Phase 1 Review 2

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Phase 1 review 2


Project Carried out at SJCIT

Carried out by
 Likhith Gowda P(1SJ16ME045)
 Bharath C (1SJ17ME403)
 Lohith S (1SJ16ME046)
 Manjesh N (1SJ17ME410)
Under the guidance of
Dr.Ravi kumar M
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical engineering.


w • Introduction
h • Literature review
• Objectives
w • Problems identifications and definition
h • Project methodology
o • Plan of action

Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals,
biological contaminants, suspended solids, and gases from water. The goal is to
produce water fit for specific purposes. These standards usually include minimum
and maximum concentrations of contaminants, depending on the intended use of
the water.
Sustainable water supply is a component of integrated water resource
management, the practice of bringing together multiple stakeholders with various
viewpoints in order to determine how water should best be managed. In order to
decide if a water system is sustainable, various economical, social and ecological
considerations must be considered
The standards for drinking water quality are typically set by governments
or by international standards. These standards usually include minimum and
maximum concentrations of contaminants, depending on the intended use of the

Literature review
• A Stepwise Small-N/Medium-N Qualitative Comparative Analysis Approach
for Water Resources Management Research

• HE INVESTIGATED The comparative approach in water resource

• Drawing particularly on recent debates on, and development of,
comparative methods in the field of comparative politics, the paper argues
that stepwise small-N/medium-N qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) is a
particularly suitable methodological approach for water resources studies
because it can make use of the rich but fragmented water resources studies
literature for accumulation of knowledge and development of theory.


• Study on Sustainable Water Resource Conservation

• The residents in the catchment area can drink the drinking water
with safety, abundantly and free of charge sustainably.
• . In this paper, a water quality purification by the Schumann
frequencies was first considered through the murmuring sound of
upper reach at the mountain stream (Kyoto Pref., Japan) regarding
the conservation of water resources. Second, water is changing
freely and easily accepting the wavelength of all the sounds. We
therefore referred to a flow and dynamic equilibrium to realize and
understand the water quality purification process


• The concept of water in rig veda

• He observed that water was an extraordinary and omnipresent element in Rig Veda It was the
upholder of all lives and the saviour of everything living or dead on earth. Not only Rig Veda but
the societies existing even prior to it in the ancient world practiced spiritual veneration for
water. King Menes of Egypt (3rd B.C) diverted the river Nilewith a 15 meter dam to establish
Memphis, his capital city. Around that time the Egyptians had innovated 'Nilometers' to
measure discharge of the Nile to divert excess water for agriculture. In around 1760 B.C.
Hammurabi set in place the earliest known human laws for regulation, distribution and
maintenance of irrigation structures. Another 60 years later a well dug in Egypt had reached to a
depth of 100 to tap the water table and water tunnels were being used in Palestine and Syria to
divert water from natural springs to towns. Rig Veda has several gods attributed to water. Apas,
who is addressed in four Suktas, is the God of waters. There are other gods too who, apart from
having their own independent portfolios, are also in some direct or indirect way related to some
or the other form of water. They are Indra, Varun, Parjanya etc. Apah or Apas or the God of
water, come from the Vedic Sanskrit term Ap (ap) for"Water." It turns into Ab - the Persian word
for water4. In Rig Veda, god Apas asomewhere discribed as mother, some where as a woman
and somewhere as the Master Lord

 To design and develop economical water purifier
which will be different from the existing one
 Performance evaluation of the water purifier

Hardware Requirements:
 Solar panels
 Comparator
 Diaphragm pump
 RO membrane
 Activated carbon filter
 Microcontroller
 Battery
 Thermostats

Flow chart:

Membrane consisting of agriculture fibers separates minute dust

particles, primary filtration which consists of various size of sieves to
remove unwanted impurities cotton and activated charcoal layer cleans
the water more effectively
Copper coated tank to store water which dissolves copper ions, solar
panel which is used as a substitute of electricity which makes it
ecofriendly, heats the water adding minerals naturally using Vedic
concepts which not only makes water purify but also mineralizes water

We are in the condition that even the RO purified water is made to boil
and then drink and some are even storing the water in copper vessels
and then drink so the water obtained from this process does not need
any of this steps and through


 Membrane consisting of agriculture fibres
separates the minute dust particles from the
water and also adds some amount of mineral
like cellulose and potassium.
 Primary filtration which consists of various size
of sieves removes unwanted impurities at
different levels.
 Cotton and activated charcoal layer cleans the
water more effectively and also removes the
dissolved impurities.

 After the primary process the water is made to pass to the next tank for secondary process
 In this tank a non return valve is fitted so that only water enters the tank whereas the steam will
not escape from that pipe
 Water is heated using heating coil and is then passed to copper pipe which not only condenses
the water but also deposits the copper ions into the water

• After the secondary process the water is passed to next tank for tertiary process
• Here the minerals are added naturally using VEDIC concepts which not makes water pure and
also the water will be a mineral water
• We are in the condition that even the RO purified water is made to boil and then drink and some
are even storing the water in copper vessels and then drink so the water obtained from this
process does not need any of this steps and through the mineral adding process the obtained
water will be more pure than the water which is purified using the ROsystem

Problems identification and definition


 The present RO system  In the purity system is

comprises mainly completely eco-friendly
chemical method of and cleaning is chemical
cleaning the water free
 The membranes and the
filters used are all
 The membranes and
artificial comprises of
filters are natural and
healthy drinking water


Comparator: comparator is a hardware electronic device that takes current

from the two inputs and determines whether one number is
greater than, less than or equal to the other number and
send the required power supply to the device

Solar heater: To heat the water using solar energy which essential now a
days, Thermostats is used in system that heats or cools to a
sets point temperature,

Plan of action:

January 2021 2021
March 2021 April 2021 May 2021

• Selection of • Collection • Assemble • Testing of • Final

required of material process the model
parts machine

The present RO system comprises mainly chemical method of cleaning
the water and the membranes used are all artificial and the filters used
in that filter is mainly comprises of chemicals so to replacing the
existing one to a completely a natural method of purifying it and the
membranes used are also made of agricultural fibres and instead of
chemical filters the naturally available filters are used so as to obtain
the pure and healthy drinking water and storing the water in copper
vessel will make the water more fit to drink a, adding minerals naturally
makes it even more purified and a good taste will be added for the
water to drink it we are living in the society that the RO purified water is
also made boiled and then it is been drinking and water is made to
store in copper vessels and then is been drinking so reduce all this
extra work as already all this have been installed in our purifier and this
is a complete safe and a chemical free water to drink


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