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What Time is it?

God ordained the times and

the seasons and expects us to
understand them in order to
know what we are supposed
to be doing in every season.
If we do not know what
God expects from us in a
particular season, how do
we end up knowing if we
were successful or not?
Every age has its unique challenges, and those
who understand the times tend to lead the way.
1 Chr. 12:32
32 of the sons of Issachar who had
understanding of the times, to know what
Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two
hundred; and all their brethren were at their
(we shall come back to this scripture)
Ecclesiastes 3:1
To everything there is a
season, A time for every
purpose under heaven:
SEASON: 02165 ‫ ְזַמן‬zeman {zem-awn'}
Meaning: A set time, appointed time.

This is used to define:

1.A point in time, (Within the calendar, a date)
2.The "right time," (The perfect, time,
appropriate time)
3.A period of time (the specific length of time)
TIME: 06256 `eth {ayth}
Meaning: occurrence, occasion

1.The time (of an event)

2.The (usual) time ( lunchtime, bedtime etc.
3.Experiences, fortunes (a particular time
when something happened, when you were
born, got married, graduated)
PURPOSE chephets {khay'-fets}
1. Delight, pleasure
2. Desire, longing
3. That in which one takes delight.
These two HEBREW words for
time in the Old Testament have
generally the same meaning as
the two more commonly used
GREEK words for time in the New
These Ancient Greek
words both represent
Time but the main
difference between these
words is:…
Kronos: measures time in
seconds, minutes, hours,
days, years etc. this is the
word which measures
Quantity of time.
Kairos: measures time in the
best moments of life, it
measures the Quality of time.
It does not measure Minutes
but it measures moments
The Greeks had three distinct
concepts of human time:
All these are used in the New
testament and have distinct
Means Historical time,
beyond an individual or
even a generation.(also
means a lifetime)
Means clock time and
calendar time.
Means the right or
opportune time.
Together, they explain
human existence,
humanity’s place in a
temporal world as we move
forward towards eternity
Overshadowing all this is one
more concept of time that God
uses to govern our concepts of
Eternal time known as
AIOUNOUS, time without end.
Some examples today would be:
Today would be an AGE:
-Gen X, Millenials, Gen Z .
-The 1st - 4th Industrial revolution,
(Time outside of an individual or
individuals lifetime.)
Today would be the
measurement of the same in
minutes, hours, days, weeks,
months years.
It is now precisely: ??
Today would be the life-changing
and impacting events on this day
or within the past few weeks,
months or years that marked
turning points for you as an
individual, community or nation.
Ephesians 5:15-16
Look carefully then how you walk,
not as unwise but as wise, making
the best use of (redeeming) the
time (Kairos-opportunities),
because the days are evil.
In Ephesians 5.
Paul instructs us to make the
best use of the kairos – to pay
attention and take advantage
of the opportunities within
given seasons.
The Kingdom is not about how well
you have been able to account or fill
up Kronos time (24 hours)
It’s about how many life-fulfilling, life-
changing, life-impacting, life-
improving, life-altering opportunities
you have been able to be a part of for
yourself and for others.
It is important to note that in
Hebrews Chapter 11 (Heroes
of Faith)
There is no mention of dates
or time, just Kairos
In fact if the Books of the Bible
are arranged in a Kairos order
and not Chronologically.
If we arrange the books of the
Bible in Chronological order
this is what you get:
Old Testament:
John 1:1, Genesis Chapters
1-8, Job Chapters 1-40,
Genesis Chapters 12-50
then Exodus and so on.
New Testament:
John, Mark, Mathew
then Luke and so on….
The question really should not be
This speaks more to specific, God-
ordained times throughout history
(Aions), sometimes called the
"right time" or "appointed season"
Titus. 1:1-3
1 Paul, a bondservant of God and an apostle of Jesus
Christ, according to the faith of God's elect and the
acknowledgment of the truth which accords with
2 in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie,
promised before time (aionios) began,
3 but has in due time (Kairos) manifested His word
through preaching,(the proceeding word) which was
committed to me according to the commandment of
God our Savior;
The Kingdom of God manifests in
Kairos moments, at Kronos
Kairos is God's dimension—one not
marked by the past, the present, or
the future.
They are our “access points” of
Kingdom realities in the earth.
John the Baptist said in
Mark 1:15 that "time
(Kairos) is fulfilled, and
the kingdom of God is
at hand."
The cross was another Kairos
Romans 5:6 says, "For while
we were still helpless, at the
right time (Kairos), Christ
died for the ungodly."
These Kairos moments do
not manifest by numbering
or dates but by obedience
and compliance (alignment),
which is also known as
hearing and doing.
Acts 17:26
26 "And He has made from one
blood every nation of men to
dwell on all the face of the earth,
and has determined their pre-
appointed times (kairoses) and
the boundaries of their dwellings,
This simply means God has an
amazing purpose for your life which
is NOT tied to dates but to opportune
moments meant for your well-being
within “boundaries” not of limitation
but of “maximum output”, where
you will excel and be fulfilled.
Now this is not a formula we can calculate:
Dan. 2:20-21
20 Daniel answered and said: "Blessed be the
name of God forever and ever, For wisdom and
might are His.
21 And He changes the times
(adan/dates/chronos) and the seasons
(zeman/Kairos); He removes kings and raises up
kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge
to those who have understanding (discernment).
That is why we live by a
It is quite dangerous to live on the
premise of Prophecy that is tied to
calendar dates either by attempting to
use dating to work out the purposes of
God or by attempting to predict
Kingdom movements using Kronos.
God’s purposes cannot be
regulated by human
activities, in actual fact it is
His word that regulates
Human activities.
1 Chronicles 12:32
32 And of the children of Issachar,
which were men that had
understanding of the times to know
what Israel ought to do; the heads of
them were two hundred; and all their
brethren were at their
We are introduced to Issachar in
Genesis 30:18
He was the ninth son of Jacob and the
fifth son of Leah.
That already gives us a picture of one
who understands spiritual matters
and can impart them to others for
execution or execute them himself.
The word understanding here has not
ONE but TWO Hebrew meanings

