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(Requests, enquiries, permission letters,

upward memos, rejection letters. . . )
Politeness and Directness - Requests

I would be grateful if you could send me … .

very polite
I would appreciate if you could … .

Could you please send me … ?

Could you send me … , please?

Could you send me … ?

polite but direct
Would you send me … ?

more direct Please send me … .

 I would request (+ noun)
I would request your immediate attention to the
(very formal, to express dissatisfaction)

 Could you possibly

Could you possibly send it before Friday?
 Adverbs such as also and therefore can be inserted
into a request as follows:

 I would also be grateful if you could send me … .

 I would therefore be grateful if you could send me

 Could you therefore please send me … ?
 Could you therefore send me … ?
 Could you also send me … ?
Language We Use to Sound More Polite

 Modals
might, can, could, would

 Distancing Phrases (instead of present tense)

I was hoping…, I was wondering…, I wanted to…

 Tentative Language/Hedging
Maybe…, Perhaps…, I’m not sure if…, I don’t know
if…, might
 Introductory Phrases
It looks like…, It seems like…, Actually…,To be
honest…Well…, I see what you’re saying (but…),

 Positive Language
 Avoid negative expressions like “bad,” “won’t work,”

“ineffective,” etc.
It might not be the best approach.
Writing Letters/Emails- Polite Writing
Situations Language Notes

For simple requests, we

can be fairly direct.
Keep in mind
that Would you mind is
-Asking an a bit more polite than
Simple Requests employee or Can/could
(the reader has an coworker to do you…? Also, could is a
Could/can you…please?
obligation to something that little more polite
Would you mind…?
comply with your he/she than can.
request) normally Remember that mind is
handles followed by the gerund
(ing). For
example, Would you
mind taking to take a
look at this.
Favors and big requests
require “softer”
I was hoping
-Getting language.
you could…
Favors and Big help with One way to make
Requests something language softer is by
I was
(the reader does that you using past tenses (I was
wondering if
not have an normally hoping, I was
you could…
obligation to handle wondering, I wanted to,
comply with yourself etc.)
Do you think
your request) -Special Another way we make
you might be
requests language softer is by
able to…?
using modals
(might, could, etc.).
I was hoping
if I could…

I was
wondering if I Just like with favors
could… and big requests, we
-Time off
Permission use softer language to
Would it be ask for permission (past
okay if I…? tenses, modals, etc.).
Do you think I
might be able
What about
your point
Maybe we Using these
of view
could…? expressions sounds
Suggestions -Suggesting
more polite than Well, I
a better way
I thought it think we need to…
of doing
might be a
good idea
-Rejecting Expressions like I’m
I’m not sure
Rejecting/ offers, sugg not sure that…, and I
Refusing/ estions, don’t know if… are
I don’t know
Declining proposals/ more polite than That
ideas won’t work.
It looks These introductory
Pointing out -Billing like… statements help to
a Mistake mistakes make the message
It seems… softer.
-Finding out
if something
is finished.

-Gently Have you had a chance

Have you had
Checking on reminding to finish/work on… is
a chance to
the Status of someone much more polite
Something that you than Are you finished
need yet? or Is it ready yet?
is working
Make the following sentences more polite.
1- There is a problem.
2- I completely disagree with your proposal.
3- We can’t do that in three days.
4- We need more time.
5- You made a mistake on the invoice.
6- That’s more than we are willing to pay.
7- Can I have Friday off?
8- Let’s cancel the project.
9- It’s a bad idea.
10- Did you finish the report yet?
Writing Polite Letters-Useful
Letters of Enquiry

 “I am interested in receiving/finding out…”

 “I would like to receive…”
 “I would be grateful if…”
 “Could/Can you please send me…?”
 “Would you be able to (help)…?”
 “I would appreciate a reply at your earliest possible

Requesting Action

 “Can you send ___ to me by Friday, please?”

 Would it be possible for you to send it to me by Friday?
 Could you please inform the authorities about the

 Kindly inform the authorities about the issue.
 “Please get/keep in touch.”

 “I’m afraid that…”

 “I (deeply) regret to say that…”
 “Unfortunately …”
 “I am sorry to point out that…”
 “I was disappointed to find/hear…”
 “It was depressing to know that …”
Informing Someone About Something

 “I’d like to inform you of…”

 “I’m writing to tell you about…”

 “I would like to let you know/ inform/ convey…”

Responding to an Enquiry

 “Thank you for your interest.”

