Zimbabwe Crisis: Sunny Lee

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Zimbabwe Crisis

Sunny Lee

Brief Overview
Where? Zimbabwe What? Everything Cholera, Political, Economic Instability, Human Rights Abuse, Water Shortage, Food Shortage, Riots

Who? Zimbabweans (are suffering), Mr. Mugabe in the spotlight, other nations such as UK, International Organizations

At least 12,545 cases of cholera have been recorded over the same period The UN says at least 565 people have died from the cholera outbreak, which began in August though correspondents say the real death toll could be much higher

WHAT is Zimbabwe Doing?

Health Minister David Parirenyatwa said hospitals were in urgent need of medicine, food, equipment, staff and that

"Our central hospitals are literally not functioning."

Zimbabwe appealing for international to tackle the outbreak BUT as recently as last week, Zimbabwean officials had said there was no need to view cholera as an emergency.

The Problems do not End Here...

Water Shortage
Zimbabwe is suffering from a shortage of clean water Many high-density areas of Harare have been without water for several months already. Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) claimed that they were not aware that they were running out of water purification chemicals On Wednesday, the European Commission said it would provide more than $12m (8m) for drugs and clean water in Zimbabwe.

What does this do to the Outbreak?

The degradation of the water supply and sanitation systems are one of the root causes of the cholera outbreak

Proper hygiene is the best protection against cholera

An emergency clinic is treating about 200 severe cases. Each one needs about 60 liters of water a day. Rainy season started, and this will make the crisis worse because the rain water will wash the bacteria into the shallow wells which people have dug to get drinking water

Economic Instability
Zimbabwe's annual inflation rate has soared to 231,000,000% in June 2008 This year's harvest in Zimbabwe has been the worst in the country's modern history.

The UN World Food Programme estimates that two million people are in need of food aid, and that the figure will rise to 5.1 million, which is 45% of the population, by early 2009.
Unemployment is reported to be about 80% of the adult population.

Political Instability
Political instability is exacerbating all matters Mr. Brown Government in Zimbabwe was now broken and the state was unable or unwilling to protect its people. Tension between Mr Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai Human rights violation by Mr. Magabe

About the Tension

Corrupted Election: Despite the democratic election in Zimbabwe, the election is generally viewed to be the result of violence, corruption, and coercion by Mr. Mugabe Mr. Tsvangirai wants revote The two agreed to share power in September (Zimbabwe Deal) to tackle the country's economic meltdown but they have been unable to agree on the allocation of cabinet posts Many leaders want Mr. Mugabe to step down

Is this a national problem?

NO, its an international issue because... the disease crosses borders the systems of government in Zimbabwe are now broken, and there is no state capable or willing to protecting its people actions must be taken to defend human rights and democracy, and to tell Mugabe that enough is enough

Human Rights Victims of greed Unfair in many ways

How it Affects Us
May not have direct impact

Human rights is a universal issue that every country and everybody should be concerned of -> makes us realize how fortunate we are Shows the result of the breakdown of economy and politics -> can be a wake up call for Korea

and have a nice break :D

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