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Renewable energy technologies are ones that
consume primary energy resources that are not
subject to depletion. Examples of renewable
technologies include solar energy, wind energy,
geothermal energy and biomass. Given this definition
and the fact that water supplies are refilled in the
annual hydrologic cycle, hydropower is considered
part of the mix of renewable technologies (Frey and
Linke, 2002).
Solar Energy
Solar energy technologies can be loosely divided into
two categories: Solar Thermal and Solar electric or
Photovoltaic (PV) systems.
Thermal Solar Systems

1. Solar Water Heater:

Solar water heating systems may be used in hotels,
restaurants, hostels and house of the cities in context of
The principle of the system is to heat water, usually in a
special collector and store it in a tank until required.
 Collectors are designed to collect the heat in the most
efficient, but cost effective way, usually into a heat transfer
fluid, which then transfers its heat to the water in the storage
The two main types of collector are: flat plate and evacuated
Solar thermal systems use the sun’s power in terms of
its thermal or heat energy for heating, drying and
evaporating .

Many developing countries have indigenous products

such as solar water heaters, solar grain dryers, etc.
These are usually local rather than international
products, specific to a country or even to a region.
 Thermo siphon solar water heating system
2. Solar Drying:
It is an device used to dry grains using solar energy.
Drying may be required to preserve agricultural/food
products or as a part of the production process, i.e.
timber drying.
 Solar drying systems are those that use the sun’s
energy more efficiently than simple open-air drying.
3. Solar Cooker :
Solar cookers can be important because of the
increased scarcity of wood fuel and the fossil fuels.
Solar cookers can also promote cleaner air where there
is a problem with indoor cooking.
There are basically three types of solar cooker: box
cooker, panel cooker and parabolic cooker.
 In box cooker, heat is concentrated on bottom to heat
the cooking pot, where as in panel cooker and
parabolic cooker, sun light is reflected to cooking pots.

Panel Solar cooker


4. Solar Distillation:
Solar water distillation is the process of using
energy from the sunlight to separate freshwater
from salts or other contaminants.
The untreated water absorbs heat, slowly
reaching high temperatures. The heat causes the
water to evaporate, cool, and condense into
vapour, leaving the contaminants behind.
Solar stills can be used for low capacity and self-
reliant water supplying systems.
Solar Photovoltaic System
It is a technology to the application of solar cells for
energy production by converting sun energy directly
into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. Here, solar
cells implies to photovoltaic device that uses semi
conducting materials to convert sun light into
electricity directly.

When sun light is absorbed by these materials, it

causes electrons to flow through the materials
generating electric current.
Major component of Solar PV
1. Sun light = energy source
2. Photovoltaic module= energy conversion panel
3. Inverter= energy inversion and conditioning
4. Controller= energy controller circuit
5. Batteries= power storage
6. Energy uses= appliances

Note: Solar PV generates DC electricity

Technology system Application
Solar PV (electric) Grid Connected Supplementing to national
transmission line.
Solar PV (electric) Stand - alone 1. Small home system for
lighting, radio and
other electric
2. Small
y schools, health care
centers etc.
3. Water pumping,
4. Powering radio stations
Technology Systems Application
Solar (Thermal) Grid connected to exiting Supplementing to supply
water/space heating heat water from national
system supply line.
Solar (Thermal) Stand-alone 1. Water heating
2. Drying i.e. agro
3. Cooling, etc.
Strengths Vs weakness of solar energy
Strengths Weakness
1. It provides clean – green energy. During 1. Solar panels can be expensive to install
electricity generation with PV panels resulting in a time-lag of many years for
there is no harmful greenhouse gas savings on energy bills to match initial
emissions thus solar PV is investments.
environmentally friendly.

2. Solar energy can be made available 2. Performance is based on the intensity

almost anywhere there is sunlight. of sunshine.

3. Very little maintenance is needed to 3. Low working efficiency (15 -25%) in

keep solar cells running. comparison of other renewable energy.

4. It has high reliability and long life 4. It requires continuous maintenance i.e.
time. exchanging distil water .
Wind Energy
 Wind energy has been taken as the clean energy source. Its
prospect is high in Nepal because of the geographical setting.
There are various parts of Nepal where there is feasibility to
install wind turbine in order to generate electricity.

 The wind energy technology is used for the purpose of

generating electricity, charging batteries, pumping water, and
grinding grains.