 “Thanks for choosing…”
 “We hope you find this satisfactory.”
 “We hope you are happy/satisfied with this.”
Responding to an Enquiry-Sample

 “I’m writing to respond to your inquiry about the

cost of installing windows in your house (opening
sentence). Please find our price list attached (file
attachment). Do not hesitate to contact me if you need
any assistance. Thank you for your interest in Acme
Enterprises (building goodwill/friendly ending).”
Sample Permission Letter- Body (Observe the polite
language used)

I am requesting permission to reprint [# of words / # of poetry lines /

illustrations] from the following work:
Title of the work:
Year of publication:

A copy of the material I would like to use is enclosed/ I would like to include the
above material as part of the following book that I am preparing:
Title of work:
Publication date:
I would like to kindly request non-exclusive world
rights to use this material in my work, in all languages
and for all editions and formats, including
digital/electronic. These rights will in no way restrict
republication of the material in any other form by you or
by others authorized by you.
If you agree with the terms as described above, please
sign and return the letter to me, specifying any credit
line, fees, or other conditions you require. Your signing
of this letter confirms that you own the copyright to the
above described material. If you do not currently hold
the rights, I would appreciate any information that can
help me contact the rights holder.
I would be very grateful for your permission. If you
require any additional information, please do not
hesitate to contact me/ feel free to contact me at the
address and number above.
Sample Rejection Letter 1
(Observe the language used)

We appreciate your interest in [company name] and the time you’ve invested in
applying for the [role title] opening.
We moved forward with another candidate who has thoroughly researched in
Decision Modeling, but we would like to thank you for talking to our team
and giving us the opportunity to learn about your skills and
We will be advertising more positions in the coming months. We hope you will
keep us in mind and we encourage you to apply again.
We wish you good luck with your job search and professional future endeavors.
Warm regards,
 .
Sample Rejection Letter 2

Thanks for making the time to talk with me last week.

While I enjoyed our conversation, I think we need someone
with more hands-on project management experience for this
role. I hope you find the right job in the near future/ very
Rejecting a Job Offer

Thank you very much for offering me the position of

Marketing Manager with Hatfield Industries. It was a
difficult decision to make, but, I have accepted a position
with another company.
I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to interview
me and to share information on the job opportunity and
also on your company.
Again, thank you for your consideration.
Sample Memo- Observe the Language
Elite Cycles Limited
Date: 10 May 2018
To: The Production Manager
From: Personnel Manager
Subject: Change in Working Hours

Please refer to your memo pd/21 dated 6 May 2018 requesting for a
change in working hours of your division because of the extremely hot
weather conditions.
As desired by you, the vice president, Personnel, has agreed to change the
working hours. The new timings will be 7 a.m to 1 p.m. (Monday through
Saturday) with effect from 17th May 2018 to 16th July 2018. Kindly
inform all the employees working under you.

K. S Shah
(Complaints, notices, orders, downward
memos, rejection letters, testimonies. . . )
 An authoritative tone is speaking
using tones/language that sound
confident/powerful or even
dominating. Language plays a key
role in making writing
◦ Use language appropriately to convey
the impression of authority without
being polite.
Reason for writing:
 I am writing in order to complain about

 I am writing to complain about

 I am writing regarding

 I am writing to/ wish to express my

dissatisfaction with
Introducing the complaint:
-Topic sentence stating the positive point. +
However, + problem….Example:
We thoroughly enjoyed the first week of the
holiday. However, after that we experienced a
number of problems.
-I am (extremely) dissatisfied / disappointed
with the service / goods that I received /
bought because
First complaint:
 Firstly

 First of all

 The first problem is / was

 My first complaint is

 My first concern is

 The first thing I would like to draw your

attention to is
 Further complaints:

 Secondly

 Also

 In addition

 In addition to this

 Added to this

 …… is / was also unsatisfactory / unacceptable

 Not only ……, but also

 To make matters worse,

 Furthermore
Mentioning negative consequences:
 I'm afraid that…

 Unfortunately,

Expressing Dissatisfaction:
 It is not acceptable to / that

 I am not at all pleased that

 I am disappointed because
Demanding action:
 I suggest that you replace the item

 I therefore suggest that I be given a full refund

 I would be grateful if my money was refunded

 I would be grateful if you could give me a full


 I would like to request that

 To resolve the problem, I would appreciate it if you

 Ending the letter:
 I look forward to hearing from you

 I look forward to receiving a full refund

 I look forward to receiving a replacement

 I look forward to receiving your


 I look forward to your reply and a

resolution to my problem
 I am sorry to have to inform you that…
 On using this product I discovered…

