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Ice Age 1


1. Write a summary of Ice Age 1.


2. Make a presentation (4-5 minutes) for introducing Ice Age 1

and sharing your thoughts on it.
- introduce the movie (1-2 mins)
-favourite character and reason and your thoughts on this movie (2-3 mins)

You are Sid. Write a letter to Manny to

persuade him to/not to trust Diego. Give at
least 2 reasons to support your view.

1. stubborn (-)
2. persistent (+)
3. revenge
4. bet vs beg
5. treat
6. set up
7. spears
8. sword
9. dagger
Warm-up :D
Warm-up :D

1. A woolly mammoth
2. sabre-toothed tiger
3. giant ground sloth
Warm-up :D
1. Manny is covered with a thick shaggy
coat of _______ fur and four iches of
fat to keep him ______in the extreme
cold. Manny’s trunk is like a finger that
can ___ around objects. He sometimes
uses ____ to put others away.

warm / wrap / tusks / woolly

Warm-up :D
2. Deigo has big, _____ front legs, short
hind legs and a tail. His teeth are very
sharp and ____ . He always uses his
teeth when he is __________.

strong / hungry / big

Warm-up :D
3. Sid is about six-foot tall. He has
grinding teeth to help him ____ food.
He likes to eat _______, leaves and
bushes. Sid’s ________ claws are great
for gathering lots of food.

grass / chew / enormous

Comprehension questions :D
Watch this video:

1) What is the name of this video?

2) What are the animals doing?

3) What is Manny doing? Why are the other animals angry

about Manny?

4) Why does Sid not follow the crowd?

Watch this video:

1) What is the name of this video? The Migration

2) What were the animals doing? They were heading to the South
for migration.

3) What was Manny doing? Why were the other animals angry
about Manny?
Manny was going to the opposite direction. Manny blocked the
roads and knocked some animals down.

4) Why does Sid not follow the crowd?

Sid’s family left him behind.
Discussion questions:

1. What personalities does Manny have?

easily get angry -

ill-tempered/ bad temper

2. What personalities does Sid have?

Watch this video:

1) What flower did Sid eat ?

2) What are the name of animals who wanted to punish

Sid ?

3) How did Manny try to defend for Sid? bluffing

4) What did Manny use to push the rhinos away?

Watch this video:

1) What flower did Sid eat ? dandelion

2) What are the name of animals who wanted to punish Sid ?


3) How did Manny try to defend for Sid?

-rhinos were vegeterian
-don’t like animals killing others for pleasure
-bluffing - if you cross that sinkhole you get this lawn

4) What did Manny use to push the rhinos away?

-used his trunks and tusks
Ice Age 1

Warm-up :D
Warm-up :D
Warm-up :D hind legs
Warm-up :D Another word same as:

1. “big” = enormous
2. “easily get angry”=
3. “easily touched/have many emotions”
= sentimental
stubborn -persistent

migration/ migrating

Chewing food
Warm-up :D

1. A woolly mammoth
2. sabre-toothed tiger
3. giant ground sloth
Watch this video:

1. What was happening to the baby?

2. What did Manny suggest for Sid to do?

3. What tricks did they try to make baby happy?

Which trick(s) did they work?

4. What food did they find ?

Transcript (1):
You gotta make it stop. I can't ____________ anymore.
- I've eaten things that didn't complain this much. - He won't stop squirming.
- You're holding it wrong. - Watch its head.
Just put it down.
Sheesh! Pick him up, put him down,______________...
- Its nose is dry. - That means something's wrong with it.
- Someone should lick it. Just in case. - I'll do it.
- Hey, he's wearing one of those baby thingies. - So?
So if he poops, where does it go?
Humans are disgusting. (yes, they are)
OK, you. Check for poop.
Why am I the poop-checker?
Because _____________ the runt was your idea,
because you're small and insignificant
and because I'll pummel you if you don't.
- Why else? - Now, Sid.
Ew. Yuck. Ew.
I mean my goodness. Alright, look out, look out. Coming through.
- _______________. - Stop wavin' that thing around.
I'm gonna slip.
It's clean. Got ya!
Will you cut it out?
Transcript (2):

All right, let's get you all __________. I mean what's your daddy gonna say if you go back all smushy and stinky like this?
Let me just clean that up. That looks good. A little bit here.
- You clean up nice, little ______. - I think he's starting to look like me.
Hey Diego, what do you think?
Maybe we shouldn't do this.
Why not?
Because if we save him he'll grow up to be a hunter. And who do you think he'll hunt?
Maybe because we save him, he won't hunt us.
Yeah, and maybe he'll grow fur and a long skinny neck and call you Mama.
- What's your problem? - Nothing. Let's go. I'm freezing my tail off.
Hey, Diego. You frozen back there?
- _____________. - What?
- Shh, get down and follow me. - What's goin' on?
At the bottom of Half Peak, there's an ambush waiting for you.
- What? - What do you mean, "ambush"?
- You ____________. - It was my job.
- I was supposed to get the baby, but then... - You brought us home for dinner.
- That's it. You're out of the _______. - I'm sorry.
No, you're not. Not yet.
Watch this video:

1. What were Diego and his boss planning to do?


2. What does “an eye for an eye” mean? revenge

3. What was his boss order Diego to do in the end?

Watch this video:

1. Have they ever seen any drawings of sloth inside the


2. What did Manny see from the drawings? hunt -spears

-sword -knife/ dagger

3. Why was Manny touched when he looked at the baby?

Discussion questions:

1. What personalities do Manny, Sid and Diego have

from this video?

2. How did humans treat them? How did Manny, Sid

and Diego treat the humans?

3. What does it make you think?

-set up
Discussion questions:

1. What thoughts does this movie spur on you? What does it make you
think about?

2. What theme are present in this movie?

3. What do you think that the film is saying about our world?

4. If you were Manny/Diego, what would you still protect the children?

5. What character surprised you?

Discussion questions:

1. What thoughts does this movie spur on you? What does it make you think about?

2. What moments, character, or ideas resonated with you while watching this movie?
What about them? Why did you connect with them?

3. What theme are present in this movie?

4. What do you think that the film is saying about our world?

5. What character surprised you?

6. What part of the movie was the craziest?

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