Fun Formatives

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Choice Tile Instructions:

Sketchnote- visual notetaking, concept mapping

Comic- I recommend using (free) for students to create digital
Video/TikTok/Flipgrid- Flipgrid is a free recording tool, TikTok works best if you
have an account so they can send you the video. Other options: Screencastify
(free), Clips (iPad), QuickTime (iOS)
Teach the Teacher- The student further researches the content taught to find
information not given during the unit. They present that information to the teacher
in any digital format.
Digital Art- Student creates a piece of art representing knowledge from the unit.
Google Draw, Canva, and Pages (iOS) work well.
Podcast- Audacity, Garage Band (iOS), and Voice Memo (iOS)
Newspaper Article- The student writes a newspaper article or editorial on the
topic. Can be digital or handwritten.

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