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Tourism -
The benefits and economic effects of religious
• This study is very important and aims to
invite the Egyptian government in
particular, and the governments of the
world in general, to strengthen the role
of religious tourism and facilitate it,
because this type of tourism plays a role
in upholding the lofty values ​among
peoples and knowing that their origin is
one and that their beliefs are similar, as
this type of tourism plays in a way Great
on strengthening the national economy
of those countries with religious tourist
attractions and achieving economic
prosperity for the peoples of the whole
The main ideas
?How did religious tourism begin and develop- •
Types of religious tourism-

The role of religious tourism in boosting the economy-

Ways to develop religious tourism- •

| Sources ☆
|| Sources ☆
sources ☆

grounded theory

Defferent Stance●
Out of Scope ●
Tourism is a very important sector that •
governments all over the world should pay
attention to because of its role in supporting the
economy and spreading peace, as it is the best
way to transmit culture and mix civilizations,
which teaches us that coexistence is possible and
achieving economic prosperity for all of us is
inevitable as long as we support and develop
tourism in our countries
Ncube,F.N & Chikuta,O.(2020).Perceived Economic Impact Religious Tourism : The Case of - •
. Zimbabwe. Hospitality & Tourism Review , 1-13 : Doi •

YAO Yanbo, LIU Yixue. Concept of tourism market regulation and its operational - -
mechanism: an exploratory research based on grounded theory, Tourism Tribune, 2019
.(05): 62–75
-DOI: 10.19765/j.cnki.1002-5006.2019.00.002-eo -

BrNcube,F.N & Chikuta,O.(2020).Perceived Economic Impact Religious Tourism : The Case - •

. of Zimbabwe. Hospitality & Tourism Review , 1-13 1i 2.211 : Doi •

aun,Andreas(2021)”Pilgering Researchers or Researching Pilgrims : Expriences from four •

student Projects on the camino de santigo 2016-2019 ”, international journal religious

. tourism and pilgrimage: vol.9:Iss.6,article 12
Doi : •

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