Characteristics of Organism

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Junior High School

7th Grade

Characteristics of Organism
How to identify if something is organism or not?

Cheetah Motorcycle

Living Thing  Organism Non Living Thing

Let’s identify their characteristics!

Organisms Have Living Things Characteristics

Moving Eat

Grow & Develop Breath

Characteristics of

Iritability Reproduction

Excretion Adaptation
1. Organisms Have Ability to MOVING

Motion is a position change from its

original position

Plants doing PASSIVE Animals and Human doing ACTIVE MOVEMENT because of
MOVEMENT coordination from muscles, bones, and joints
2. Organisms Have Ability to ADAPTATION

Adaptation is the ability of organisms to adapt to their environmental conditions

Ducks have webbed feet to

help them swim

Camels have water sacs on
their humps to store water

Chameleons can
Behaviour change skin color
according to their
3. Organisms Have Ability to GROW and DEVELOP

•Growth is an increase in body size

• Development is a phase change

Growth (weight, height, length, and diameter)

due to an increase in the number of cells
Development towards maturity which is
characterized by the ability to
4. Organisms Have Ability to REPRODUCTION

Reproduction is the ability of organisms to breed or produce new individuals


Sexual Asexual
5. Organisms Have Ability to RESPOND THE STIMULUS

Irritability is the ability of living things to receive and respond to a stimulus

Reflex of Mimosa pudica with

Pupillary Light Reflex
physical touch
6. Organisms Have Ability to TAKE and USE THE ENERGY
Metabolism is the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order
to maintain life. One of the function of metabolism is to take and use the energy
7. Organisms Have Ability to TAKE A BREATH

Respiration is
1. the act or process of breathing : the inhaling of oxygen and the exhaling of carbon dioxide
2. the process by which cells use oxygen to break down sugar and obtain energy
8. Organisms Have Ability to ESCRETE RESIDUAL SUBSTANCES

Excretion is the process of eliminating or expelling residual substances

Junior High School
7th Grade

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