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Spoken languages: Arabic, Japanese

Tatsuki …………………………..
She …………………………..


He ……………………………..
Handicapped Can drive
Mike………………, …………..
Unit 5. Functions

Part 1

Expressing Addition

Study the text:
Women who work outside can also take care of the house and
family. An example is Aziza who raises her children and she
takes them to school everyday. In addition, she owns a small
business in her small village. Also, She is good at speaking
English as well as playing tennis. Not only Aziza raises her
children but she also runs a small business…According to Aziza
children in rural areas need good schools as well as health care.
True or False
1. Working wives don’t have
enough time for family.
2. Aziza is good at speaking
English only
3. Children in Rural areas need only good schools
What working women can do
Activity 1 Linking word Activity 2

1. They can work outside can also they take care of the house and family.

2. Aziza…………………………. ………….. ……………………………………………

3. …………………………………. ………….. …………………………………………….

4. …………………………………. ………….. …………………………………………….

5. …………………………………. ………….. …………………………………………….

Study these examples:
1. Aziza raises her children. In addition, she owns a small
business in her small village.

Other expressions: Moreover, Also, Additionally,

2. She is good at speaking English as well as playing tennis.

Other expressions: and/ besides
3. Along with raising her children, Aziza runs a small business…

In addition to
4. Not only Aziza raises her children but she also runs a small
Not only …….but she also …..…
Watching Tv

Eating popcorn
Salima is……………………………
She is……………………………

Ronald is……………………………
He continues his higher education

works at the bank.

Part 2

Expressing Concession
She practices sports, but she……
“Karima was forced to get
married early by her parents
despite being a minor child. Even
though she is still a 14 year-old
child, she is smart enough and
aware to reject this illegal act ,
but her parents obliged her to
marry a rich husband.”
1. Did Karima decide to get married? Why?
Karima was forced …..despite being a minor child
but her parents obliged her to marry a rich husband.
2. Is Karima aware of illegality of child marriage?
Even though she is still a child, she is smart enough and aware.”
Even though, Even if…..
1. Even though she is still a 14 year-old child, she is
Yet, Nevertheless, Whereas
2. Moroccan women attend literacy classes. However, they
still don’t write and speak foreign languages like French and

3. In spite of being illiterate, Moroccan women raise well
educated children.
4. In spite of illiteracy, Moroccan women raise well educated
children. + Noun +Gerund//
Noun //
In spite of // Despite The fact that
I am a

married child
She is………………,but………………
I am a

married child
Even if………………, ……………….

He is………………,but………………

Although………………., he ………………..
Graduated Blind

My name is Suma, I am blind

Even though…………………, she……………..
Graduated Blind

My name is Suma, I am blind

Despite…………………, she……………..
Took GPS
Sam……………………. However, he……………..
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Functions: Expressing Addition and Concession
Expressions of addition Examples
Also, Moreover, Aziza raises her children. In addition, she owns a small business in
In addition, Additionally, her small village. ………...….., + S+ V

As well as, besides Children in rural areas need good schools as well as hospitals.

Along with, In addition to Along with raising her children. Aziza runs a small business…
+ V+ ing
Not only….but….also…. Not only Aziza raises her children but she also runs a small business

Expressions of Examples
Although, Though, Although Marya is a minor girl, she is aware and smart like an adult.
Even though, Even If
However, Yet, Moroccan women attend literacy classes. However, they still don’t
Nevertheless write and speak foreign languages.
In spite of, Despite of In spite of the fact that they are illiterate, Moroccan women raise well
(+ Gerund/ Noun/ educated children.
the fact that) In spite of being illiterate, …………..

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