Energy & Sustainable Development

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Energy and Sustainable

Meaning of Development
• Simply development is positive change, transform, growth, prosperity,
• It is positive changes directed towards particular directions for
• The term ‘Development’ is a multidimensional concept.
• It basically means ‘changing, creating, releasing, unfolding’,
‘revealing’ or ‘opening’ something new and latent. Therefore,
development is a comprehensive process of positive changes or
structural transformation towards particular direction to meet the
desired goal so as the lifestyle of the people should improved.
• In general, increment of income level of the people, having
good/better infrastructures like Road, Transportation,
Communication, Electrification, effective and service motive social
services, transformation of traditional agriculture into commercial or
modern, accountable and responsible bureaucracy, stable
government, women empowerment, people participation in
development and finally enlargement of human choices, etc. are
various terminologies used in the development discourses.
• Development as a Concept: It is multidimensional concept which assumes
certain values. It assumes that development is positive changes which
brings / improve the quality of life of people directly / indirectly.
• Development as a Process: Development is dynamic and it never ends. It
is willing to make human life. It is considered that development moves
from one level to another i.e. progressive/better than previous one
• Development as a Strategy: it has been considered as a good strategy to
uplift the lives of people of the particular region/community etc. who are
behind the development stream through different package program of
Definition by Different Scholars
• Development is gradual improvement of existing structures which
directly or indirectly enhances/ enlarges human freedom, choices and
capabilities(Amartya Sen, 1999).
• Development in the modern sense implies intentional social change in
accordance with societal objectives (Björn Hettne, 2008).
• According to M.P. Todaro, “Development is multidimensional process
involving changes in structure, attitude of people, and institutions as
well as the acceleration of economic growth, the reduction of
inequalities and eradication of absolute poverty.”
Goal of the development

of Basic Freedom

Determinant of Development
Human Resources


Determinants of

Institutions and
organizations Energy
Natural Resources
Sustainable Development
• Sustainable development refers to that kind of development which remains long-
lasting along the environmental preservation. Development which long lasting in
terms of social , economic and environmental aspect is called sustainable
• Mahatma Gandhi-Nature meets the human needs not the greed. So, sustainable
development is about meeting the present generation human needs with keeping
reservation of natural resources for coming generation.
• World Commission for Environment and Development (1987)- it is kind of
development that meets the needs of present generation without compromising
the ability of future generation to meet their needs.
• World Food Organization- Sustainable Development is about management and
conservation of the nature bases resources and orientation of technological and
institutional changes in manner so as to ensure the attainment and continued
Long lasting
It exists only

