Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

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Sexual reproduction: Sexual reproduction occurs when the sperm from the male parent fertilizes an
egg from the female parent, producing an offspring that is genetically different from both parents.
1.- Pollination of tree flowers
2.- the internal fertilization of mammals that then give birth to their young
3.- External fertilization of certain fish, whose females deposits eggs so that the male can fertilize
them separately
4.- human reproduction
Curious fact:
Men have more reproductive cells that women

• Asexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction in which only one parent is involved to reproduce offspring. In
asexual reproduction, the offsprings produced are exact copies of their parents. Examples:
• 1.- Budding
• 2.- Spore formation
• 3.- Vegetative reproduction
• 4.- Fission etc.
• Curious facts
• It is quick and simple, since it does not require the production of specialized cells (gametes), nor does it require the
expenditure of energy to achieve fertilization, or other similar efforts.

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