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Drillstring Design

Torque & Drag


• Torque (designated ‘M’ for ‘Moment’)

• A force that produces torsion or rotation
• Generated by power equipment from surface, as well as
by friction working against the pipe rotation.

Force = M
Opposing Force
due to Friction =  M

• Drag
• a force that resists motion along a straight path
• Generated by friction of drill pipe against hole wall
or against inside of casing.

Force to lift Opposing Force due to

drill string = F friction = Drag

• Normal Force (N)

• A force acting at 90° to the body that experiences
the force

90° °


• Friction
• Surface resistance to relative motion, as of a body
sliding or rolling.
• The rubbing of the surface of one body against that
of another
• Axial Friction acts along the length of the pipe body
(longitudinal axis) in the opposite direction to the
direction of pipe travel (POOH, TIH)
• Torsional Friction acts along the circumference of
the pipe body opposite to the direction of rotation
Torque and Drag is based on simple Friction Theory. Imagine a block being
pulled up an inclined ramp. This will require a certain force F which must
overcome the friction to move the block.
The friction is calculated by first calculating the portion of the Weight which acts
at 90°, or ‘normal’ to the plane of the ramp surface. This is determined by
multiplying the Weight (W) (1) by the Cosine of the Angle (cos ) of the
ramp (2). The Friction is determined by multiplying by the Friction
Factor  to determine how much friction, or drag, will oppose the movement (3).
The value of the Friction Factor depends on the smoothness of the two surfaces.

Friction 
Ff = Wcos 3 90 °
W cos

Angle  1
2 W cos
Free Body Diagram
A component of drillstring, with a given weight per foot, OD, ID,
and material (steel) will produce a certain amount of side force, or
Normal Force (N) when placed in an inclined well.
In a vertical well, side force is essentially zero.

T + T Where
T = Tension
W = Weight
 + ,  + 
F = Friction
N N = Normal Force
 = Inclination
,   = Azimuth
F = N  = Friction Factor

Calculation of Torque and Drag
• Torque & Drag
calculations start at the
T + T bit and adds up the
friction effects over each
section of the drill string
 + ,  + 
• Changes in hole
N curvature (inclination
and azimuth), pipe
,  weight, pipe OD, ID,
F = N and friction factor
T (cased
vs. open hole) are
W accounted for.

• Friction Factor ()

• The Friction Factor is a function of the smoothness or
roughness of the contact surfaces.
• The Friction Factor is expressed as a value between 0 and 1,
with lower numbers (0.15 - 0.22) typical for smooth surfaces
(casing) and higher values (0.2 - 0.4) typical for rougher
surfaces (open hole).
• The friction factor is a “lumped” parameter, meaning that
it accounts for all factors that affect friction, including
tortuosity (less than perfect well path), mud lubricity,
polished vs. rusty casing, and hole cleaning.
Recommended Friction Factors

Water Oil Synthetic

Based Based Based
Mud Mud Mud

Cased Hole 0.18 - 0.25 0.15 - 0.20 0.15 – 0.20

Open Hole 0.30 - 0.35 0.22 - 0.25 0.22 – 0.25

Torque and Drag Combined Effect
The ratio of velocities determines the ratio of Torque to Drag

Vc = Circumferential Velocity (RPM)

Va = Axial Velocity (Trip Speed) Downward Movement
Vr = Resultant Velocity (Tripping in or Drilling)


Vc Axial Drag
Torsional Drag
Normal Force

After Dellinger et al., 1980

When rotating and moving the pipe into or out of the hole, the
total friction will be divided between torsional friction (torque)
and axial friction (drag). The friction will be distributed to torque
or drag depending on the ratio of the pipe RPM’s (“Vc”) to the
ROP or trip speed (“Va”). The Total or Resultant Velocity “Vr”
is determined as follows:

Vr = Va2 + Vc2

The friction will be distributed to torque or drag in the same ratio

as the ratio of these velocities. The friction will respond in the
opposite direction to the relative velocities.
Fc = Torsional Friction (Torque)
Vr Fa = Axial Friction (Drag)
Va Fr = Total Friction
Vc = Circumferential Velocity (RPM) Fr Fa
Va = Axial Velocity (Trip Speed)
Vr = Resultant Velocity
Rotary = 120 RPM 5” drillpipe is 15.7” in circumference,
ROP = 100 ft/hr so a point on the
outside of 5” drillpipe
is travelling 15.7” per revolution.

Vc = 15.7” x 120 rpm ROP = 100 ft/hr

Vc = 157 ft/min Va = 100 ft/hr
Vc = 9,420 ft/hr

Vr = (9420)2 + (100)2

Vr = 9420.53 ft/hr
So, How Much of the Friction Is Torque?

Vc 9420
—— = ———— = 99.99%
Vr 9420.53
Vr = 9420.53 ft/hr
Va = 100 ft/hr
Vc = 9420 ft/hr

When Rotating and Tripping/Drilling, in most cases, the

I.e., TORQUE Dominates, Drag  0, as soon as you start rotating the

Exception: Very fast tripping speed with very slow rotation (5-10 RPM)
I.E., running and rotating casing.
• Three Levels
• Sinusoidal (2-D - “snaking”)
• Helical (3-D - “spring”)
• Lock-up - No additional surface slackoff weight
gets to the bit

e t
o f fe
0 ’s
Sinusoidal Helical
• When pipe is subjected to increasing compressive loads, it will undergo
several stages or changes in configuration. The first stage is referred to as
sinusoidal buckling. The pipe assumes a 2-dimensional waveform shape
resembling a sine wave, winding back and forth along the bottom of the
• When the compressive forces are increased further, the second stage, Helical
Buckling, occurs. This causes the pipe to ride up the sides of the wellbore in
the shape of a helix, or spring. The increase in the wall contact area
increases drag, thereby requiring more axial load (slackoff weight) to
maintain the same weight-on-bit. The additional axial weight causes higher
wall contact force, which further increases drag.
• When the compressive forces are increased still further, the increased wall
contact force eventually generates so much additional drag that no amount
of slacking off will move the pipe. In the sliding mode, this third and final
stage is commonly referred to as “Lockup”. At this point, a change is
required for drilling to continue, and the configuration of the drill string is
usually altered.
Calculating the Buckling Limit

