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Unit 3: The Red-Headed League

Analyse the text to exp11.

• the impact of structural events
• the presentation of characters in the given two texts
1.How does Sherlock Holmes deduce that Mr. Jabez Wilson has done manual
labor, been to China, and has been involved in writing activities? What clues in
the text support these deductions? Read the Extract 1
2.What is the significance of Mr. Wilson's right cuff being "shiny" in the context
of the story, and how does Sherlock Holmes use it as a clue?
3.What role does the fish tattooed above Mr. Wilson's right wrist play in Sherlock
Holmes' deduction, and how does it relate to China?
4.What is the nature of the "red-headed league" mentioned in the advertisement,
and why is it specifically targeting red-headed men? What might be the purpose
behind such a league?

5.In what way does Mr. Jabez Wilson's mention of his small business and the
reduced number of assistants shed light on the unfolding plot, and how does it
pique Sherlock Holmes' interest in the case?
1.Sherlock Holmes deduces that Mr. Jabez Wilson has done manual labor based
on the observation that his right hand is larger and the muscles are more
developed than his left hand. He infers that Mr. Wilson has been in China due to
the fish tattooed above his right wrist, which is specific to China. The deduction
about Mr. Wilson's writing activities is made based on the observation of the
shiny right cuff, indicating frequent use of the right hand for writing.
2.The significance of Mr. Wilson's shiny right cuff is that it suggests he has been
using his right hand extensively for writing, leading Sherlock Holmes to deduce
that he has been engaged in writing activities.
3.The fish tattooed above Mr. Wilson's right wrist is crucial because it is a
specific and unique symbol related to China. Sherlock Holmes deduces that Mr.
Wilson has been to China based on the presence of this tattoo.
4. The "red-headed league" mentioned in the advertisement appears to be a ruse
or a clever cover for some secret or fraudulent activity. It targets red-headed men
because they possess a specific physical trait that can be easily identified, making
them eligible for this league. The purpose of this league and the reason for
targeting red-headed men remain a mystery at this point in the story.

5.Mr. Jabez Wilson's mention of his small business and the reduction in the
number of assistants hints at financial difficulties. This piques Sherlock Holmes'
interest as it suggests that there might be an underlying problem or mystery
related to Mr. Wilson's employment situation, which is further implied by his
willingness to work for half wages. This information sets the stage for Sherlock
Holmes to investigate the case.
Read the Extract 1
Writing Task 2:
a) Write sentences for all the underlined words in extract 1
b) Write a paragraph using all the underlined words .
c) Write a paragraph using all the underlined words and also
choose any two words from the following vocabulary list:
1. Stout
2. florid-faced
3. manual labour
4. peculiar
What have you
learnt today?

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