When there is environment

conservation/ protection
And economic sustainability
Achieved only by

If there is integration and acknowledgment of environmental, economic and social

concerns at decision making processes
Pillar of sustainable development


• The sustainable development is a new form of development which
emphases to development with human face considering environment
conservation along the development activities.
Meaning of Energy
• The word energy is derived from the Greek word en(in) and ergon (work). The
scientific concept of energy (broadly defined as “the capacity to do work”).
Forms of Energy –At the most basic level
-Kinetic Energy(In physics, the kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it
possesses due to its motion.)
-Gravitational Energy(Gravitational energy is the potential energy held by an object
because of its high position compared to a lower position. In other words, it is
energy associated with gravity or gravitational force. For example, a pen being held
above a table has a higher gravitational potential than a pen sitting on the table.)
-Electrical Energy
-Nuclear Energy
• Energy is something which performs work. It is fundamental component of the universe.
Broadly, it is a prerequisite of the development. It directly/ indirectly contributes to the
• We use energy to do work. Energy lights our cities. Energy powers our vehicles, trains,
planes and rockets. Energy warms our homes, cooks our food, plays our music, gives us
pictures on television. Energy powers machinery in factories and tractors on a farm.
Therefore, without energy our lives can not remain. We are consuming the energy either
manual energy or other to do task.
• But the efficient use of the energy matters on the development speed. If we have good
accessibility over the modern energy, our lives may be decent in comparison of previous
one. Hence, it is important determinant of the development. Proper and rational
utilization of the energy influence to sustainable development as well. It is so because,
the discourse of the RE and RET has been associated with energy security, climate change
and sustainable development.
• Categorically, the energy is categorized into two parts:
• Renewable Energy:
• The energy that can be restored, regenerated and regained after its once utilization is called renewable
energy. Broadly, renewable energy is that energy which is collected from renewable resources which
are naturally replenished on human scale such as sunlight, wind, tides, geothermal, etc.
• It basically provides energy for four sectors: Electricity generation, Air/water cooling and heating,
Transportation and Rural (off-grid) energy services.
• It exists over wide geographical areas where as other form of energy has been concentrated at
particular limited areas.
• It can be regained by biological and anaerobic process. According to REN21, renewable energy has
been occupying 19.2% in global energy consumption.
• Renewable energy includes; Biomass, Bio fuel, hydro electricity, wind power, tide and geothermal. Bio-
fuel release some extend carbon dioxide but it is neutralized with natural process. Hydro electricity,
wind power, solar power, etc are known as clean/ alternative energy as well.
• Non –renewable Energy:
• The energy form which can not be replenished after once utilization is
called non renewable energy. The energy which comes from the
sources which will run out or will not be replenished in our life time is
known as non renewable energy. For example fossil fuel, petroleum
products – Diesel, LPG, Kerosene, coal etc.
• The non renewable energy has carbonic base. So while combusting, it
release GHGs at high ratio in comparison of renewable energy.
• It is processed with geological process. So it takes long time to be
such types of energy.
Meaning and concept of the Social
• Social development simply refers to non-economic progress and
outcome of development including both but not limited; reduced
vulnerability, promotion of social justice, well being, social cohesion,
people’s participation, and freedom of people.
• It is a process that releases and channelizes social energies and
capacity through more complex organization to enhance productivity
and capability to achieve greater outcomes.
• Practically, the change and transformation of social aspects which
promotes social cohesion, people well being and so on, achieved from
any developmental activities is called social development. It is basically
concerned with investment in human resources. It aims total
development of the people.
• Ideally, social development is a process of change and transformation
that is designed to increase literacy rate, reduction of poverty,
eradication caste discrimination, end of the gender violence, etc. so as
all people in the society can live their lives happily.
• In short, development of social aspect of human beings and society is
called social development
• Various scholars and organizations have defined to the social
development. Some definitions are put here for its clarity.
• Amartya Sen (1995)defined as “Social Development is equality of social
• The Copenhagen Social Summit (1995) defined social development in
three basic criteria:
• Poverty Eradication,
• Employment Generation
• Social Harmony.
• As defined by Bilance (1997) “Social Development is the promotion of
a sustainable society that is worthy of human dignity by empowering
marginalized groups - women and men to undertake their own
development to improve their social and economic position and
acquire their rightful place in society.”
Dimension of Social Development

• Demographic variable: Family relation, cooperation level and

Population management
• Education: Availability and accessibility of the quality education and
positive change in attitude of the people
• Democratization and good governance: Increment of people’s
participation and responsible and accountable government personnel
towards people, rule of law, etc.
• Health: Availability and accessibility of health services within
community level
Principles of the Social Development

• The social development is guided by the following premises.

• Principle of Equality: The social development programs are based on the
principle of the equality whereby nobody is excluded from participation and
grabbing the benefits from those programs.
• Principles of Social Justice: The social development is advocating rights and
security for those who are marginalized and disadvantaged.
• Principle of Empowerment: The social development aims to empower the
disadvantaged groups themselves by providing various incentives.
• Principle of Integrated Development Approach: The social development
assumes that it is possible only with integration of various sectors –
economic, culture and so on.
Objectives of the Social Development

• To ensure social change and transformation,

• To bring equality in opportunities,
• To enhance capacity, social cohesion and welfare,
• To protect and conserve environment and natural resources, and
• To enlarge people’s participation and their choices.
Roles of Energy in Social Development