• Chen and Cheatham (default)

2 E I Wm sin
Fhel = 2 ——————— Fhel = Critical Buckling Force
12 (Dh - Dp) E = Young’s Modulus
Steel = 30,000,000 psi
Alum. = 10,600,000 psi
I = Moment of Inertia
=  / 64 * (OD4 - ID4)
Wm = Buoyed Weight/length
• Wu and Juvkam-Wold  = Inclination angle
Dh = Hole (bit) diameter
Dp = Pipe OD
E I Wm sin
Fhel = 2 ( 2 2 -1) ———————
12 (Dh - Dp)
Software Features

• Stiff String and Soft String Calculations

• Triaxial Stress Calculations, accounting for
• Tensile, torsional loads
• Bending
• Pressure
• Friction Factor Tracking
Soft String vs. Stiff String
• Drill string is assumed to be • Drill string is assumed to be rigid
a limp component with with a preference for remaining
mass straight
• Drill string exerts side forces
• Drill string conforms
against the well bore walls in an
exactly to the wellbore with attempt to remain straight. This
no resistance additional force is added to
• Suitable for the vast determine Total Normal Force
majority of situations • Required for Large Diameter,
• Not as mathematically Very Stiff, High Dogleg situations
rigorous as Stiff String (Casing) and Bending Analysis
Triaxial Stress



Torque and Drag Applications

• Drill String Design

• Casing Design
• Well Profile Comparison
• Well Monitor
• On-site Well Planning for Sidetracks
• Problem Analysis (Post-problem)
Drill String Design

• Torque and Drag software can be used to define

• Drill String requirements
• Pipe grade (E, X, G, or S?)
• Pipe size and connections
• Hevi-wate requirements (how much and where)
• Operating Parameter limits
• Maximum Length of Bit Run
• Maximum WOB, Maximum Torque
• Rig Requirements
• Torque output, hookload capacity, amount and type of
drillpipe required
Drill String Design Limits
• Tension
• determined by the grade of pipe and cross sectional area.
T = (max) x A
• Provided in lookup tables as function of Pipe Class
• Stress Limit - max
• Grade “E” - 75,000 psi
• Grade “X” - 95,000 psi
• Grade “G” - 105,000 psi
• Grade “S” - 135,000 psi
• Torque - Limited to 80% of Make-up torque as a
rule of thumb.
• Helical Post Buckling Limit - Chen/Cheatham
Safety Factors
• Safety factors input on Preferences screen
should be set to 1.25
• Safety factors on printout must be at least 1.25
• This is equivalent to 80% of maximum
• Use 100,000 lbs for BHA Drag on Pickup Mode
to simulate a stuck pipe scenario. This replaces
the standard technique of derating the
maximum tensile limit by 100,000 lbs as a safety
factor (Margin of Overpull)
Casing Design

• Define Tensile strength requirements of

casing and rig
• T&D can analyze capability of casing to
withstand rotation and reciprocation
• Can be used to analyze bending
• Important for larger casing sizes (>7”) , in high
doglegs (>10°/100 ft), and at shallow depths.
• Particularly important when doing all 3 (i.e., large
casing in high doglegs and at shallow depths.
Well Profile Comparison
• Various candidates for final well profile can
be analyzed for minimum torque and drag.
• Helps to reduce drilling problems and
problems running completions

Point A
TVD (m)


Point B

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000


Well Monitor
• Compare calculated (planned) values of
Tension and Torque to actual values collected
at rig site while drilling.
• Can distinguish between a dogleg-related
friction increase and a hole cleaning related
• If actual values are higher than the calculated
values, and if surveys indicate no extraneous
doglegs are present, then may be an indicator of
hole cleaning problems
• Time for short trip, backreaming, circulate bottoms-up,
or other remedial hole cleaning action.
Software Description

• Three primary screens

• SURVEY Window
• UT file format or hand entered
• BHA components, Drillpipe, Casing, CT
• Casing Depth, ID, Open Hole ID, Friction Factors
• DESIGN ANALYSIS Window - The HEART of the
• Selection of calculation type
• Selection of operating mode and associated parameters
Well Monitoring



The green points indicate the
4000 actual values are tracking well
5000 with the calculated values.
The red points indicate a potential
problem, e.g., cuttings buildup,
7000 stabilizer packoff, hole caving in...

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000

Pickup Hookload (Tension - lbs)

Horizontal Problem Solution

• From this point forward, a trial and error

approach can define the limit of each bit run
length with a given BHA and Drill pipe/Hevi-
wate combination.
• The amount of HWDP and DC’s that are
available on the rig is a key limiting factor.
Extended Reach Wells
• Use Torque & Drag software to determine optimum
well path.
• Critical design area will usually be torque, not drag.
• Pay attention to extremely long open hole sections,
especially in intermediate hole sections.
• Determine maximum torque output available on rig.
• Often, hydraulics becomes more of a limiting factor
than torque and drag.

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