Creative Writing Ii

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Writing fiction, poetry, or any other type of written expression requiring
the use of imagination, originality, and invention. It is a type of writing
that emphasizes on exploring, creating, and expressing ideas, feelings,
and experiences in a distinctive and creative way rather than just
providing factual or informative content.

In imaginative writing, authors frequently use their imagination to

create worlds, characters, and stories that may be wholly made up or
may be based on true events that have been imaginatively altered.
Writing of this kind enables the sharing of intricate feelings or thoughts
as well as the exploration of abstract ideas and artistic expression.

Example of imaginative writing encompasses genres such as science

fiction, fantasy, poetry, fiction, and magical realism.

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I'm Nobody! Who are you?
by Emily Dickinson

I'm nobody! Who are you?

Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us -- don't tell!
They'd banish -- you know!

How dreary to be somebody!

How public like a frog
To tell one's name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!
• Technical writing is a type of communication used in a particular sector or industry to
communicate information in an organized, clear, and succinct manner. Technical
writing's main objective is to help a specific audience grasp difficult ideas, methods, or
procedures. This is frequently done with the intention of assisting with instruction,
problem-solving, or understanding.
Example’s are user manuals, software Installation guides, standard operating Procedures
(SOP), case studies, company documents, requests for proposals, annual reports, Business

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Business Plan
Every organization starts with a detailed business plan to secure funding and requires an update
during expansion phases. A business plan must include the following sections:
Executive Summary: This section provides an overview of the business plan, target market, and
Product Description: The product or service description includes a brief about the offering, its USP,
and the development stage.
SWOT Analysis: A complete analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the
Market Research: This section includes a detailed analysis of all the competitors and product
potential in the target market.
Organizational System: Before the initial start-up, it is crucial to clarify the organizational
hierarchy and team members to support the business.
Schedule: This section highlights the implementation schedule and includes start date, hiring, and
investment milestones.
Financial Planning: This is the most critical section and highlights the viability of the business plan.
It includes income statements, projected revenues, balance sheets, and liquidity measures.
Appendix: The appendix consists of any other additional and relevant information such as patents.
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That is frequently found in scholarly or educational contexts, such as
universities and research institutes, is referred to as academic writing. It
is distinguished by a formal tone, an objective, evidence-based
methodology, and an emphasis on the ordered and unambiguous
communication of data, analysis, and ideas. This are some example in
academic writing research papers, essays, reports, and other publications
that add to the body of knowledge in a particular area are just a few of
the many uses for academic writing.

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The students’ perception of Creative Writing in Enhancing Academic Writing

The students’ perception of Creative Writing in Enhancing AcademicWriting

Kartika Rinanda
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, State Islamic University of North Sumatera

This qualitative research examines students' perceptions of Creative Writing as a tool for improving academic writing. Using a Purposive Sampling
technique, the study analyzed responses from seventh-semester students at State Islamic University of North Sumatera. Findings suggest that while
Creative Writing is distinct from Academic Writing, both are interconnected and can enhance students' academic writing.
Mastering English language skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening, is crucial for EFL learners. Writing is a hard skill to learn, as it
involves translating texts into English and creating a product that piques interest. To be a good writer, one must be creative, producing or using
original and unusual ideas. Creative writing, which includes short stories, poetry, novels, and plays, is a fun and versatile form of writing.

Creative writing has been overlooked as a fundamental component for developing language learner skills in ESL institutes and intensive ESL
programs. Research shows that creative writing is a bridge to academic writing, nurturing the art of communicating the wonders within the human
mind. It should be an integral component for every ESL and EFL program, serving as a meditational tool that fosters greater motivation and
engagement with writing.

This study aims to understand the perception of EFL learners of Creative Writing and provide a literature review for readers interested in
implementing Creative Writing in EFL classes. By understanding the importance of Creative Writing, EFL learners can improve their writing
abilities and contribute to the development of their language skills.

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This qualitative research focused on descriptive qualitative research, using purposive sampling to select six 7th-semester English
Education Department students from State Islamic University of North Sumatera, Medan. Data was collected using a questionnaire
and unstructured interviews, with the aim of understanding their experience in learning writing and using peer feedback for their

In this research, the researcher discussed about the students’ perception of Creative
Writing in Enhancing Academic Writing. The researcher recorded 6 responses to answer the
questionnaire that already made to know about their opinion about Creative Writing and also
about what the effect that they get from Creative Writing in Enhancing Academic Writing.
Firstly, the researcher asked the common question about Creative Writing. The first Question
is about what did they feel about Creative Writing, is it difficult or not.

The research findings indicate that creative writing is a helpful and natural tool for students, as it allows them to write on familiar
topics based on their own memories and experiences. This approach promotes identity and self-discovery without fear of intimidation,
teacher-dictated topics, grammar correction, critical comments, or grades. It also increases students' self-confidence in writing and
helps them construct their ideas for academic writing. While creative writing focuses on self-expression, academic writing is more
formulaic and relies more on research and sources. Both creative and academic writing require a well-developed understanding of
grammar, syntax, logical development of ideas, audience consideration, and critical thinking. Despite the differences, both creative
and academic writing are essential for students to enhance their ability to write academic writing.

Conclusion and Suggestion

References .

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Documentation and communication that take place in a company or
professional setting are referred to as business writing. It includes all written
communications in the business sector, such as emails, reports, notes,
proposals, business plans, and other written materials. In order to accomplish
particular corporate objectives, the main goal of business writing is to
communicate information in a clear, succinct, and professional manner.

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The term literary writing, or simply literature,
refers to a wide range of written works that are
prized for their creative, philosophical, or
emotional significance. Literary writing is more
interested in the beautiful and creative qualities of
language than technical or business writing, which
is more focused on delivering information or
accomplishing particular objectives. It covers a
wide range of genres, including plays, essays,
novels, short tales, and poetry.



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