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1.) Transformations of Logical

Connectives: Negation,
Conjunction, Disjunction,
Conditional, and Biconditional
2.) Transformations of
Conditionals: Converse, Inverse,
and Contrapositive
Elementary Logic
• A reasoning conducted according to the
principles of validity.
• It allows one to determine whether an
argument is valid or not.
• Statements are used to reason in
Elementary Logic.
Proposition – is a statement
that may be expressed an idea What is a

which can be true or false but

definitely not both.
Not a Proposition – is a
statement that cannot be
determined as true and/or
Identify each statement if it is a proposition or not a

1.) 5 + 2 = 8 Proposition
2.) Square is a quadrilateral. Proposition
3.) Do you have a class today? Not a Proposition

4.) x + y = 7 Not a Proposition

Identify each statement if it is a proposition or not a

5.) 3 + 7 > 10 Proposition

6.) Open the door! Not a Proposition

7.) Caloocan is the capital of Philippines.
8.) x = 10 Not a Proposition
Logical Connectives
Statements Connectives Symbolic Type of
Forms Statements
Not P Not ~P Negation
P and Q And P^Q Conjunction

P or Q Or PvQ Disjunction

If P, then Q If…, then… P⇒Q Conditional

P if and only if Q If and only if P⇔Q Biconditional

Examples: Write the required statement given the
indicated connectives.
P: Triangle has three sides.
Q: Triangle has three corners.
R: The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180◦.
1.) ~P Triangle doesn’t have three sides.
2.) ~R The sum of the interior angles of a
triangle is not 180◦.
3.) P^Q Triangle has three sides and three
4.) ~P^Q Triangle doesn’t have three sides and has
three corners.
Examples: Write the required statement given the
indicated connectives.
P: Triangle has three sides.
Q: Triangle has three corners.
R: The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180◦.

5.) PvQ Triangle has three sides or has three

6.) P⇔R Triangle has three sides if and only if the
sum of its interior angles is 180◦.
7.) Q⇔P Triangle has three corners if and only if
it has three sides.
Examples: Write the required statement given the
indicated connectives.
P: Triangle has three sides.
Q: Triangle has three corners.
R: The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180◦.

8.) ~P⇔~R Triangle doesn’t have three sides if and

only if the sum of its interior angles is
not 180◦.
9.) Pv~Q Triangle has three sides or triangle
doesn’t have three corners.
Conditional Statements - are
statements which are in the form “If
P, then Q.” P is the hypothesis while Q
is the conclusion.

The following are the transformations of

Conditional P⇒Q (If P, then Q)

Converse of conditional Q⇒P (If Q, then P) How do we

Inverse of conditional ~P⇒~Q (If not P, then not Q) CONDITIONALS?

Contrapositive of ~Q⇒~P (If not Q, then not P)

Examples: Write the required statement given the
indicated connectives.
P: Triangle has three sides.
Q: Triangle has three corners.
1.) P⇒Q If a triangle has three sides, then it has
three corners. (CONDITIONAL)
2.) Q⇒P If a triangle has three corners, then it has
three sides. (CONVERSE)
3.) ~P⇒~Q If a triangle doesn’t have three sides,
then it doesn’t have three corners. (INVERSE)
4.) ~Q⇒~P If a triangle doesn’t have three corners,
then it doesn’t have three sides.
More example of transformations of logical
Write the required statement given the indicated
P: 2x + 1 = 21
Q: x = 10
1.) ~Q x is not equal to 10. (Negation)
2.) ~P 2x+1 is not equal to 21. (Negation)
3.) Q⇔P x=10 if and only if 2x+1=21. (Biconditional)
4.) ~P ⇔ ~Q 2x+1 is not equal to 21 if and only if x
is not equal to 10. (Biconditional)
Write the required statement given the indicated
P: 2x + 1 = 21
Q: x = 10

5.) P⇒Q If 2x+1=21, then x=10. (Conditional)

6.) ~Q⇒~P If x is not equal 10, then 2x+1
is not equal 21. (Contrapositive)
7.) Q⇒P If x=10, then 2x+1=21. (Converse)
8.) ~P⇒~Q If 2x+1 is not equal to 21, then x is
not equal to 10. (Inverse)

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