0998 biynah {bee-naw'}

Meaning: Discernment, deep insight

03045 yada` {yaw-dah'}

Meaning: To have Knowledge and skill
Genesis 49:14
14 Issachar is a strong
donkey couching down
between two burdens:
Some of the great events in the Bible took place
in the presence of a "donkey" or with a “donkey”.
-The "donkey" was there when Abraham
prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac.
-The "donkey" was part of the pilgrimage made
by the brothers of Joseph to request food from
-And it was the donkey that carried Jesus into
Jerusalem just one week before his crucifixion.
Notice is each of these
occurrences the donkey
was used as a burden
The tribe of Issachar was
known for their ability and
readiness to “build
capacity”, even under the
undesirable conditions of
being under oppression.
1 Chronicles 7:5
5 And their brethren among all
the families of Issachar were
valiant men of might, reckoned
in all by their genealogies
fourscore and seven thousand
Valiant men are:
1.Those that go beyond the ordinary.
2.Not self-serving.
3.Are not addicted to mediocrity.
4.Who go out of their way to do
what they ought to do or what can
be done.
So they were not only discerning
and skilled, they had “capacity”
The men of Issachar not only
understood what God was doing
but they knew how to respond to
what God was doing.
They had a strategy.
We can understand the times and
even understand what the
proceeding Word says but this
means nothing unless we can then
act upon that information.
We have to be able to respond to
In conclusion:
1.Study yesterday it will help you live today.
Yesterday was meant to prepare you to live
If you didn’t learn yesterday’s lessons,
determine to learn them today.
That way today will be your wisdom for
2.Through the Prophetic
and proceeding Word
discern Tomorrow and let
the power of your future
sight draw you into
3.Act today, that will
guarantee that your
tomorrow will be achieved
according to the Word,
then do it all over again
……THE END……..

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