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• Research is a process of executing various mental acts for discovering and
examining facts and information to prove the accuracy of or truthfulness of
your claims or conclusions about the topic of your research.

• Research requires you to inquire or investigate about your chosen research

topic by asking questions that will make you engage yourself in top-level
thinking strategies of interpreting, analyzing, synthesizing, criticizing,
appreciating, or creating to enable you to discover truths about many things you
tend to wonder about the topic of your research work. (Litchman, 2013)

• Research is analogous to inquiry, in that, both involved investigation of

something through questioning.
⮚deals with numbers of numerical data, such as height, width, length, age, speed,
time, size, and temperature among other things that can be measured

⮚focuses on words or ideas, pictures, videos, sounds, smells, objects or artifacts,
and other non-numerical data
• Empirical – research is based on direct experience or observation by the
• Logical – research is based on valid procedures and principles.
• Cyclical – research starts with a problem and ends with a problem.
• Analytical – research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering data,
whether historical, descriptive, experimental, and case study.
• Critical – research exhibits careful and precise judgment.
• Methodical – research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using
systematic method and procedures.
• Replicability – research design and procedures are repeated to enable the
researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.

• Intellectual Curiosity – researcher undertakes deep thinking and inquiry of the

things, problems, and situations around him.
• Prudence – researcher is careful to conduct his study at the right time and at
the right place wisely, efficiently, and economically.
• Healthy Criticism – the researcher is always doubtful as to the truthfulness of
the results.
• Intellectual Honesty – researcher is honest to collect or gather the data or facts
in order to arrive at honest results.
• Intellectual creativity – a resourceful investigator always creates new
• Avoid any risk of considerably harming people, the environment, or
property unnecessarily.
• Do not use deception on people participating.
• Obtain informed consent from all involved in the study.
• Preserve privacy and confidentiality whenever possible.
• Do not plagiarized the work of others.
• Grant and limit authorship
• Do not falsify research.
1. The effect of family income on grades of students in public high
2. How many students are good in math subject against those with high
level of anxiety?
3. The views of high school students on the concept of brotherhood in
joining fraternities.
4. What are the standpoints of secondary students regarding crimes
committed by minors?
5. Is there a relationship between reading the lessons and score in
examination in English subject?
6. How effective is the teaching method using group activity versus
plain lecture in science class?
7. Female high school students’ concept of beauty anchored on
aesthetic values engaged in a discussion.
8. What is phobia? What is the social world like, to those who
experienced great fears learned from life experiences?
9. Interest in Facebook may reveal there is a correlation between using
the social platform and information sharing.
10. High school males with impressions on the true meaning of
manhood and on men frequenting the gyms for workout.

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