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Network Analysis and Synthesis

Chapter 3
Elements of Theory

• In the last chapter we were concerned with

the problem of identifying the response given
the excitation and network.
• When we discuss about synthesis we are
concerned with the problem of constructing a
network given the excitation and response.
• The starting point for any synthesis is the
system function
H (s) 
• The first step in synthesis procedure is
determining whether the system function can
be realized with a physical passive network.
• There are two considerations
– Causality and
– Stability
1. Causality

• By causality we mean that a voltage doesn’t

appear between any terminals in the network
before a current/voltage is applied.
• In other words, the impulse response of the
network must be zero for t<0.
h(t)  0 for t  0
• In certain cases, the network can be made
causal by delaying the impulse response by a
certain time delay.

• If we delay h(t) by T, then h(t-T) will be causal.

1. Causality

• In complex frequency domain the necessary and

sufficient condition for causality is all the lies in the left
half of S-plane
2. Stability

• If a network is stable, then for a bounded

excitation e(t) the response will also be
| e(t) | C1 0t
| r(t) | 0t
C2 
• Where C1 and C2 are real, positive and finite
• Stability in the frequency domain implies that
the system function should only have poles on
the left had side of the ‘s’ plane or simple
poles on the jw axis.
• This is because if we have a pole on the right
hand side, then the impulse response will
have an exponentially increasing term, eαt.
• Hence, our response will not be bounded.
• If H(s) is given as
a n s n  an 1s n1  ...  a1 s  0
H (s) 
bm s m  bm1s m1a ...  b1 s  0
• Due to the requirement ofb simple poles on the
jw axis, the order of the numerator shouldn’t
exceed the order of the denominator by more
than 1. That is n  m 1
• If n  m 1 then there would be multiple poles
on the s=jw=infinity.
• To summarize, for a network to be stable the
following three conditions must be satisfied
1. H(s) can’t have poles on the right side of the ‘s’
2. H(s) can’t have multiple poles on the jw axis.
3. The degree of the numerator of H(s) can’t
exceed that of the denominator by more than 1.
Test the causality and stability of a
system described by the equation

H(s) = 1/ (s+2)(s+3)
Find the Transfer Function and Determine
the causality and stability of a system
described by the equation

+2y(t)=+ -2y(t)
3. Hurwitz polynomials

• We mentioned in the previous section that in

order for a system to be stable, its poles must
lie in the left side of the ‘s’ plane; moreover
the poles on the jw axis must be simple.
• The denominator polynomial of a system
function H(s) that satisfies these criteria
belongs to a class of polynomials called
Hurwitz polynomials.
• In these section, we will discuss the properties
of these types of polynomials.
• A polynomial P(s) is said to be Hurwitz if it
1. P(s) must be real if s is real.
2. The real part of its roots must be negative or
• As a zero.
result of these conditions, if P(s) is a
Hurwitz polynomial given by
P(s)  an s n an1s n1
 ...  a1s  a0

• Then all coefficients an must be real and if

si=α+jβ is root of P(s), then α must be negative.

1. The polynomial 
P(s)  (s 1) s 1 j 2 s 1 j 2  is
Hurwitz because
• For real s P(s) is real, P(s)=(s+1)(s2+3s+2)
• None of the roots lie on the right hand side of the ‘s’ plane.

2. Th polynomial G(s)  (s 1)(s  2)(s  is not

• The root s=1 lies on the positive ‘s’ plane.
Properties of Hurwitz polynomial

1. All the coefficients of the polynomial are non

• This is readily seen by examining the types of
terms P(s) can have
P(s)  s  i s 2
 i 2 s   

Simple Simple pole Complex
real pole on the jw axis conjugate
• The multiplication of these non negative
coefficients can only give non negative
2. The even and odd parts of P(s) have roots on
the jw axis only.
• If we denote the even odd parts of P(s)
and as n(s) and m(s)
P(s)  n(s)  m(s)
• Then both n(s) and m(s) have roots on the jw
axis only.
3. The continued fraction expansion of n(s)/m(s)
or m(s)/n(s) of a Hurwitz polynomial yields
only positive quotient terms.
n(s) 1
 (s)   q1s 
m(s) q2 s 
q3 s 
q4 s 
qn s

• All the q’s are positive.


• Obtain the continued

fraction expansion
F (s)  s  s of
 5s
3 2
 3s  4
• Solution:
n(s)  s 4  5s 2  4 and m(s)  s 3  3s
– Since the order of n(s) is higher than m(s), we
start with n(s)/m(s).
n(s) s 4  5s 2  4

m(s) s 3  3s
2s 2  4
s 3  3s
s  3s

2s 2  4

s 1
1 s
2 2s 2  4
1 1
2 2s 2  4
s 1
1 1
2 4
2s 
1 1 Note that all the
2 1 coefficients of the
2s 
s quotients are positive
4. Positive Real Functions

• These functions are important because they

represent physically realizable passive driving
point immitances.
• A function is positive real if
– F(s) is real for real s, that is F(σ) is real.
– The real part of F(s) is greater or equal to zero
when the real part of s is greater than or equal to
zero. That is
• In other words, the right half of the ‘s’ plane
maps with the right half of F(s) plane.
• In addition, the real axis of ‘s’ plane maps with
real axis of F(s) plane.
• A further restriction is that F(s) be rational.

1. F(s)=Ls (where L is positive real number), is

positive real by definition. Inductor
2. F(s)=R (where R is positive real number), is
positive real by definition. Resistor
3. F(s)=K/s (K real and positive) is positive real
because when s is real F(s) is real and when
the real part of s is positive the real part of
F(s) is also positive. Capacitor
1 1 j j
F (s)   * 
  j   j   j  2  2
• The necessary and sufficient condition for F(s)
to be a positive real function is
– F(s) must have no poles on the right side of s
– F(s) may have only simple poles on the jw axis
with real and positive residues.
– Re(F(jw))  0 for all w.
s 2
1. Is F (s) 
s  3s 
positive real function?
2 s 2 1
F (s)  
s  1(s  2) s 
– Its pole s=-1 lies on the left of s plane
– No multiple poles on the jw axis
– Its real part is
 1  1  jw  1
ReF ( jw)   Re  Re 
1w  1w
 1  jw 

is always positive.
2. Is F (s) 
positive real?
Solution: s 2
F (s) 
s  j 2 s  j 2
 right hand side.
– No poles on the
– No multiple poles on jw axis.
– The real part of F(jw) is
 jw 1  1
ReF ( jw)   Re  
w 2 2w
2 2

this can be a negative number. For example for


3. Is F (s) 
s2 6s+5
s  9s  14
2 positive real?

3. Is F (s) 
s 4
s  2s  1
2 positive real?

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