Topic 3 - Multimodal and Second Language

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The Relationship of Multimodal Teaching Strategies

and Second Language Acquisition in Nieves Villarica

National High School-Senior High Students

A Research Title Presentation on Language Research

Teacher Education Department
UM Peñaplata College
Island Garden City of Samal

Amancio, Christine Joy C.

Kinkito, Roldan B.
Morales, Diana Queenie M.
• The study is to examine the relationship between multimodal teaching strategies and second
language acquisition in Nieves Villarica National High School-Senior High Students.
• This study is beneficial by the following:
1. Educators: They will gain more information about the relationship of multimodal teaching for
second language acquisition, then, they can choose the strategy that will effectively use in acquiring
second language.
2. Parents: For them to be aware how these strategies will affect their child’s performance and
behavior in school.
3. Students: this study will help them determine if there is relationship between the two
variables and have more knowledge in knowing what the multimodal teachings are and how it will
improve them academically while acquiring second language.
4. Future Researchers: This would serve as their basis when they conduct a related study.
• Although there was numerous related study that is conducted affiliated to this problem, but we wanted
to specifically be focused the study on the senior high school students of Nieves Villarica. Hence,
there is a research gap in multimodal teaching, it is the limitedness of resources that will supposedly
help to implement those strategies to be more effective to the senior high school students.
• General
This study aims to determine the relationship of multimodal teaching strategies and second language acquisition in
Nieves Villarica National High School-Senior High School students.
• Specific
This study will be guided by the following objectives:
1. To find out and consider the factors in choosing strategies that should be implemented in the classroom especially
considering that it should help the students acquire second language.
2. To identify if there is a significant relationship between Multimodal Teaching Strategies and Second Language
3. To know how effective these strategies in the students.
4. To identify what are the strategies that is the most effective to use in acquiring second language.
5. To establish appropriate recommendation that can be made for targeted mediation, strategies, and support
mechanisms to intensify the effectiveness of multimodal strategies for second language acquisition among senior high
school students of Nieves Villarica High School.
• Hypothesis
H01- There is no significant relationship between Multimodal Teaching Strategies and Second Language
Acquisition. This was tested with a level of significance at 0.05.
H02 – There is significant relationship between Multimodal Teaching Strategies and Second Language Acquisition.
This was tested with a level of significance at 0.05.
Framework of the Study
• Conceptual Framework
Multimodal Teaching Second Language
• Technology
• Interactive Activities
• Use of multiple sensory • English
(visual, auditory, and
• Theoretical Framework
This study is anchored to the Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner. Howard
Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory proposes that students can be categorized as a composite of
distinct learning styles (visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal,
linguistic, and logical-mathematical). Therefore, there are distinct Multimodal Teaching Strategies
possible to be employed, in that way these strategies can conceivably be use in acquiring second
• Research Design
- Descriptive-correlational Research Design
Choosing this design to be use in this study was supported by Quaranta, J. (2017),
a descriptive-correlational study is a study in which the researcher is primarily interested in
describing relationships among variables, without seeking to establish a causal connection.
• Research Participants
- Controlled Sampling from NVNHS-Senior High Students
• Research Instruments
- Researchers made survey questionnaire
• Research Procedure
Step 1: The researchers made a permission letter address to the School In-charge
and Practical Research Adviser.
Step 2: The researchers made and sent a permission letter to the participants.
Step 3: The researchers explain the nature of the study (topic).
Step 4: The researchers will disseminate the survey questionnaires.
Step 5: After that, the researchers will collect the survey questionnaire.
Step 6: The researcher will now tally, coded, and examined the respondents'
• Statistical Treatment
- Single Linear Regression
It is used to estimate the relationship between two quantitative variables. You can
use simple linear regression when you want to know: How strong the relationship is
between two variables; The value of the dependent variable at a certain value of the
independent variable (Bevans, 2023).
Bevans, R. (2023). Simple Linear Regression | An Easy Introduction & Examples. Scribbr.
MSEd, K. C. (2023). Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Verywell Mind. Retrieved on
August 28, 2023, from
Quaranta, J. (2017). Descriptive correlational Research: Asthma management by school
nurses. Retrieved on August 28, 2023, from

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