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●. Passive voice is a form of sentence which the subject of sentences takes

action ,not takes action
“ Suatu bentuk kalimat ,dimana subjek kalimat menerima
aksi bukan melakukan aksi”

●. This form focuses more on the Party or Object that receives

that results of an action
Bentuk ini lebih berfokus kepada pihak atau objek yang
menerima hasil dari suatu aksi tersebut
My parents plant some flowers
(Pelaku aksi)
Some flowers are planted by my parents
(Penerima aksi)

Subject + to be (am/is/are) + past participle (pp) = Verb 3

Tense Rumus Passive Voice Contoh Passive Voice
Simple Present am/is/are + pp is created
Present Continuous am/is/are being + pp is being created
Simple Past was/were + pp was created
Past Continuous was/were being + pp was being created
Present Perfect has/have been + pp has been created
Past Perfect had been + pp had been created
Simple Future will be + pp will be created
Future Continuous am/is/are going to be + pp is going to be created
Future Perfect will have been + pp will have been created
●. Passive voice usage and Examples
( Penggunaan & Contoh Passive Voice )
My money has been stolen.
a) Ketika pelaku aksi (doer of action) tidak diketahui Dalam contoh passive voice ini, pembicara tidak mengetahui
siapa yang mencuri dompetnya.
Wheat is grown in Karawang.
b) Ketika pelaku aksi (doer of action) sudah jelas dan tidak perlu
Dalam contoh ini, sudah sangat jelas bahwa petani adalah
pelaku aksi atau orang yang menanam gandum.
Mistakes were made.
c) Ketika tidak ingin memberitahukan siapa pelaku aksi (doer of
Dalam contoh ini, pembicara tidak mau memberitahu siapa
yang melakukan kesalahan.

Transjakarta is used as an alternative means of

d) Ketika pelaku aksi (doer of action) adalah semua orang (people transportation to avoid traffic jam.
in general) Dalam contoh ini, pelaku aksi adalah semua orang karena
transjakarta dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat luas.

Mr. Han caught Ari cheating on the test. Ari was given
punishment immediately.
e) Ketika pelaku aksi telah disebutkan pada kalimat sebelumnya
Dalam contoh passive voice ini, Mr. Han sebagai pelaku aksi
(apabila terdapat di suatu paragraf)
sudah disebutkan sebelumnya sehingga tidak perlu
ditambahkan pada kalimat kedua.

●. Auxiliary : am , is , are , was , were , has , have

●. Past Partyciple : Bentuk Past atau Perfect dari sebuah kata ( Verb 3 )
Tense Subject Verb Object
Simple Present Active Nico eats A burger
Passive A burger Is eaten By Nico
Simple Past Active Nico ate A burger
Passive A burger Was eaten By Nico
Present perfect Active Nico Has eaten A burger
Passive A burger Has been eaten By Nico
Simple future Active Nico Will eat A burger
Passive A burger Will be eaten By nico
1. Passive voice in Simple Present :
Pattern : Be ( am , is , are ) + verb 3 ( Past Participle )
Examples : ► . Mother eat a banana ( active )
A banana is eaten by mother ( passive )

► . They always feed the cat ( active )

The cats are always fed by them

2. Passive voice in Present continuous :

Pattern : Be ( am, is , are ) + being + verb 3
Examples : ► . We are cutting the trees now ( active )

►. The trees are being cut by us now

3. Passive voice in Past Tense :
Pattern : Be ( was , were ) + verb 3
Examples : ► . He played football yesterday
Football was played by him yesterday

► . She cooked two plates of rice last night.

Two plates of rice were cooked by her last night

4. Passive voice in Perfect Tense :

Pattern : Has / Have + been + Verb 3
Examples : ► . I have written a letter
A letter has been written by me

► . Ed sheeran has already sung Perfect and Shape of you

Perfect and shape of you have already been sung by Ed Sheeran

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