 A wind turbine produces power by converting the force of the

wind (kinetic energy) acting on the rotor blades (rotational
energy) into torque (turning force or mechanical energy).
This rotational energy is used either within a generator to
produce electricity or, perhaps less commonly, it is used
directly for driving equipment such as milling machines or
water pumps.
Water pumping applications are more common in
developing countries with the wind turbine energy.
The energy of wind is determined by wind velocity diameter
of blade and density of air.
Note : The theoretical wind potential of the Nepal is
estimated to be about 200MW (Source: Wind Energy
Resource Assessment , 2008/09). Mustang district has high
prospect for wind energy.
Application Mechanical Electricity
Productive use 1. Agro processing 1. heating, cooling,
2. Irrigation by water lighting and other uses.
3. Timber sawing, etc.

Consumptive use 1. Drinking water supply 1. Domestic lighting

2. Milling grains 2. Cooking
3. Cooling
4. Powering other
Strengths Weakness

1. It is relatively simple technology and 1. It requires suitable place for

effective with long lasting. installation where wind velocity and air
density is high.

2. It is relatively environment friendly. 2. It decreases natural niche.

3. It has high prospect in Nepal. 3. Road accessibility and production of

required equipment matter on it.

4. Good solution for replacing fossil fuel. 4. It requires heavy investment for
Hydropower is power which is generated from
continuous water fall through various equipments
such as turbine, generator, transformer etc.
A water turbine converts the energy of water into
mechanical energy, which in turn is often converted
into electrical energy by means of a generator.
Hydropower systems can range from tens of Watts to
hundreds of Megawatts. On the basis of generated
energy, the hydropower plant is categorized. However,
there is no universal standard for it.

Micro hydro power Project Sketch

Classification of hydro power
Description Capacity

1. Large Hydro Project More than 100 Mega Watt

2. Medium Hydro Project 10 – 100 MW

3. Small Hydro Project 1 – 10 MW

4. Mini Hydro Project 100 KW – 1000 KW (1 MW)

5. Micro Hydro Project 1 KW – 100 KW

6. Pico Hydro Project Less than 5 KW

Scenario of hydro power development in
Firs hydropower project of Nepal is Pharping hydro project
with 500 KW capacity established in 1911.
Biggest hydro project of Nepal is Kaligandaki A. Its capacity
is 144 MW.
Installed capacity = 829.6 (14th periodic plan document
Peak hour demand = about 1300 MW.
There are 241 hydro power project are in under construction.
Theoretical capacity to generate 83000 MW, economically
viable about 42000 MW. Micro hydropower project’s
potentiality is about 100 MW.
Application Mechanical Electricity
Productive use 1. Agro processing 1. heating, cooling, lighting
and other uses.
2. Timber sawing, etc.

Consumptive use 1. Drinking water supply 1. Domestic lighting

2. Milling grains 2. Cooking
3. Cooling
4. Powering other
Strengths vs. weakness
Strengths Weakness

1. It is less environmentally harmful. 1. It requires huge investment.

2. It can replace fossil fuel easily. 2. It affects to local vegetation and eco-

3. It can transform the national 3. Power generation depends upon

economy. density of water.

4. It is clean energy supporting to 4. It requires specific location.

sustainable development.

5. It can maintain fuel trade and makes 5. It may create conflict among local
independent. people.
Biomass Energy
 Biomass refers to all the waste materials found from the animals and
plants. It includes to agriculture residues, rice husk, dung etc. The
biomass energy is based on the statement, Turn waste into wealth
kmf]xf]/nfO{ df]x/df a9\nf}F .

 Biomass energy has occupied large portion in energy consumption in

Nepal. The major sources of the biomass are forest, animal dung, and
agriculture residues.

 Under the Clean Development Mechanism, various biomass resources

based technologies have been practiced in the country. Energy efficient
technologies are essential for the transformation of rural lives. Improved
cooking stove (ICS), Biogas, bio briquette, gasifies, etc have been
developing as biomass based technologies in the country.
Interest in biomass energy has taken a new height in
several countries since last couple of years for the
possible sustainable energy for the future.
This movement is motivated by several factors
including declining fossil fuels reserves and thus an
increase need of energy security, environmental
concerns and the potential socioeconomic benefits to
rural areas of developing countries like Nepal.
1. Bio-briquette:
 Bio-briquette is newly introduced renewable technology
for cooking food. The briquette is made of biomass and
agriculture residues. So it is called biomass resource base
Primarily, forest weed named Banmara is converted into
charcoal in the charring drum. The charcoal powder is
mixed with betonies clay at ratio of 1/3, pressed into
honeycomb shaped moulds. It was dried. It can be used
for cooking or heating. There are 19 holes in
briquette .The air flow ensures smokeless burning.
Advantages Disadvantages

1. It is cost effective 1. It is not sufficient for large amount.

2. It is environment friendly 2. It is not sustainable forever.

3. It enables to health improvement 3. It is not convenience to local people.

minimizing indoor air pollution.

