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Sharia Rule


• Practice, flashcards and test on Quizlet.


• Answer below questions on peardeck

1. Write any 3 examples of Allah's blessings and
2. Any 3 suggestions that can be applied in our
daily life to get our deed's book in right hand
on the day of judgment.
3. The reason behind Allah's rewards and
Outline Outline the concept of sharia rule.

Explain Explain the types of sharia rule.


Analyse Analyse the different types of sharia rule.

Infer Infer the characteristics of sharia rule.

Starter -
Explain the Islamic ruling for the following actions

1 3

5 6

What is Sharia Rule?

• It is the effect of what sharia

says in relation to acts of
accountable‫ ُم كلف‬Muslims,
including such acts are
required or optional.

Accountable:- A sane discerning adult who is free to act.

Search about the
translation and meaning of
these Islamic rulings. ‫ فرض‬- ‫الواجب‬

‫ مستحب‬- ‫المندوب‬
‫األحكام الشرعية‬ ‫حالل‬
Search about the translation - ‫المباح‬
and meaning of these Islamic rulings




Types of Sharia
Rule Permitted


Starter Task
• I challenge you to finish the task in 5
• Read the clue on the top and drag the
letters into correct position.
Identify any two examples
of each type of sharia rule.
Individual Task

Differentiate given acts

into types of sharia rule.
Click here
(The person who does it will be rewarded and who doesn't do it will have
committed a sin )

Individual Duty Collective Duty

It is required to be performed by It is required to performed
every accountable muslim. Eg: collectively by accountable
Zakat, Obligatory prayer muslims. If some of the perform
it, others will not have
committed a sin. If none of the
perform it, all of them will have
committed a sin. Eg:- Medicine,
Funeral Prayer
Group Task

For Eg: Having medicine in a

Identify the examples of collective
society is a collective duty. If it is
duty and analyse the wisdom
not there society would fail
behind it.
to recover from illness.
(The person who does it will be
rewarded and who doesn't do it
will not have committed a sin )

Advisable relates to acts which are less

beneficial than obligatory worship acts.

An advisable acts can be identified by Allah's

words or Sunnah of the Prophet (s).

Eg:- Giving charity, Sunnah Prayers, Smile

Have you done any advisable
acts before? What are the
advisable acts you could do in
your daily life?
Task Search and enumerate for the
advisable acts mentioned in
the Qur'an.
(The person has the option to do it or not to
do it)
• Examples of permitted things include eating,
drinking, taking residence, having rest and others.
Permitted deeds can be identified in Sharia texts
through several words which indicate that
something is allowed or lawful or that there is no
blame or sin upon the one who does it.
It was the third type of rule we
discussed and we still have two
Identify the real life examples for
more! Do you think it is
following cases.
complicated? Why did Allah
establish different types of rules?

Group Task 1. There is no sharia rule

concerning a certain matter.
2. It is indicated that there is no
blame or sin to do.

3. It is indicated that something is

Every deed which Islam
discouraged but didn’t
(The person who doesn’t do
forbid is disliked.
it will be rewarded
and who does it will not be
punished )
Eg: Divorce. It is disliked
but allowed and didn’t
forbid it.
Hadeeth Analysis
• Read and analyse the given hadeeth and identify the
disliked act mentioned in the hadeeth.
• Search for some of the disliked acts in Islam.
Forbidden acts are those which result in
harm, which is against Qur'an or hadeeth and
which is against our belief.

(The person who does
It can be classified into two. They are Minor
it will be punished sins and Major sins.
and who doesn’t do it will
be rewarded)

Every deed concerning which Allah has

warned as the doer of Hell or mentioned in
Qur'an / Hadeeth is a major sin.
Classify the following deeds according to their appropriate
Sharia rule:

Group Task
w/edit?usp=sharing Performing the Duha prayer / Eating bread / Telling lies /
Performing a voluntary prayer after Al-Asr prayer /
Reading one Juz of the Holy Qur'an every day /
Backbiting / Moving and looking around while performing
prayer / Fulfilling promises / Hunting / Inappropriate
dressing / Saying bad words to parents / Teasing others /
Walking in between Safa and Marwah / Giving sincere
advise / Buying an Iphone
‫الحكم الشرعي‬
‫كيفية تحديد األحكام الشرعية في‬
‫ الحالل والحرام في اإلسالم‬- ‫أوال‬ - 5 - 172 - 275
‫ الحالل والحرام‬- ‫األحاديث النبوية‬

• Complete the Quizizz.


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