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Structure and Characterization of Materials

Tutorial: 11-11:50 Thursdays
Submission: by 11 am on the corresponding Tutorial day

Assignment 5
Question 1
Determine the symmetry operator transformation matrices for
a. trigonal symmetry with one 3-fold symmetry element
b. orthorhombic symmetry
Question 2
We have discussed that the elastic stiffness tensor for a material with monoclinic
symmetry with a 2-fold along the b-axis is characterized by 13 independent
components. Use tensor algebra to prove the same. [10]
Question 3
Determine the independent constants for piezoelectric tensor for monoclinic and
cubic symmetry. Consider the 2-fold along the c-axis for a monoclinic crystal.
Remember stress is a symmetric tensor, so piezoelectric constant can be considered
as a second-rank tensor with stress as a 6-component tensor of rank 1 and electric
field as a three-component rank 1 tensor. Thus, e is a 3 x 6 matrix, and the
transpose of the same is given by
Question 4
Determine the ratio of Youngs modulus along <111> and <100> direction for FCC
copper and tungsten.
Question 5
Find the Schmid factor for the (111) [1-10] slip system in FCC for uniaxial tension
along the x-axis (S1) as well as bi-axial loading with equal stress in tension along x-
axis and compression along the y-axis (S2) for 100 single crystal.
1 0 0 1 0 0
S1 = 0 0 0 S2 = 0 −1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Also, determine the same for 110 and 1-10 single crystals respectively with the
orientation matrix provided below.
0 0.707 0.707 0 − 0.707 0.707
110  0 − 0.707 0.707 1-10  0 − 0.707 −0.707
1 0 0 1 0 0
You can simply calculate the same using a scalar approach as I have provided the
direction of the loading

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