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Tambola Rules

• This will be played online as well as offline

• Those who have opted to play offline, can collect the ticket from Ticket Counter on 9th
floor R&D
• Those who have opted to play it online, will receive their tickets on 13th Oct on mail with
their respective ticket numbers
• Online participants can use MS Paint to mark/cut the numbers
• Late entry will not be entertained. Window to join the call is 5 min after start/5 numbers
being picked.
• Raise your hand to call out any winning entry and mention your ticket number
• Winning entries will be verified by organisers
• Rules for the game will communicated by host
• Decision of backend team will be final
Categories for Winning in Tambola
• Full House – all numbers crossed
• Top Row – all numbers in top row crossed
• Middle Row – all numbers in middle row crossed
• Bottom Row – all numbers in Bottom row crossed
• Early 5 – first 5 numbers crossed out

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