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You Don’t Have to Live with Knee Pain.

Start Enjoying life again!

Natural Egg Shell Membrane


Inflammation of the synovial membrane


Variation of synovial
Lack of nutrition liquid Stiffness
Increase of the production Function
Catabolic Change in the composition
Natural Egg Shell Membrane

KollaZeb is an innovative product obtained from

removing the eggshell and the membrane through a
patented FDA,USDA.GMP Manufacturing and
environmentally-friendly process.
Eggshell membrane is a natural protective barrier which
contains many beneficial elements for health and
Natural Egg Shell Membrane

KollaZeb 500mg capsule Contains:

Collagen I,V ,X. ____________ 48%

Mucopolysaccharides. _______ 3%

Chondroitin sulphate. ______ 0.2%

Hylauronic acid ____________ 2.7%

Calcium___________________6% More than 500 different proteins

Growth factor β
Natural Egg Shell Membrane

How does KollaZeb work?

Collagen (48%) Hylauronic acid 2.7% Chondroitin Sulphate Mucopolysaccahrides(3 Lysozyme (1%)
Very important for the skin and 0..2% %) It is an enzyme with
Mostly from type I; which is joints’ cartilage. It is a “major It plays a main role in important antibacterial
needed by the vascular system, player” in the skin wounds and It is an effective protector effects as well as a
the cartilage’s integrity
skin, tendons, ligaments, the damage recovery, and it is of the cartilage, synovial powerful activator of the
joints’ cartilage and bones. It is maintenance. It activates the
also important in the joints membrane and sub synthesis of collagen, immune system.
synthesized to heal lesions. lubrication. chondral bone; the three endogen chondroitin sulphate It’s essential to reactivate
Collagen type I is more Several studies have proven main structures damaged and glucosamine precursors it after going under
absorbable and digestible than that only the high weight by arthritis. Besides, it and reduces and stops the immunosuppressive
Collagen type II. Besides, it Hyaluronic Acid molecules as seems to stop and progression of the arthritis treatments (for cancer or
activates the synthesis of the ones in Ovojoint®(over decrease some factors and after an organ’s
Hyaluronic Acid and endogen 650kDa) is effective in joint osteoarthritis’ transplantation) and for
and the skin health. which produce the
collagen in the cartilage and symptoms modulating it in case of
where it is necessary inflammatory processes.
autoimmune diseases
(rheumatoid arthritis,
systemic lupus
erythematosus, etc…)
Natural Egg Shell Membrane

KollaZeb is more effective due to the synergy of its


There are several studies which prove that the components’

synergy it’s among 5 and 6 times more effective than the
effects of the components themselves.
Natural Egg Shell Membrane

With a blood pH of 7.365, the cells are in homeostasis and they receive nourishment and release waste with ease.
Therefore the entire inflammatory process is suppressed

The PH readings at the start of the Trial clearly show a more acidic salivary pH indicating a sharp inflammatory state in the
body. N=20
Saliva PH measurement____Day one of trial Saliva PH measurement Day 30 & 60 of trial
commencement completion

Percent of
Percent of


Saliva PH Measurement Saliva PH Measurement

The 60 Days Trial completion shows a higher and more balanced PH. This now shows the body returning to levels we see in a
healthy adult without disease and the inflammation causative to the disease process.
Mortec Scientific Group of Cambridge, Ontario 2014
Natural Egg Shell Membrane

KollaZeb 500 mg taken once per day had a rapid response effect within a 7 day period and over 70% at day 14. The participants'
clinical picture continued onward to 30 days into the trial receiving the full weight of the substances capabilities to reduce pain,
inflammation and swelling.
Effectiveness of KollaZeb in Moderate to Severe pain

The reporting of results from this human clinical trial demonstrates that KollaZeb is a practical treatment option for the overall
management of Joint and Connective Tissue Disease Symptoms.
Mortec Scientific Group of Cambridge, Ontario 2014
Natural Egg Shell Membrane

A comparison between different chondroprotectors. The pain level using WOMAC is represented
Comparison: placebo vs. glucosamine+chondroitin vs. native collagen vs.KollaZeb

*Lugo et al. Nutrition Journal (2016) 15:14.
**Garcia-Tabar et al. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 2016 (26) S1-S15.
**Garcia-Tabar et al. Archivos de Medicina
del Deporte 2015; 32 (5): 314-334.
**Blasco JMI et al. Int. J. Clin. Rheumatol. (2016) 11(5), 077-081
Natural Egg Shell Membrane

KollaZeb shows 3 main

Joint regenerator

It is specially effective in:

Helping in joint function.
Strengthening joints.
Reducing joint pain.
Treating osteoarthritis and arthritis.
Preventing joint lesions.
It favors' the activation and modulation of the immune
Natural Egg Shell Membrane

Prescribing Information;
Recommended Dosage Adults . 500mg once daily Or as advised by the Health care Practitioner.
Medicinal ingredient .Natural Egg shell Membrane.
Non Medicinal ingredient.Vageterian Capsule.
Indication.Osteoarthritis,,Arthritis diagnosed peoples.
Warning and Precautions‘. Don't use if you have
or suspect you may have an allergy or possible reaction to eggs or eggs by products. Please Report any adverse
/Unexpected reactions to health care providers. Keep out of the reach of children's.
Contraindication. No contraindication described .Completely natural product. Its gluten free.
Absence of Heavy Metals. Non chemical, completely clean and environment friendly process
Kollazeb capsules are available in 2X15,s Tropical blister by reducing its exposure to the atmosphere.
It doesn’t contain any drugs or hormones and is produced in accordance with high pharmaceuticals standards of quality control beyond those normally required for food supplements

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