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Political Self

Understanding the Impact of Politics on Self-Identity

Introduction to the Political Self

The political self refers to the ways

in which our political beliefs, values,
and affiliations shape our self-
Definition of Political Self

The political self is the intersection

of our individual identities and our
political beliefs. It encompasses how
our political views and experiences
influence our sense of self.
Impact of Political Factors on Self-Identity

• Political factors such as

ideology, policies, and
governance can shape our self-
identity by influencing our
values, beliefs, and worldview.
• For example, if you strongly
identify as a feminist, your
political beliefs and activism
may influence how you perceive
and define yourself.
Discussion - Share an experience when your political
beliefs influenced your self-identity.
Ways Political Ideologies Shape Personal Beliefs
and Values

Political ideologies play a significant

role in shaping personal beliefs and
values, as they provide frameworks
for understanding the world,
determining right from wrong, and
guiding our actions and decisions.
Power Dynamics in Political Systems

Power dynamics refer to the ways in

which power is distributed,
exercised, and maintained within
political systems. These dynamics
can significantly influence an
individual's political self.
True or False Question - Power dynamics have no
effect on an individual's political self.

True or False: Power dynamics have

no effect on an individual's political
Effects of Power Dynamics on the Political Self

Power dynamics can shape an

individual's political self by
influencing their access to resources,
their ability to participate in
decision-making processes, and their
perception of their own agency
within the system.
Influence of Social Movements on the Political Self-

Social movements play a crucial role

in shaping the political self-concept
of individuals by mobilizing
collective action, challenging
existing power structures, and
advocating for social and political
Multiple Choice Question - Which social movement
do you think has had the most significant impact on
shaping political self-identity?
Which social movement do you
think has had the most significant
impact on shaping political self-
Examples of Social Movements and Their Influence

Social movements such as the Civil

Rights Movement, Women's
Suffrage Movement, and LGBTQ+
Rights Movement have had
profound effects on shaping political
self-identity by challenging
oppressive systems and advocating
for equal rights.
Relationship between Political Engagement and
Personal Growth

Political engagement, such as active

involvement in political activities or
organizations, can contribute to
personal growth by expanding one's
understanding of social issues,
fostering empathy, and empowering
individuals to take action for
positive change.
Poll - Are you actively involved in any political
activities or organizations? Yes/No
Conclusion and Summary of Key Points

The political self is the intersection

of our individual identities and our
political beliefs. Political factors,
ideologies, power dynamics, and
social movements all play
significant roles in shaping our
political self-identity and
influencing our personal beliefs,
values, and actions.

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