• Energy has become a prerequisite for the survival of the human

beings on the Earth. So, we people are using energy and energy
services directly and indirectly in order to maintain the daily
necessities. Energy services are a crucial input to the primary
development challenge of providing adequate food, shelter, clothing,
water and sanitation, medical care, schooling and access to
• At current time we are using both renewable and non renewable
energy. The large part of the national energy consumption has been
occupied by conventional energy sources such as wood fuel, biomass,
petroleum products, etc. (Economic Survey of Nepal; 2015/2016).
• Accessibility, use of and energy continues to be a necessary and vital component of the
development. Therefore, energy is essential for economic, social development and improved
quality of life. There are some major roles the energy and its services in social development.
They are briefly explained as follows:
• To Fulfill the Fundamental Needs of Human Beings: The necessities of the lighting, heating
and cooking are maintained by the energy whether it is non-renewable or renewable. By
consuming energy, the basic needs of the human beings are maintained. So, there way of life
is become easy because of the contribution of the energy.
• To Increase Education Status:
• With continuous supply of energy especially electricity, students can get change to study at
night as well. Similarly, adult education programs can be easily run with energy supply.
• The supply of electricity makes possible to run, smart class (power point) and digital class
(digital board) run as a new teaching methodology. It enhance the capability and skills of the
students Therefore, it enhances to the literacy rate of the nation.
• To increase awareness level:
• The energy services provide a platform to establish the various
communication organizations and houses i.e. Television channel and
community radio stations. These organizations broadcast the
• Similarly, it makes possible to operate various types of electric
gadgets like radio, television, cell phone, internet etc. Consequently,
the awareness level is enhanced. The good education status improves
the awareness of the people as well.
• To empower the marginalized groups:
• There are various marginalized groups in the society of Nepal such as
Women, Children, Dalit, Ethnic Group and Madhesi, etc. With the
energy services the empowerment programs can be implemented for
them to enhance their economic status.
• In addition, the energy enables to operate small scale enterprises
such as poultry farm, hotel business. Furthermore, the modern
energy services can perform task within short time period. It directly
helps to people to invest their precious time in other productive
• To provide health services:
• Energy services and its supply make possible to install the modern
medical technologies. For example, to run/operate x-ray machine, we
need electricity supply.
• It directly helps to decentralize the health services to the rural areas.
In turn, the rural people will not suffer and die with curable diseases.
Similarly, their health status will be improved with the energy supply.
Therefore, the energy helps to the social development by
decentralizing the health services in order to improve the health
status of the people.
• To eradicate the social evils/taboos.
• Energy helps to the social development indirectly by controlling and eradicating
the inhuman social and cultural practices in the society. Such type of
eradication provides chances for equal opportunities to those who are in
discrimination. The social evils and taboos can be eradicated through two ways:
- increasing awareness level
- economic satisfaction.
• Awareness level is increased by education, demonstration and training etc. It
creates positive attitude in the mind of people.
• Prof. Schultz argued that economic satisfaction directly eradicate the social
and cultural taboos of the society.
• Over all development of the human is called the social development. As
we know that the energy is a vital component of the development, it
contributes to the social development directly and indirectly.
• Conventional energies have been occupying large part of the energy
consumption of Nepal. So, the development has not been led as
expected rate because its energy efficiency is low and it takes long time
to perform.
• Therefore the constant supply of energy services from the modern
energy/clean energy essential. We have not mine of fossil fuel; we need
to give high priority to the RE as to promote long lasting development
Meaning of Economic Development

Economic development has been defined into two ways: Traditional

and Modern.
• Traditional Perspective: It is an increment of per capita income,
national income, gross domestic products and positive changes
economic structures.
• Modern Perspective: Increment of PCI, GDP, GNI, etc. along the
economic welfare and satisfaction. It gives emphasis to the economic
distribution and welfare of the people.
• In general, economic development is a process whereby an economy’s
real national income and per capital income increase over a long period
of time. Here, the process of implies the impact of the certain forces
which operate a long period and embody changes in dynamic elements. It
includes changes in resources supply, in the rate of capital formation, in
technology, skills and efficiency and organizational setup.
• It also implies respective changes in the structure of demand for goods in
the level and pattern of income level distribution, in size, and composition
of population, in consumption habits and living standards and in pattern
of social relationship and religious dogmas, ideas and institutions.
• Economic development, as it is now generally understood, includes
the development of agriculture, industry, trade, transport, means of
irrigation, power resources, etc. It, thus, indicates a process of
development. The sectoral improvement is the part of the process of
development which refers to the economic development. Broadly
speaking, economic development has been defined in different ways
and as such it is difficult to locate any single definition which may be
regarded entirely satisfactory.
• According to Prof. Meier and Baldwin: Economic development is a process
whereby an economy’s national income increases over a long time.
• According to UN export committee: Economic development is not concerned
with man’s material needs but also with the improvement of social conditions of
his life.
• Economic development is a continuous process which has to be extended over a
long period of time so as to break the vicious circle of poverty and lead a country
to a stage of self-sustaining growth or to self-generating economy.
• Thus, we can conclude that economic development is a process rather than the
result of it which results in a rise in real national income, and the net national
product must have a sustained increase i.e., it must be over a long period of time.
Major economic sectors of the Nepal
• Agriculture
• Industry
• Trade
• Transportation
• Tourism
Component of the economic development (5M)
• Man/ human resources
• Money / capital
• Materials
• Machines/ technology
• Market
Roles of Energy in Economic Development

