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Gender Equality

Asser, Yasser, Ali, Yassin,

What is gender inequality?
Gender equality is when people when people of all genders have equal
rights, responsibilities and opportunities. Unfortunately, we are not all
equal at the moment. But we aim to change that

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Causes of gender inequality:

 Uneven access to education

¼ of young women between the ages of 15 and 24 will not be
able to finish primary school. 2 thirds of illiterate people in the
world are women. This has a huge effect on their future and
the opportunities they’ll get. Many countries still do not give
women access to education due to their old school beliefs and
bad mind engraved into them from such a young age.

 Lack of employment quality

Only 6 countries in the world give men and women the same
legal work rights. Most economies give women only ¾ the
rights of men. Studies show that economies with equal rights
are much more stable and successful than economies without
equal rights.

 Lack of legal protections

Causes of gender
Over a billion women do not have legal protection from
harassment or domestic economic violence. These places
become unsafe and without protection, women often have to
make decisions that will stop them from reaching their goals.

Presentation title 3
Lower Wages
Women are payed 87.6 cents for every dollar a man is payed. Women also have less starting salaries for the
same job. This makes it harder for women to be independent and have less motivation to reach their goals.
Higher suicide rate
Pressure put on men to become more masculine and be the main provider for the house makes them more
likely to abuse drugs and alcohol as an escape from the stress and also increases suicide rates between men.
Higher crime rates
Unequal societies have more dangerous communities, higher rates of anti social behavior and violence. People
in unequal societies are less healthy and usually have a problem that’s stops them from reaching their goals
and being successful.

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How to prevent gender inequality

Spread awareness
A lot of people are unformed about the topic or just do not think it is a big
problem. The whole world suffers from it, just at different degrees depending on
where you live. We must inform and educate as much people as possible to help
end it all.
Pay both genders the same
We must pay both women and men the same to give them equal opportunities and
give them motivation to work towards their dream. This also makes the economy
much more stable and successful.
Presentation title 5
In each country, there are different rates of gender inequality. Sadly,
Egypt ranks 134th out of 153 countries on the Global Gender Gap
index. Today we will be discussing the rates of gender inequality in
Egypt compared to the rest of the world and how to solve gender
inequality in Egypt.
Gender based violence

36% of women face gender based violence compared to 21.6% of men.

Even though we should be trying to lower all gender based violence, we
should especially trying to be lowering gender based violence towards
32.9% of women all around the world face gender based violence
compared to 25.7% of men.
Egypt may have less men that have faced gender based violence, but
more women that have faced gender based violence.
Presentation title 7

99.3% of women face harassment in Egypt at least once in their life

compared to 16.6% of men.
81% of women face harassment around the world have faced
harassment at least once in their lifetime compared to 43% of men.
Even though rates of harassment have dropped by almost half in the
last 20 years, they are still too high.

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Gender In Egypt, except for the top positions,
females are paid significantly lower
than males for the same job. The

gender pay gap in Egypt may be even
larger than observed as women with
less education frequently choose not to

gap Even though the gender pay gap around

the world is less than in Egypt, the
gender pay gap in Egypt is decreasing
while around the world it is increasing.

Presentation title 9
How to stop gender inequality

Raising awareness Protests Do not keep quiet

Spread awareness about the topic Peaceful protests have shown to be If you or someone you know is
throughout the world. Many people one of the most effective ways for facing any of the problems stated
do not know about the topic or view making people’s opinions known above, do not keep quiet. Report it
it as a real problem. Spreading and voices heard to a parental figure or someone who
awareness through social media or can help you solve your problem.
telling people you know can help
much more than you think.

Presentation title 10
Asser, Yasser, Ali,
Thank you
Yassin, Adam

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