Noun Clause & Relative Clause

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Noun Clause

20 Özgün Soru

Bu kaynak Remzi Hoca tarafından hazırlanmıştır.Ticari amaçla kullanılamaz.
1. Although voters think they are making rational 6. Unemployment is the condition of one -------- is capable
decisions based solely on the issues and facts, they of working, actively seeking work, but unable to find
are actually subtly influenced by a long list of other any work.
variables, most of ----------- operate at an unconscious
level. A) whom
B) when
A) where C) who
B) that D) where
C) whom E) whose
D) which
E) what 7. The twin imperatives of technological advancement
and counterterrorism have led to dramatic and
2. Since so many species in a food web are possibly irreversible changes in ---------- people can
interconnected, the demise of a one can mean expect to remain of private life.
extinction for several others ---------- depend on it for
food. A) what
B) that
A) what C) which
B) in which D) when
C) whose E) whose
D) where
E) that 8. Using a chemical ---------- blocks the creation of
memories, scientists have prevented rats from using
3. The command economic system relies on the cocaine after they had become addicted to the drug.
government to decide ------------ the country's resources
would best be allocated. A) in which
B) why
A) what C) whereby
B) why D) who
C) where E) that
D) how
E) whom 9. NASA announced today ---------- the first soil sample
baked in the Phoenix Mars Lander shows no signs of
4. Ethnologists are concerned with all aspects of culture water.
in the contemporary world and attempt to present a
perspective from ---------- to understand modern A) how
society. B) that
C) when
A) which D) if
B) where E) which
C) that
D) who 10. Studies of both the causes of underdevelopment and
E) whereby of policies and actions ---------- may accelerate
development are undertaken for a variety of reasons.
5. The biggest graveyard ever found in the region has
revealed ---------- ancient humans lived and died when A) whether
the desert was a grassy savanna about 10,000 years B) the fact that
ago. C) however
D) what
A) why E) that
B) which
C) whatsoever
D) who
E) how

11. When two particles such as photons are born from the 16. Millions of people have been perplexed at one time or
same event, they emerge entangled, meaning they can another by Rubik’s Cube, a fascinating puzzle ------
communicate instantaneously no matter -----------far took the world by storm in the 1980s.
apart they are.
A) who
A) what B) that
B) which C) where
C) how D) whereby
D) why E) how
E) if
17. A fossilized dinosaur known as Leonardo has shed
12. Birds -------- travel widely can understand warning light on ------------- Montana was like 77 million years
calls made by other bird species encountered during ago—including what the duck-billed reptile ate.
A) how
A) wherever B) which
B) whose C) what
C) whether D) where
D) whom E) whomever
E) that
18. The most important advantage of using liquid as fuel is
13. Early Apache were a nomadic people, ranging over ----------- they can be easily pumped and can also be
a wide area of -----------is now the United States; handled easily.
some groups roamed into Mexico as well.
A) which
A) what B) what
B) which C) why
C) where D) that
D) in which E) if
E) that
19. Those -------------are concerned with political stability
14. These are the areas of the world ----------are currently tend to see the low per capita incomes of the
suffering the highest levels of malnutrition and hunger. developing countries in relative terms; that is, in
relation to the high per capita incomes of the
A) where developed countries.
B) in which
C) which A) which
D) who B) whose
E) when C) when
D) who
15. The study of consciousness has long played a crucial E) what
role in the discipline of philosophy, ---------- facts about
such intuitions form the basis for some complex and 20. Dramatic hormonal fluctuations------------- occur after
influential philosophical arguments. delivery may contribute to postpartum depression in
susceptible women, but causes of the disorder are not
A) that fully understood.
B) where
C) which A) that
D) whether B) why
E) whatever C) whether
D) how
E) whomsoever

Noun Clause vs. Relative Clause
1 D 6 C 11 C 16 B
2 E 7 A 12 E 17 C

3 D 8 E 13 A 18 D

4 A 9 B 14 C 19 D

5 E 10 E 15 B 20 A


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