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Infrastructure Challenges and Regulatory Hurdles

No. Infrastructure Challenges Regulatory Hurdles

Customs and Import/Export
Transportation Bottlenecks

2 Inadequate communication infrastructure Tariffs and Duties

3 Port and Customs Inefficiencies Licensing and permitting

Irregularities in Energy Supply Issues Product Certification and Standards

5 Storage and Warehousing Challenges Labor Regulations

6 Advanced Technologies Gaps Taxation Policies

Inadequate Water and Sanitation facilities Issues Environmental Compliance

Political Stability and Policy Changes
Limited Technology Adoption and Economic Factors

No. Limited Technology Adoption Economic Factors

Limited Visibility, Tracking and Monitoring
Currency Fluctuations
1 Systems
2 Manual Processes and Paperwork Inflation
3 Communication Gaps Income Disparities
4 Limited Data Analytics Access to Finance
5 E-commerce and Digital Platforms Trade Barriers
6 Supply Chain Planning Challenges Market Volatility
7 Automation Opportunities Missed Infrastructure Investment
8 Cybersecurity Risks Labor Costs
9 Consumer Behaviour Changes
Green Supply Chain Management (Waste management)
Green Supply Chain Management refers to the integration of environmental considerations into supply chain
management practices. This includes reducing waste, minimizing energy consumption, and promoting sustainable
practices throughout the entire supply chain. The steps for implementing green supply chain management (sourcing,
production, transportation, and distribution) practiced by Ethiopian manufacturing organizations include:

No. Green SCM No. Green SCM

1 Environmental Assessment 6 Waste Reduction and Recycling

Supplier Evaluation Transportation Optimization/Fuel Consumption

2 7
3 Sustainable Sourcing 8 Collaboration and Communication

Green Product Design(recyclable) Performance Measurement and Reporting KPIs

4 9
5 Energy Efficiency
Green Supply Chain Management (Waste management)
Waste management involves a series of steps aimed at minimizing the generation of waste as well as handling and
disposing of it in an environmentally responsible manner. The steps involved in waste management include

. Green SCM Waste Management No. Green SCM Waste Management
1 Waste Minimization (Reusable package) 5 Treatment and Recycling

Segregation (recyclable, non-recyclable) Disposal

2 6
3 Collection 7 Monitoring and Reporting

4 8 Taking Corrective Action

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