• The energy and energy services directly/indirectly supports to the economic

development as the energy is a perquisite of the development to operate the
technologies. There are some major contributions of the energy and energy
services for the economic development. They are briefly explained as follows:
• To reduce poverty: With the accessibility of energy services, the various
industries and factories can be established. People get job there and they can
enhance their economic status by reducing poverty.
• To mobilize locally available resources:The energy plays vital role in
mobilization of locally available resources not only natural rather the human
resources in productive sectors. For the economic development available
resources must be utilized rationally.
• To accelerate speed of the industrialization: As we know that in the industrial
estates, the huge amount of the energy is required to produce as high volume. If
there is not good and efficient energy sources and its supply, the industries may be
hampered. Therefore, the efficient energy source and its sustained supply
accelerated the rate of the industrialization in the nation. And finally, the
economic growth rate definitely increased.
• To transform the traditional agriculture into modern/commercial: Agriculture is
backbone of both the national economy and rural economy of Nepal. For the
economic development in Nepal, agriculture revolution is required. It is possible
with utilization of the green technology in the agriculture. Without the energy and
its services, agriculture revolution is just day dream since the energy is a perquisite
of the development. Hence, energy directly plays essential role in agriculture
• To formulate capital: Capital formulation process proceeds with surplus income/ saving.
When the people are employed with high paid job, their income gets increased. They
can maintain their consumption and save little portion of their income and they save it.
Finally, their saving generates capital for investment in productive sector.
• To Promote Business and Trade: The business organizations are running with energy
services either from renewable or non renewable. To promote the business
organizations and commerce, the efficient and sustainable energy supply is important.
Hence, its role is considerable in economic development.
• To provide Transportations Services- To deliver the products from the production point
to the final consumers, there is necessity of the transportation vehicles. Hence, the
vehicles are providing services to support economic development by consuming energy.
The transportation vehicles also make possible to travel people from one place to
another. Therefore, contribution of the energy in transportation services is considerable.
• To Increase Entrepreneurship: Accessibility to energy services helps and promote
to people to start their own entrepreneurship based on local resources. It increases
to GDP of the nation. So, there is significant role of energy in entrepreneurship
• To Promote Tourism Industry: Tourism industry is based on luxury. We have to
satisfy to tourists serving perfectly. Similarly, we have to provide what they demand
within local regulation. The promotion of the tourism industry is possible with good
accessibility to energy services.
• Infrastructural Development: With the modern era, infrastructure development
like road construction, dam construction for irrigation, etc. are not possible with
manual force/energy. We have to use heavy equipments and they are run by any
form of energy services. So, energy has been supporting to economic development
indirectly in supporting infrastructure development.

• Economic development is a process whereby national economy gets

improved over a long time. Economic development is both qualitative and
quantitative changes and transformation.
• Industrialization, agriculture transformation, infrastructure development
etc. are required for economic development.
• Finally, as we know that energy and its services are prerequisite for
development; therefore, it is playing very vital role in economic
development. Considering to the environmental issue and climate change,
we have to give importance to the ‘green economic policy’ and renewable
energy and technologies.
Role of Energy in Sustainable Development

• Nowadays, energy has become central to sustainable development and

prosperity of a society. In attaining sustainable development, increasing the
energy efficiencies of processes, and utilizing sustainable energy sources play
important roles.
• By 1993, the concept of sustainable development had been widened to mean the
achievement of a quality of life that can be maintained for many generations
because it is:
• Socially Desirable: Fulfilling people’s cultural, material and spiritual needs in
equitable ways.
• Economically Viable: Paying for itself, with costs not exceeding to income, and
• Ecologically Sustainable: Maintaining the long term viability of supporting
ecosystem (Pradhan and Pradhan: 2011).
• To support to the sustainable development, accessibility to modern/ alternative energy and its services are
important. Hence, there are very significant roles of the energy in maintaining sustainable development.
• Some major roles of the energy in the sustainable development are listed as below:
• To alleviate poverty,
• To ensure quality education,
• To ensure/ promote food security,
• To maintain equality in social opportunities and provide social justice,
• To maintain broad-based and sustainable economic growth,
• To decentralize health services,
• To improve health status,
• To reduce gender violence/ discrimination and promote women empowerment,
• To sensitize and spread the importance of the environment to rural people, and
• To control deforestation.

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