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Name:- kanak Sisodia

Class :- IX C
Roll. No:- 10
Subject :- English Grammar
Topic:- Presentation on Reported Speech
Submitted to:- Roopali ma'am
Reported Speech
Defination:-When we tell someone what another
person said we use reported speech . For this, we can use
Direct speech or Indirect speech

1.) Indirect speech:- Indirect speech is a speech which tells you

what someone said, but does not use the person's actual words.
2.) Direct Speech:- Direct speech is used to report or rather repeat
the words spoken by the speaker or writer in the way it is told by the
Change in Tense
Direct Speech Indirect speech
Present Simple Past Simple
Present Continuous Past continuous
Present perfect Past perfect
Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous
Simple past Past perfect
Past continuous Past perfect continuous
Will Future Would+Bare Infinite
Can Could
Have to Had to
Imperative To Infinite
Rules for changing direct
Speech into indirect speech
Rule 1:- We must leave out the comma after the
reporting verb and we must remove the inverted
Example:- Direct speech:- Rani said "I have a ball."
Indirect speech:-Rani said that she had a ball.
Rule 2:- We must use the conjunction "that" before the
Indirect speech begins :, but the use of "that" is optional, not
Rule 3:- We must change all the present tenses into
Present Tense Direct Past Tense Indirect Speech
Is/am Was
Are Were
Can Could
Have/Has Had
May Might
Will Would
Shall Should
Rule 4:- We must also change pronoun.
Direct Speech. Indirect speech
I He/She
You I/We
We They
Rule 5:- Direct speech Indirect speech
Words of nearness Words expressing distance
1. This That
2. These Those
3. Now Then
4. Today That day
5. Ago Before
6. Tonight That night
7. This week That week
8. Next week The following week
9. Here There
10. Thus So
11. Hence Thence
12. Come Go
13. Yesterday The previous day
Conversation of Assertive sentences from
Direct to Indirect speech
1.) The reporting verb said changes into told, replied, informed,
remarked, declared, confessed or answered as required.
Direct : Naina said ,'Tarun is a good host.'
Indirect : Naina remarked that Tarun was a good host.
2.) If the reporting verb is not followed by an object, it is not
Direct : Gagan said, 'The results are out'.
Indirect : Gagan said that the results were out .
3.) Inverted commas are removed and the conjunction that is
used to connect the reported speech and the principal clause.
4.) All nouns and pronouns in the vocative case in the reported
speech are made the objects of the reporting verb.
Conversion of Interrogative sentences
from Direct to Indirect speech
1.) We change the reporting verb said or told into
asked or enquired or demanded.
2.) If the question is introduced by a wh-question
word (who, whom, what, which, when , where, why,
3.) If the question is a Yes/No answer-type question,
i.e ,if it begins with a finite verb or its auxiliary
4.) We remove the quotation marks (" " or ' ').
5.) The conjunction that is not used .
Conversation of Imperative sentences
from Direct to Indirect speech
1.) We change the reporting verb into a verb signifying a
command, request, or advice.
A command can be expressed by the words command. Order,
tell , charge, etc.
A request can be expressed by the words request, beg, ask,
implore, entreat, desire, etc.
An Advice can be denoted by the words advice, urge, exhort,
2.) The verb of the reported speech is changed into an infinitive.
3.) If the reported speech is negative, the word not is placed
before the to-infinitive.
4.) No conjunction is used in order to introduce the reported
Conversion of Optative sentences
from Direct to Indirect speech
1.) The reporting verb said is changed to wish/pray/long
for/yearn/earnestly desire, etc.
2.) We use that to introduce the indirect speech.
3.) We change the Optative sentences into the assertive
sentence and replace the sign of exclamation(!) With a full
Stop (.) .
4.) Tenses, pronoun and words denoting nearness are
changed according to the tenses already stated .
Example:- Direct speech:- We said,'Long live the queen! '
Indirect speech:- We prayed that the queen might live long .
Conversion of Exclamatory sentences
from Direct to Indirect speech
1.) We change the reporting verb said and write to exclaim
with sorrow/joy/fear/anger,etc., applaud,regret,curse,cry
out or any other such verb that properly conveys the tone of
the exclamation.
2.) We use the conjunction that to introduce the reported
3.) The sentences which are incomplete or express sudden
feeling are changed into full sentences.
4.) Tenses, pronouns and words denoting nearness are
changed according to the rules already stated.
5.) If an Exclamatory sentence begins with words like how or
what, omit them in the indirect form of speech. Express their
sense by using the words great,big,very, etc.

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