Culture Is A Very Important Thing

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By: Mocte

Culture is a very
important thing
How does culture affect personality
• The culture you live in affects how you behave; you can learn how there are multiples ways to be polite, and
how to avoid being rude to people around you, yet this does not mean in every culture this will be the same
• There are multiple ways to act depending on the context you grow, even different families in the same
country can be different, you can be more competitive if that the normal that surrounded you and you will
thing that’s the normal, in the other hand, someone can grow being humble and casual, and thing you are only
really looking for something.
Different types of culture
• Individualist:
“Let me solo this”
Prioritize self improvement
Benefit: Self-sufficient, driven workers
Disadvantages: No teamwork, struggle to handing off responsibility
• Collectivist:
“This burden will be better shared than alone on your shoulders my brother”
Everyone will benefit if we all start looking for one another
Benefit: Harmony and interdependence is good
Disadvantages: “US vs THEM” mentality
Approach vs
avoidance culture
• 1935 – What makes a conflict easy to resolve?
And what makes one that doesn’t?

High neuroticism:
- Conservative
- Emotional
- Xenophobic
Low neuroticism:
- Open to change
- Tolerant to diversity
3 Key stages of “Cross-Cultural
• Recognition: “The increase in awareness of cultural differences”
- Identify how their culture affects the way they work, how to make a good connection and
how to make the best of it
• Respect: “Appreciate cultural differences”
- This is not only identifying the other culture’s key dimensions, but adapt your own views to
give them grater appreciation
• Reconciliation: “increased awareness of cultural differences”
- This woes more in the way of asking and giving information not so know, taking
advantage of all the information in every culture, so we have more to work with

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