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Republic Act No. 1425
“An act to include in the curricula of all public and private
schools, colleges and universities courses on the life,
works and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels
Noli Me Tangere and El Felibusterismo, authorizing the
printing and distribution thereof, and for other purposes.”

—Republic Act No. 1425

Senate Bill No. Republic Act No.
438 1425

April 3, 1956 June 12, 2956

- Bill was filed - bill approved and became a Law
Claro M. Recto and Jose P. Laurel Pres. Ramon Magsaysay
- prosed the Rizal Bill - signed the Law
Claro M. Recto
- authored the Rizal
Catholic Bishops conference of the Philippines

- Submitted a pastoral letter to which according, Rizal

violated Canon Law 1399 in which forbids or bans books
that attacks or riducule the Catholic doctrine and

1. To rededicate the lives of the 2. To pay tribute to our national hero

youth to the ideals of freedom and
for devoting his life and works in
nationalism, for which our heroes
shaping the filipino character.
lived and died.

3. To gain an aspiring source of patriotsm thru

the study of Rizal’s life, works and writings.
Section 1. Courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novel Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo, shall be included in the curricula of all schools, colleges and universities, public or private: Provided,
That in the collegiate courses, the original or unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo or
their English translation shall be used as basic texts.

Section 2. It shall be obligatory on all schools, colleges and universities to keep in their libraries an adequate number
of copies of the original and unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as of Rizal’s
other works and biography. The said unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo or their
translations in English as well as other writings of Rizal shall be included in the list of approved books for required
reading in all public or private schools, colleges and universities.

Section 3. The Board of National Education shall cause the translation of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo,
as well as other writings of Jose Rizal into English, Tagalog and the principal Philippine dialects; cause them to be
printed in cheap, popular editions; and cause them to be distributed, free of charge, to persons desiring to read them,
through the Purok organizations and Barrio Councils throughout the country.
Section 4. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as amendment or repealing section nine hundred twenty-
seven of the Administrative Code, prohibiting the discussion of religious doctrines by public school
teachers and other person engaged in any public school.

Section 5. The sum of three hundred thousand pesos is hereby authorized to be appropriated out of any
fund not otherwise appropriated in the National Treasury to carry out the purposes of this Act.

Section 6. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

02 Rizal Law
1. The adaptation of the study of Jose 2. The study of Rizal’s work, particularly his two
Rizal’s life works and writings in important novels- Noli Me Tangere and El
colleges and universities both public and Filibusterismo and other works (poem; diaries; essays)
private is mandated law; as well as its translation in Filipino and English should
be implemented by the government;

3. 4.
The law mandates that even the secondary In fostering nationalism among youth, Rizal course
levels to study Rizal course wherein the 3rd can give a wide range of thoughts on how Rizal and
year level will study the first novel Noli Me other heroes (MH Del Pilar/Bonifacio/A. Mabini
Tangere while the 4th year level study the and others) fought for freedom for the sake of the
second novel El Filibusterismo as part of a country’s necessity to survive against the evil
Filipino curriculum; imperialism.
Things to considered:

Writing historical accounts is

considered as one of the prime tasks In case of events, the In terms of places, Rizal
of a historian. political crisis happened in noted this in his travels.
The coin word is PEP-(people-event- his time as well as the 1872 He described the places
places) mutiny became the roots of intelligently which give
For example: his nationalism. its relevance to his
In Rizal’s biography it tackles people motherland.
(personalities) or some noted
personalities who became the
character of his novel (Noli Me

Biography and
Biography Vs. Autobiography
■ Biography means an ■ Autobiography is written
account of yourlife written by yourself
by others.

Therefore the wirtings of rizal life are divided into two:

⚫ Thoses persons who wrote for him
⚫ Those letters made by him (Rizal)

Biographers of rizal are one of the secondary sources of rizillian history.

The autobiograpy of rizal was written in epistolario Rizalinos which was complied by
teodoro kalaw.
04 Early ● There are several biographers who
attemptes to write the life and works of
Biographers of rizal. Several of them are considered as
authentic as well as very fluent in terms of
Jose Rizal historical details and analysis, though there
are several textbook writers who wrote the
life history of rizal below are the prominent
writters and their accounts of the great life
of this filipino national hero.
AUSTINE COASTES ( 1922-1997)

- British civil servant, writer and traveller.

- Known for his detailed work in Rizal’s
biography entitled, “ Rizal: Philippine
Nationalist and Martyr” which was published
in 1968 by Oxford University Press.

- is a Filipino public historian, academic,

cultural administrator, journalist, author, and
independent curator.

- his journalistic pattern of writing earned as

one of the best modern historian in our times.

- his biography is entitled “ Rizal Without an

Rafael Palma

- His work Biografia de Rizal (Biography of Rizal)

was one of the greatest and finest biographies of
the national hero. The same with Quirino with
“charm and realistic point of view”.

- Can be considered as the primary source of


- The content of his biography became more

“serious” and “purely academic.”

- one of the readable biographies of Rizal are the work of Leon

Maria Guerrero which entitled; THE FIRST FILIPINO
- He is one of the popular writers among the writer of Rizal’s
- He described the two types of Spain in his introductory
statements. One was great and the other one was evil where in the
result was Rizal moulded his nationalism.
- He also described other connections in the 19th century wherein
it is hard to be appreciated by an individual who does not know the
history of Spain in the Philippines.
- His book was one of the best sources and rich in Rizaliana
histography, one of the finest after Palma’s work (vide supra).

- known to be one of the contemporaries of rizal he become

one of the main critics of Dr. Jose Rizal in his nationalistics
fervor .
Retana wrote in the newspaper “La Epoca”

- One of the great biographers is Carlos Quirino who wrote

Rizal biography because of a writing contest invinting several
writers that time to write rizal life.

- The works of Quirini entitles THE GREAT MALAYAN won

3rd prize on the other hand president manuel quezon awarded
the monetary reward equivalent to being 1st prize in the was one of the classical best in rizal biographya
pocket sized book the great malayan in the work.
THANKS Do you have any questions?

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