

pattern of testing defect arrival, and the response time of the fix process.

♥ Project metrics:- describe the project characteristics and execution. Examples

include the number of software developers, the staffing pattern over the life
Reasons for measuring SW processes, products, and resources:

♥To characterize: To gain understanding of Product, Process, and

to establish baseline for future comparisons.

♥To evaluate: To determine status within the plan

♥To predicate: So that we can plan. Update estimates

♥To improve: We would have more information “quantitative” to

help determine root causes.

Scope of Software process Metrics

Software metrics contains many activities which include the following:

Cost and effort estimation,

Productivity measures and model,
Data collection,
Quantity models and measures, Reliability models, Performance and
evaluation models, Structural and complexity metrics, Capability – maturity
assessment, Management by metrics, Evaluation of methods and tools.
1.2. Object-Oriented System Development Methodology

 Object-oriented systems development is a way to develop software by

building self-contained modules or objects that can be easily replaced,
modified, and reused.

 In an object-oriented environment, software is a collection of discrete

objects that encapsulate their data as well as the functionality to model
real-world "objects.“ Each object has attributes (data) and methods

 Objects are grouped into classes; in object-oriented terms, we discover

and describe the classes involved in the problem domain.

 Object-oriented methods enable us to create sets of objects that works

together synergistically to produce software that better model their problem

 The systems are easier to adapt to changing requirements, easier to

maintain, more robust, and promote greater de-sign and code reuse.

 Object-oriented development allows us to create modules of functionality.

1.3. Importance of Object Orientation

Allows Higher level of abstraction

 The object-oriented approach supports abstraction at the object level.

 Since objects encapsulate both data (attributes) and functions (methods),

they work at a higher level of abstraction.

 This makes designing, coding, testing, and maintaining the system much

• On the other hand, the object-oriented approach, essentially uses the

same language to talk about analysis, design, programming, and
database design.

• This seamless approach reduces the level of complexity and redundancy

and makes for clear, more robust system development.
1.4. Overview of the Unified Approach (UA)

 UA is a methodology for software development is based on

methodologies by Booch, Rumbaugh, Jacobson and Odell.

 It tries to combine the best practices, processes, and guidelines along

with UML notations & diagrams for better understanding object-
oriented concepts and system development.

 UML- stands for Unified Modeling Language.

 is a set of notations and conventions used to describe and model an
 is a modeling language or graphical/diagrammatic notation for

Different from the other common programming languages like C+

+, Java, COBOL etc. UML is a pictorial language used to make
software blue prints.

But, the UML does not specify a methodology or what steps to

follow to develop an application; that would be the task of the UA.

The use case represents a typical interaction between a user and a

computer system to capture the users' goals and needs.
1.5. Object Oriented Concepts
 What is Object Orientation ?
Object Orientation is about viewing and modelling the
world/system as a set of interacting and interrelated objects.
The universe consists of interacting objects
Describes and builds systems consisting of objects

Object- is an instance or occurrence of a class that are created,

modified and destroyed during the execution of the system.

 is a person, place, thing, concept, screen, report that is relevant to

the system.

 is equivalent to a record in DB concept.

 each object has its own
*Identity- distinguish from other object in the system.
 Objects are usually described as nouns.
Class- represents a collection of related objects.
- is a set of objects that share the same attributes and
 is a template/prototype/design/blueprint from w/c objects
are created/instantiation
 is equivalent to a table in DB concept.
 Class name typically nouns and singular
Attributes-describes properties of an object (describe state/data of an
- is a data element in the record

Method- can be thought as a function/procedure.

- describes how an object performs a task.(describes behavior of
an object)
- access and modify attributes of an object.
Instantiation- is the process of creating an object.
- to create an object use classname object = new classname();
E.g. course c=new course();//creating object c for class course

Inheritance- a class acquires properties of another class.

is the way by w/c child/derived class gets the properties of
parent/super class.
Allows classes to share and reuse behaviors and attributes.

Inheritance can be
single inheritance- when a class directly inherits from only
one class.
multiple inheritance- when a class directly inherits from
more than one class.

Polymorphism- poly-many and morph- form.( the ability to take multiple


- Objects that can take many different forms.

- Means that the same method/operation may behave

differently on different classes.

- is the ability to dynamically choose a method at run time.


 Achieved through:

1. Method overloading- defining two or more methods with the same

name within the same class but in different signature(number of
arguments, type of arguments and order of parameters)
 double computeArea(double length, double width);

 double computeArea(double radius);

2. Method overriding- defining methods in super and sub classes with

the same signature. Accessed by super key word i.e.
 super.variablename; and super.overridemethod();

Encapsulation- is the process of binding both attributes and methods

together in to a single entity called object.

- Through encapsulation, the internal details of a class can

be hidden from outside.
Information Hiding- The principle of restriction or concealing of
external access to attributes(data).

- for example C++ and java has a very general encapsulation

protection mechanism with public, private and protected

- Members can be data and method.


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