 I look forward to…
 I wish to complain about…
 According to…, but…
 Despite my request for…
 …is not what I expected
 I am particularly unhappy about…
 What would suit me best is…

 a recalled product: a defective product that

is taken off the market

 malfunctions: failures in operation
 faulty: defective
 apology: an admission of error or

discourtesy accompanied by an expression

of regret e.g. public apology
(CONTD. . . )
 incompetence: lack of the ability to do
something well
 to attend to: to give needed help or

attention to (someone or something)

 severe: very bad, serious, or unpleasant
 to compensate: to give money or

something else of value to (someone) in

return for something
 to demand: to require (something)
 hazardous: dangerous
Format: A notice should be written in the
following format:
• the name of the organisation issuing the
• the title ‘NOTICE’
• a heading to introduce the subject of the
• the date
• the body of the notice
• the writer’s signature, name (in block
letters) and designation
Blooming Flowers School
10 July 2007
Sandhya Tara
Our school is organising a cultural programme to collect
funds for ‘Sandhya Tara’, a home for the elderly. We plan to
include a dance drama, mono acting, a magic show and
other items. Students who wish to participate should submit
their names to the undersigned before 20 October 2007.
Trials will be held daily in the zero period.
S Walia
Secretary, Cultural Society
 For other details and models, please refer to
 The letter that is written by a potential
buyer to the seller requesting him to
deliver goods is known as order letter.
 Such letters contain three major

categories of information:
Information about the items being
Information relating to shipping; and
Information relating to payment.
Lisa Miller100 Broadway Lane
New Parkland, CA, 91010
Cell: (555) 987-1234

Dear Mr. Martin,

I am writing to formally place an order for 100
pieces of your navy blue denim fabric sections
(6 ft. x 20 ft. each) for a large manufacturing
project for a priority client. The catalogue
number (from your September catalogue) is
445-2221-05-NB. Please include your latest
catalogue with the order.
The initial order will be for 100 pieces of fabric.
The unit price for each section of fabric is listed
at $21 per yard. This brings the initial order total
to $13,986 and the final total, including
shipping, to $14,352. A cheque for this amount
is enclosed. I would like a confirmation of receipt
of this check emailed to me at example- Please ship the fabric to our
receiving center at:
Seaside Manufacturing
1500 Riverfront Street
New Parkland, CA, 91010
Finally, I would like the order shipped soon since
I need this fabric as soon as possible. Tracking
information can be sent directly to my phone at
(555) 236-5451. If there are any additionally
fees, please let me know and I will work out the
payment details with you. Thank you for your
time and prompt attention.

Lisa Miller
Purchasing Manager, Seaside Manufacturing
 For the tone used in rejection letters, please
refer to slides 25,26 and 27 on ‘POLITE
 A testimony is an assertion made by
someone who has experience or knowledge
of a particular matter.
 Testimony is used in various contexts for a

wide range of purposes. For example, in the

law, testimony is a form of evidence that is
obtained from a witness who makes a
solemn statement or declaration of fact.
 Companies ask their clients for testimonials

to promote their business.

 Students/ subordinates etc. request their

teachers/supervisors etc. for testimonials.

Thank you again for choosing our company for your marketing
needs. We are pleased to have you as one of our most valued
Currently, we are updating our marketing materials and website
information to better serve potential clients. Because you have
experienced our quality service, we would like to give you the
opportunity to participate in this marketing update. Would you
be willing to write a brief (3-4 sentences) testimonial for our
company? The testimonial can simply answer the question of:
Why do you conduct business with Feather Communications?
Our company appreciates your assistance with these efforts. If
you agree to provide this information, please send the
testimonial prior to Friday, May 20. Please contact me at 715-
555-5555 if you have any questions.
During her tenure as PRPLI president, Flo has
taken on the role of decision maker, diplomat,
business woman, public relations expert, event
planner and graphic designer. She has
performed her duties with strength and tact.
Her competency in this role has helped the
public relations community on Long Island to
flourish, by strengthening relationships and
developing programmes that address topics like
best practices for technology applications and
crisis management.


Flo's strong work ethic has allowed her to lead by
example, inspiring those around her to go the extra mile
needed for success. In addition, she still finds time to
volunteer, mentor and lend her industry savvy to
colleagues across the island. From something as simple
as volunteering for a charity gift wrap station on a
Saturday to guiding someone through a new committee
post, Flo is quick to lend reliable support. Her impact on
and influence in the Long Island business community is
both beneficial and warranted.

Katherine Rupp
AFM - Marketing, North Shore Financial Group
Task 1
You have bought a new camera but when you
got it home you found it had some problems.
You returned the camera and spoke to the
company representative a week ago but the
camera has still not been repaired.
Write a letter to the company.
 You are the Principal of Low Valley High
School. Write an order letter to High Quality
Publishing Ltd. placing an order for 80
copies of Principles of Economics by Malcolm

for the letter).
 Imagine you are the manager of
Write a letter to a regular customer,
requesting a testimony.
 Imagine you are the First Year B.Tech.
coordinator at NITC. A student has asked you
for a testimonial to be attached with the
application for an internship at ITC. Write the

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