4. It supports in employment creation. 4. It reduces local vegetation covered by

Banmara bushy plant.
5. Proper management of resources 5. It takes more time to be ready as
3. Improved Cooking Stove:
An Improved cook stove (ICS), used to replace
traditional cook stoves (TCS), is a device that is
designed to improve combustion efficiency of
biomass, consume less fuel, save cooking time,
increase convenience in cooking processes and create
a smokeless environment in the kitchen or generally
lead to a reduction in the volume of smoke produced
during cooking.
Several types of improved stoves are available in Nepal
like Metal stove, Mud brick Stove, Gasifies stove etc.
Among them, Mud Brick ICS is the mostly practiced
ICS. Mud Brick ICS can be build easily using locally
available materials. Two types of Mud Brick ICS are
being very often using in rural Nepal. They are – Two
Pothole Stove and Tagari Rocket Stove.
Strengths Weaknesses

1. Health improvement from indoor air 1. It requires regular maintenance.


2. It saves cooking time. 2. It is not sustainable clean energy.

3. Aesthetic improvement and social 3. It combusts firewood at all.

standard maintained using cleaner
energy technology.

4. Control deforestation and emission 4. It contribute climate change and global

GHGs. warming at minimal degree.
3. Biogas Plant:
Biogas is a form of clean cooking mechanism, an eco-
friendly sustainable source of renewable energy,
economically and environmentally compatible to use.
Biogas is produced by anaerobic digestion or
fermentation or decomposition of organic wastes by
the action of methanogenic bacteria. There are major
three parts: a) Inlet, b) Dum and c) Outlet
This energy allows biogas to be used as a fuel for any
heating purpose, such as cooking. This gas is about 20
percent lighter than the air which is odorless and
burns with clear blue flame similar to that of Liquefied
Petroleum Gas (LPG).
Strengths Weaknesses
1. Source of clean energy 1. Requires specific location.

2. Proper management of wastes. 2. Requires regular supply of cow dung.

3. Environmentally good 3. Working efficiency is low, so consume

more time for cooking.

4. Improved health status 4. Can not be installed in compact


5. Producing homemade fertilizer for 5. It good for small family.

4. Bio-energy/diesel:
 Bio-fuel is known as alternative energy source like other resources for the
petroleum fuels ; Motor Spirit (MS), High Speed Diesel (HSD), Superior Kerosene
oil (SKO).

 Biofuel is a type of fuel whose energy is derived from biological carbon (C)
fixation. Biofuels include fuels derived from biomass conversion, as well as solid
biomass, liquid fuels and various biogases. This is an alternative to petroleum
fuels with less CO2emission to the atmosphere.

 The logic behind considering it as an environmentally friendly energy is that

biologically fixed C (carbon) will be converted into biofuel and the emitted CO2
from burning of this fuel will be captured again by plants through photosynthesis.
In this way it will not add more CO2 into the atmosphere like the burning of fossil
fuel. Thus, it has been considered as an option to mitigate the effect of global
There are two type of bio-fuel basically. They are
A. Bio-diesel
B. Bio- ethanol

A. Bio- diesel: It is made from the crops oil, animal fat
or recycled greases. Biodiesel is biodegradable and
non-toxic, and typically produces about 60% less net-
lifecycle CO2 emission. Biodiesel making process is
called Transesterification. While doing so, it produces
two product; biodiesel and another is glycerin.
B. Bio-ethanol:
It is made from carbohydrate produced from sugar or
starch from crops, wheat, sugarcane, sugar beet, etc.
Some feed stocks for biofuel
BioDiesel (Oily plants) Bio Ethanol (Carbohydrate)

1. Jatropha 1. Maize, sugarcane

2. Sunflower 2. wheat

3. Soybean 3. Barley

4. Palm oil 4. Potato

Prospect Bio-fuel in Nepal
Jatropha is comonnly found in Nepal. The government of Nepal has launched
special program for the promotion of biofuel from the Jatropha.

Jatropha is known as various names such as Satjivan, Kadam. etc. It cultivation in

Nepal is possible since it is drought resilient, it has not food value, and it can be
grown in marginalized land.

It is estimated that annual production of jatropha seed will be 5000Kg/ha/ye and

average revenue will be NRs 5000 per hector per year which is almost double of rice
and wheat (Poudel &Baral,2010)
Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths Weaknesses

1. It can be good solution to replace fossil 1. It requires heavy investment for

fuel. proceeding.

2. It may be alternative income source. 2. It may discourse to farmers for crops

cultivation. motives to

3. It is environment friendly since it keeps


4. It may make energy independent


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