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UNO ( United Nations organization)


Contents History
Various agencies
Achievements and failures
An international organization
Founded in 1945
Present 193 member states
Permanent members China, UK, USA, France, Russai
Headquarter is in New York ,USA.
Name was coined by US president Franklin D Roosevelt
UNO logo is designed by Oliver Lincoln
6 official languages of UNO
Chinese, English, French, Arabic , Spanish , Russian
After the First World War, the League of Nations was established in 1919,
but this organization lost its usefulness after the Second World War. Seeing
the aftermath of the war, the human race considered it necessary to create a
new organization to promote mutual cooperation and to put a stop to future
wars. The heads of states of the big countries held many meetings. At 48
last, a conference was held in 1945 in San Francisco, America, and it was
decided to create the United Nations. The representatives of 50 states
approved the charter of the United Nations on 25th June 1945. This
organization came into being on 24th October, 1945
Objectives of UNO

 To maintain international peace and security

 To develop friendly relations among nations
 To protect and promote human rights.
 Delivering humanitarian aid
 To foster worldwide cooperation in solving economic, social, cultural and
humanitarian problems.
 Upholding international law
Organs of UNO
The General Assembly
The General Assembly is the main deliberative assembly
of the UN . Composed of all UN member states , the assembly meets in regular yearly
sessions, but emergency sessions can also be called.
The security Council
The security council is made up of fifteen member states
consisting of five permanent members , china, France, Russia , United kingdom and
United States of America and ten non permanent members elected for two years terms by
the General Assembly.
The economic and social council
The trusteeship Council
Organs of UNO
The international court of justice
The court’s role is to settle in accordance
with international law, legal disputes submitted to it by states. The international court of
justice is composed of 15 judges elected to nine years terms of office by the United
Nations General Assembly and the security council .
The secretariat
The secretariat carries out the administrative work of the United Nations
as directed by the General assembly, the security council and the other organs. Its head is
the Secretary General who is elected for 5 years.
Organs of UNO

The economic and social council

The Economic and Social Council shall
consist of fifty-four Members of the United Nations elected by the General Assembly.
The Economic and Social Council is one of the six principal organs of the United
Nations and acts as a central forum for discussing international economic and social
issues, and also formulating policies based on the recommendations of the member
The trusteeship Council
The Trusteeship Council, one of the main organs of the
UN, was established to supervise the administration of trust territories as they
transitioned from colonies to sovereign nations.
Various Agencies
 World Health Organization ( WHO )
 United Nations children's Fund ( UNICEF)
 United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural
Organization( UNESCO )
 International labor Organization
 World Bank ( WB)
 International monetary Fund ( IMF)
 World Trade Organization( WTO)
Failures of UNO

 Israel Aggression
 Failed to resolve Kashmir issue
 Russia Ukraine war
 Human Rights violation across the world
Achievements of UNO

Established world peace

Providing humanitarian assistance to the states
Successful to keep peace keeping mission
End famine in many countries
Protecting human rights by chalking out the universal declaration of human
rights (UDHR)

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