IP KCS Kick-Off Information

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Integrated Project

Taking catering further together, how

will the new KCS look?

Deia Richardson, Younes Boulaksil

1 Aviation Logistics
Creating a Business Case......for your
respective project

2 Aviation Logistics
Learning Objectives
ILO 1: Identify and analyse the end-to-end supply chain, including all the elements faced in the chain and the elements faced
by the stakeholders.
ILO 2: Evaluate the end-to-end supply chain to identify bottlenecks from the point of view of key stakeholders. This is also
with respect to the impact these bottlenecks have on the supply chain and/or the stakeholders in the supply chain.
ILO 3: Analyse the underlying problem(s) to develop solutions to these bottlenecks or inefficiencies by using effective,
innovative solutions to the operations plan.
ILO 4: Evaluate solutions, from at least a business, financial and logistical perspective, to determine the best solution for the
bottleneck or inefficiency to be revised.
ILO 5: Demonstrate effective, written communication skills by disseminating the project results to peers and professionals.
ILO 6: Identify and draw up one personal and one team development goal that contributes to the collaboration
ILO 7: Reflect on the development goals, substantiated by concrete examples from the project

3 Aviation Logistics
Main trends challenging supply chain
Adoption of business models in which services are offered on demand through direct
contact between a customer and supplier, uberization
4 Aviation Logistics
Various challenges
 These are for you to identify, however, underneath you will find a few examples
 Shipper
• Make bookings, reliability, speed
• Forwarder
• Distribution, warehousing
 Integrator
• Distribution, warehousing
 Airline operations
• Offer product services, message interactions, flight planning, warehousing
 Consignee
• Payments, tracking
What is the overall strategy? What is the relation between these parties and what are the challenges there? How can we arrange
and align operations so that both internal and external operations are improved? How can we reduce uncertainty and improve
the overall performance? Etc

5 Aviation Logistics
Assignment – develop a business case
KCS has the following challenges:
1. Focussing on individual passenger orders instead of standard loading for a whole
Currently, we put standard loads on board (the same for every passenger),
but we see in the world around us that there is an increasing demand for special
meals. We also see home deliveries which can deliver to the
Transavia fleet. KCS is still a long way from this!

2. Being able to move along with changing volumes and capacities and context
Currently we are not able to anticipate fast when flight schedules change. Reasons for this
are among others long lead times of products, stock control and shortage of personnel.
We need to look at the total process from placing the first order from KLM to delivery on
board. The aim is to be as flexible as possible until the flight has departed.

6 Aviation Logistics
2 groups per challenge, you must choose
Assignment – develop a business case
3. 50% reduction of waste (costs) per passenger
At present, we have approximately 250 grams of waste per passenger, which goes straight
into the waste pile! We need to reduce this. In addition, we can probably find a revenue

4. Turnaround time (from customer order to delivery on board) within 8 hours

Currently, we start the production of an ICA flight around 24 hours before departure. The
desire is to achieve this within 8 hours.
We produce the EUR/KLC fleet at 8h before departure, KLM's wish is to produce this even
closer to departure.

Every group analyses the 4 challenges on a high level and provides some
possible solution, ONE of the challenges must be worked out in detail

7 Aviation Logistics
Goal from KCS
1. Think about the specifications the catering product must meet to make the solution

2. Design a catering production process that realises the solution

3. KCS has been leading for years with innovations. The hope is that you come up with
nice creative ideas where KCS can follow the line of KLM.

8 Aviation Logistics
Assignment continued
 Implementing state-of-the-art innovations in the supply chain
 Improving internal operations as well as the alignment/collaboration between supply chain partners
 Looking at the supply chain from both a business and customer perspective
 How can we create more value? What value? For whom? Etc.
 Do research on innovations within air cargo, or any other industry, that can benefit the supply chain
 Dive into your innovative solutions!
 This project requires a lot of self-study and analysis of professional/academic literature
 Challenging (theoretical) assignment
 Encouraged to make use of data and knowledge from each other

9 Aviation Logistics
Assignment description

 Which innovative solutions can you create for the challenges you have identified? How do these solutions help the
problem you identified? What requirements are there for this solutions? What does it require from stakeholders in
the supply chain? What strategy is needed? How does this strategy affect the targets/metrics set?

