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Practical Research 2 NON-

Prepared by: Alejandro Jr D. Cornelio
Learning Target:
I can describe characteristics (a
feature of something), strengths,
weaknesses, and kinds of
quantitative (about numeric
variable) research.
Activity #1:
Ask your partner a question using one of the newly learned words.
Your partner's answer must reflect his/her understanding of the
meaning of the new term. Swap roles after every correct response.

Q: If you are versatile, can the company assign you to any kind of
A: Sure, because as one who has the ability for varied task, i can do
any kind of work.
Non-Experimental Research
➔ is a way of finding out truths about a subject by describing
the collected data about such subject and determining
their relationships or connections with one another. Any
treatment or condition is not involved in this type of
research but there is measuring of variables.
➔ Once you do a non-experimental research, you deal both
with qualitative and quantitative data. Your desire to
discover people’s thoughts, views, feelings, and attitudes
about a certain societal issue, object, place, or event
causes you to use non-experimental research.
Characteristics of Non-Experimental Research
1. It is incapable of establishing cause-effect relationships. By itself, it
can take place in conjunction with other experimental and quasi-
experimental research methods.
2. It involves various ways of data analysis;
Primary- analysis of data collected by the researcher himself
Secondary- examination of data collected by other people.
Meta-analysis- analysis of data expressed numerically.
3. It uses research methods that are applicable to both quantitative
and qualitative data.
4. It collects data through survey, observation, historical studies, case
studies, documentary analysis.
Classification of Non-Experimental Research
1. Descriptive Research - observing and describing the
2. Correlational Research- examining if the two variables
has relationships.
3. Developmental Research- examining particular thing
in a particular period of time.
4. Survey Research- collecting information from the
Research Design of Non-Experimental Research

1. Specify the problem or the topic of your research.

2. Formulate the research problem or hypothesis.
3. Determine the dependent and independent variables.
4. Select the participants or subjects.
5. Decide on the specific type of experimental research, whether it will
be a true experimental or quasi-experimental research.
6. Conduct the experiment.
7. Collect, analyze and interpret the results.
Survey Research
➔is a method of research that aims at knowing
what a big number of people think and feel
about some sociological issues. The data it
collects from these people explain or describe
the societies thoughts, attitudes, and feelings
towards environmental issues.
Purpose of Survey Research
1. To obtain information about people’s opinions and feelings about
an issue.
2. To identify present condition, needs or problems of people in a
short span of time.
3. To seek answers to social problems.
4. To give school officials pointers on curricular offerings, guidance
and counselling services, teacher evaluation and others.
Planning a Survey Research
1. Explanation of objectives clearly.
2. Formulation of research questions or hypothesis to predict relationships of variables.
3. Determination of the exact kind of data referred to by the hypothesis or research
4. Assurance of the population or group of people to which the findings will be applied
5. Finalization of the sampling method for selecting the participants
6. identification of the method or instrument in collecting data, that is, whether it is a
questionnaire on paper, through phone, via computer or face to face.
Strengths of Survey Research

1. Versatility

2. Efficiency

3. Generality

4. Confidentiality
Weakness of Survey Research
1. It cannot provide sufficient evidence about the relationships
of variables.
2. It cannot examine the significance of some issues affecting
people’s social life.
3. It cannot have an effective application on all topics of

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