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Presentation By Group 3 and 4
Ana is a 25-year-old Christian woman who lives in a country where contraceptives are widely available and
accepted. She is in a committed relationship with her boyfriend and is interested in using contraceptives to
prevent pregnancy.

Ana is aware of the Church's teaching on contraception and knows that the Church opposes the use of artificial
contraceptives. However, she believes that the Church's teaching does not reflect the reality of modern
relationships and the challenges of family planning.

Ana turns to her local family planning clinic for advice on the issue. The clinic provides her with information on
different types of contraceptives and advises her on the potential health risks and benefits of each method.

Ana feels torn between her desire to practice responsible family planning and her Christian faith. She wonders if
it is possible to reconcile the two and if there are any alternatives to artificial contraceptives that would be more
acceptable to the Church.
As a classroom defense, you are tasked with discussing possible solutions to Ana's
situation based on Christian principles. How can you address Ana's concerns about the
Church's teaching on contraception while also promoting responsible family planning
and respecting the Church's teaching on the issue? How can you offer guidance and
support to Ana while also upholding the Church's teachings on sexual morality and the
dignity of every human person?
Navigating the tension between personal beliefs and
religious teachings can be challenging, especially in
matters as intimate as family planning. Here are
some ways to address Ana's concerns while
respecting the Church's teachings:
Talk openly and without passing judgment on the Church's
position on contraception, highlighting its justifications. Assist
Ana in comprehending the doctrinal underpinnings of the EDUCATION AND
Church's stance against artificial contraception, the sanctity of
life, and its teachings on sexuality. UNDERSTANDING

Introduce Ana to church-approved natural family

planning techniques. Since NFP techniques respect the
natural process of conception, they are consistent with
Church teachings. NFP methods are based on observing

EXPLORE and comprehending a woman's fertility cycle. Give Ana

access to materials or courses that cover NFP
NATURAL FAMILY techniques so she can make well-informed family

PLANNING (NFP) planning decisions.

Urge Ana to consult with a reputable priest or Make connections for Ana with others who
spiritual counselor so that they can help her NETWORKS
have managed to balance their faith and
bring her personal convictions into line with prudent family planning, or with support
what the Church teaches. A stronger grasp of organizations. She could feel more competent
how to combine faith and sensible living navigating her own circumstance after hearing
decisions can be obtained through pastoral care. about other people's experiences.
Holistic Health
Talk about the psychological and physiological effects of
contraception. Emphasize the advantages as well as the
drawbacks of contraception so Ana can weigh the
Church's teachings and make an informed decision

ANSWERS regarding her health and well-being.

(3/4): Practical
Look for alternative methods of preventing unintended births
that don't go against what the Church teaches. Stress the value
of healthy sexual behavior, treating others with respect in
partnerships, and using intimacy to show love and commitment
rather than just to prevent pregnancy.
ANSWERS (4/4):
Respectful Dialogue
Urge Ana to be involved in her faith community while
having a civil and honest conversation with her about her
worries. Stress the importance of navigating personal
struggles while looking for guidance and understanding
from the community.

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