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Motivational Questions:

What is the video all about?

What is acceleration?
Giving the same amount of push,
which object was able to move,
the skate board or the car? Why?
Group 1. Boy A pulling a 10kg load and Boy B pulling a 20kg load

Question: Which among these boys require more force to pull

and move the load? Why?
Answer: Boy B will require more force to accelerate the load,
because force is directly proportional to the mass of an object.
Group 2. Applying more force to an object with the same mass

Question: Which figure will have greater acceleration? Why?

Answer: The second figure with more force will have greater
acceleration, because given the same mass, and greater force
applied will make the object accelerate at a higher rate.
Group 3. A boy and a girl on the Swing

Question: Given the same amount of force, who will have a

greater movement on the swing, the boy or the girl? Why?
Answer: The girl, because she has lesser mass and mass is
inversely proportional to acceleration.
 Group 1. What is the relationship between mass and force?

Answer: Mass is directly proportional to Force. An object with higher

mass will require more force to accelerate an object.
 Group 2. What is the relationship between force and acceleration?

Answer: Force is directly proportional to Acceleration. The greater is

the force applied, the higher is the rate of acceleration.
 Group 3. What is the relationship between mass and acceleration?
Answer: Mass is inversely proportional to Acceleration. Lesser mass
will have higher rate of acceleration.
Law of Acceleration
(Newton’s Second Law of Motion)
 The acceleration of an object is directly
proportional to the magnitude of the net force
acting on it and is inversely proportional to its
 This statement actually pertains to Newton’s
second law of motion or Law of Acceleration,
because it is concerned with the relation of
acceleration to mass and force.
Law of Acceleration
(Newton’s Second Law of Motion)
 This can be expressed in equation form as:
Acceleration = Net force/mass
a = Fnet / mass

 This is often rearranged as: Fnet = ma

 Force has a unit and is expressed in newton (N). One newton is
defined as the amount of force required to give a 1-kg mass an
acceleration of 1 m/s/s, or
1 newton (N) = 1 kg.m/s2
Do the application by group!

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