Public Administration in Uzbekistan

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Public administration in Uzbekistan

SARDOR 201923232

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 2. Overview

3. Governance Structure
4. Public Administration System
5. Civil Service
7. Public Financial Management 6. Anti-Corruption Measures
8. Citizen engagement
9.Financial Management
and Budgeting in Public
Administration 10.Human Resources
Management in Uzbekistan's
Public Sector
11. Conclusion

Public administration in Uzbekistan is a

critical area that encompasses the
management and implementation of
government policies, programs, and services.
It plays a crucial role in shaping the country's
governance, economic development, and
overall societal progress.
Overview of Uzbekistan
Overview of Uzbekistan
Historically, Uzbekistan has
Uzbekistan is a
been a region with rich cultural
landlocked country
heritage and trade routes,
located in Central
known for its ancient cities
along the Silk Road.

01 02 03 04
Uzbekistan has a diverse
population of over landscape, ranging from
34 million people deserts to mountains, and is
and its capital city known for its natural
is Tashkent. resources, including natural
gas, gold, and cotton.
"Strong and effective public administration is
the backbone of good governance, ensuring
transparency, accountability, and efficient
delivery of public services. By embracing
citizen engagement, promoting integrity, and
investing in the professional development of its
civil services. "
3. Governance Structure.

Branch Branch

L Legislative Branch
4. Public Administration System.

1. Ministry System. 5. E-Government initiatives.

2. State Agencies. 6. Public financial management.

3. Local Governance. 7. Anti-Corruption measures.

4. Civil service. 8. Citizen Engagement.

5. Civil Service.
1. Recruitment: Civil servants in Uzbekistan are selected based on merit through a competitive
selection process. The Civil Service Agency oversees the recruitment process to ensure transparency
and fairness.
2. Training and Development: The civil service in Uzbekistan emphasizes the importance of continuous
training and professional development. Civil servants receive training programs to enhance their skills,
knowledge, and capabilities.

3. Career Progression: Uzbekistan has established a career progression system within the civil service. Civil servants
can advance in their careers based on their performance, experience, and qualifications. Opportunities for
promotion and higher positions are available, providing incentives for civil servants to excel in their roles.

4. Code of Conduct and Ethics: The civil service in Uzbekistan adheres to a code of conduct and ethics, which
outlines the expected behaviour and standards of integrity for civil servants.

5. Performance Evaluation: Civil servants in Uzbekistan undergo performance evaluations to assess their job
performance and contribution to the public service. Performance evaluations help identify areas for improvement and
support the recognition of exceptional performance.
6. Anti-Corruption measures.
1. Anti-Corruption Agency:
3.International Cooperation: Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan established the actively engages in international
Anti-Corruption Agency as an cooperation to combat corruption. The
independent body responsible country has joined international
conventions, such as the United Nations
for preventing, detecting, and
Convention against Corruption
investigating corruption cases. (UNCAC).

2. Legal Reforms: Uzbekistan has

implemented legal reforms to enhance 4.Public Awareness and Education: The
the anti-corruption framework. This government of Uzbekistan
includes enacting laws that criminalize emphasizes public awareness and
bribery, embezzlement, and abuse of education as crucial elements in
power. combating corruption.
7. Public Financial management.
1. Budget Formulation.

2. Budget Execution.
3. Accounting and Financial Reporting.

4. Public Debt Management.

5. Financial Controls and Accountability.
6.Transparency and Citizen Engagement.
8. Citizen Engagement.
1. Public Hearings: Uzbekistan has implemented mechanisms for public hearings, where citizens have the
opportunity to express their opinions, provide feedback, and ask questions about proposed policies,
projects, or legislative changes.
2. Public Consultations: The government of Uzbekistan seeks to involve citizens in the policymaking
process through public consultations.
3.Access to Information: The government promotes transparency and facilitates access to information for
4.Civil Society Engagement: The government of Uzbekistan has taken steps to foster collaboration and partnerships
with civil society organizations. Civil society plays a vital role in facilitating citizen engagement, advocating for
citizen rights, and promoting accountability.
5.Social Media and Online Platforms: The use of social media and online platforms has grown in Uzbekistan,
providing avenues for citizens to express their opinions, engage in discussions, and raise awareness about various
9. Financial Management and Budgeting in Public

Budget Structure: Uzbekistan follows a typical government budget structure that includes
revenues, expenditures, and a deficit or surplus. The government outlines its budget
annually, detailing allocations across various sectors like healthcare, education,
infrastructure, and defense.
Reforms in Public Finance: Uzbekistan has been undergoing significant economic
reforms, including in public finance management. Efforts have been made to enhance
transparency, accountability, and efficiency in budget allocation and spending.
Decentralization: There have been initiatives to decentralize budgeting processes, allowing
local governments more authority in managing their finances. This move aims to address
regional disparities and promote local development.
Public Financial Control: Measures have been taken to strengthen financial control and
auditing mechanisms to ensure proper utilization of public funds and prevent corruption.
Improving Transparency: Uzbekistan has been working on enhancing transparency in
its budgeting process. This includes making budgetary information more accessible to the
public and improving reporting standards.
International Support and Collaboration: The country has collaborated
with international organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and
the World Bank to implement reforms in public financial management and budgeting
Economic Diversification: The government has been focusing on diversifying its
economy, which could impact budgetary allocations and financial planning to support
new sectors and initiatives.
10. Human resources
Management in
Uzbekistan's Public Sector
In Uzbekistan's public sector, Human Resources Management (HRM) encompasses various aspects of
managing the government workforce. Here are some key points:
Employment Practices: The public sector historically employed a significant portion of the workforce.
However, recent reforms aim to modernize recruitment practices, emphasizing merit-based hiring and fair
selection processes.
Training and Development: Efforts have been made to enhance the skills and competencies of public sector
employees through training programs. These programs focus on improving job performance and adapting to
evolving administrative practices.
Technology Integration: The government is embracing technological advancements in HRM processes.
This includes using digital tools for recruitment, training modules, performance evaluations, and data
management to streamline operations.
Compensation and Benefits: Reforms are underway to align salaries and benefits for public sector
employees with market standards. The aim is to make government jobs more competitive and attractive.
Ethical Standards: Uzbekistan emphasizes ethical conduct and professionalism among its public servants.
There are measures in place to enforce codes of conduct and ensure accountability within the workforce.
Gender Equality and Diversity: Initiatives promote diversity and gender equality within the public sector.
These efforts aim to increase the representation of women and minority groups in government positions.

Conclusion. Public administration in Uzbekistan is a crucial
aspect of governance that encompasses the
management and implementation of
government policies, programs, and services.
The country has been making significant
efforts to strengthen its public administration
systems and practices.

Through reforms aimed at improving

transparency, accountability, and citizen
engagement, Uzbekistan is striving to enhance
the efficiency and effectiveness of its public
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