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K to 12 Basic
Education Program:
An Overview
Essentially, the K to 12 curriculum
proposed in 2011 seeks to develop
21st century skills among its learners.
These include the cognitive skills of
critical thinking, problem-solving, and
creative thinking; the social or
interpersonal skills of communication,
collaboration, leadership, and cross-
cultural skills; self-management skills
of self-monitoring and self-direction,
as well as task or project management
skills, and personal characteristics
which are part of ethics, civic
responsibility and accountability
The Curricular Philosophy of
the K to 12 PE Curriculum
Fitness and movement education content is the core
of the K to 12 PE Curriculum. It includes value,
knowledge, skills, and experiences in physical
activity participation to (1) achieve and maintain
health-related fitness (HRF), as well as (2) optimize
health. It hopes to instill an understanding of why
HRF is important so that the learner can translate
HRF knowledge into action. Thus, self-management
is an important skill. In addition, this curriculum
recognizes the view that fitness and healthy physical
activity (PA) behaviors must take the family and
other environmental settings (e.g. school,
community, and larger society) into consideration.
This curricular orientation is a paradigm shift from
the previous sports-dominated PE curriculum aimed
at athletic achievement.
The Curricular
Philosophy of the K to
12 PE Curriculum

Move to learn is the context of

physical activity as the means
for learning, while Learn to
move embodies the learning of
skills, and techniques and the
acquisition of understanding that
are requisites to participation in
a variety of physical activities
that include exercise, games,
sports, dance and recreation.
The Curricular Philosophy of the
K to 12 HEALTH Curriculum

The Kindergarten to Grade 12 (“K to 12”)

Health curriculum aims to assist the
Filipino learner in attaining, sustaining
and promoting life-long health and
wellness. The learning experience through
the program provides opportunities for the
development of health literacy
competencies among students and to
enhance their over-all wellbeing.

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