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Setting Advertising

Goals & Objectives

Lecture 4
What is the
goals and
Goals vs. objectives

• Goals are often achievable, long-term, and broad. A company might use high-level goals to set the
direction for, or inform the yearly strategies for each department.

• Objectives define specific and measurable actions that each team or employee must use to achieve the
overall goal.
Business goals examples:
• Maximizing net profit
• Becoming an industry leader in your field
• Obtaining brand loyalty from desired consumers
• Providing top of the line service
Advertising Advertising has three primary objectives:
to inform, to persuade, and to remind.

Informative advertising creates awareness of brands,

products, services, and ideas. It announces new
products and programs and can educate people about
the attributes and benefits of new or established
Advertising Goals
• Advertising goals are the specific, measurable, and time-bound
objectives that businesses set for their digital advertising
campaigns. These objectives help to guide the creation and
execution of digital advertising strategies and ensure that the
digital advertising efforts are aligned with the overall business
• There are many different types of advertising goals, and the
specific goals you set will depend on your target audience,
budget, and advertising objectives.
Types of advertising goals
• Brand Awareness: This goal is about getting your
target audience to recognize your brand and associate it
with your products or services through digital
marketing channels.
• Lead Generation: This goal is about generating leads
and collecting contact information from potential
customers through digital marketing channels.
• Sales: This goal is about driving sales and revenue
through your digital marketing efforts.
• Customer Retention: This goal is about retaining
existing customers and keeping them engaged with
your brand through digital marketing channels.
Types of advertising goals

• Increased Engagement: This goal is about increasing

engagement with your target audience, such as likes,
comments, and shares on your social media channels
through digital marketing efforts.
• Influencer Marketing: This goal is about leveraging
influencer marketing to reach a larger audience and
increase brand awareness through digital marketing
• Improved Reputation: This goal is about improving
your brand's reputation and building trust with your
target audience through digital marketing efforts.
What are
SMART goals?
• If you want to run a successful marketing campaign, you
need to have clear and measurable objectives that align
with your business goals.

• SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific,

Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-

• SMART goals are statements that describe what you want

to accomplish, how you will measure your progress,
whether it is realistic and attainable, how it relates to your
How to match campaign objectives with SMART goals?

1- Identify your campaign objectives: which are the broad outcomes that you want to
achieve with your marketing campaign. For example, your objective might be to increase
brand awareness, generate leads, or boost sales.

2- You need to break down your objectives into smaller and more specific goals that can
be measured and tracked. For example, if your objective is to increase brand awareness,
your goal might be to reach 10,000 new followers on social media in three months.

3- You need to check if your goals meet the SMART criteria and revise them if necessary.
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