 Create a business case for your innovative solution. Analyze and demonstrate the logistical, financial and
business impact of your solution(s). Also, evaluate your solutions! Why is this the “optimal” solution for your
identified problem? How will you involve all stakeholders? Think about the implementation and propose the
“optimal” way in your business case/integration proposal

10 Aviation Logistics
Important items to consider

• You are encouraged to make use of the data provided to you

• You are asked to really dive into the processes happening in the air cargo supply chain, coming up with
challenges and bottlenecks requires detailed knowledge on activities being performed by each stakeholder
• Solutions identified may already exist, make sure to cover why you think in your case it works
• Reasoning is very important. Do not “just” say that it will work, we need you to show how/why/what it will
• Make sure to use the knowledge and tools provided to you in the workshops and lectures
• Be creative! You are highly encouraged to think outside of the box

11 Aviation Logistics

Consider in your analysis/business innovation:

Technical aspect,
Future possibilities
Law and regulation
Safety, Security, liability and Insurance
Social aspects
Sustainability, including environmental impact
Financial and economic impact
Intra-hospital transportations are not permitted

12 Aviation Logistics
IP Menu Card

Asset Management
Technology and Innovation
Business Case Writing
Change Management
Quantitative Analysis

13 Aviation Logistics
Research Plan
Deadline: Friday 22nd September 2023, 18:00 LT
Submit to BrightSpace

Exchange Symposium
Tuesday 7th October, 2023

Detailed Powerpoint Presentation

Deadline: Sunday 15th January 2024, 18:00 LT
Submit to BrightSpace

Presentation and Defense

Week of15th January 2024, specific dates to be determined

14 Aviation Logistics
Research Plan
Assignment description:
Write a research plan

Minimum requirements:
1.Introduction (research aim, research objective, questions, sub-questions)
2.Literature Review
3.Description of Project Activities with time scale
4.Research Methods

Research plan (PDF-format). Business case is the final
Submit on Bright Space
Assessment: GO or NO-GO.
Deadline: Friday 22nd September, 18:00 LT on Bright Space.

15 Aviation Logistics
Exchange Symposium
Improvement Opportunity
You are to present their opportunities during the Exchange Symposium Day to other teams.

Tuesday 7th October 2023

Early Session:
Teams present their opportunities to peer teams (any individual presents).
Peer assessment of opportunities
Recommendations for improvement will be provided

Later Session:
These recommendations for improvement are incorporated in the project in this session

16 Aviation Logistics
To pass the evaluation of the Integrated Product, a final grade of 5.5 or higher is required.

Integrated Project 1
ILO 1: Identify and analyse the end-to-end supply chain, including all the elements faced in the chain and the elements faced by the stakeholders. - 30%

ILO 2: Evaluate the end-to-end supply chain to identify bottlenecks from the point of view of key stakeholders. This is also with respect to the impact these bottlenecks have on the supply chain and/or the
stakeholders in the supply chain. 30%

ILO 3: Analyse the underlying problem(s) to develop solutions to these bottlenecks or inefficiencies by using effective, innovative solutions to the operations plan. 80%

ILO 4: Evaluate solutions, from at least a business, financial and logistical perspective, to determine the best solution for the bottleneck or inefficiency to be revised. 40%

ILO 5: Demonstrate effective, written communication skills by disseminating the project results to peers and professionals. 20%

Presentation (group assessment) 40%

Written professional product (individual assessment) 60%

Individually graded

17 Aviation Logistics

• Consultations
• Groups 1 to 4 are with Younes Boulaksil
• Groups 5 to 8 are with Delia Richardson

18 Aviation Logistics
Recommended sources
Journal articles
Professional literature
Smartest Connected Cargo Airport Schiphol (research)

20 Aviation Logistics

Good luck with your assignment!

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